TenPilates London

Living in Europe, I have missed sweating with my blogger friends in New York City! On an almost weekly basis we would enjoy at least one workout together either on our own or due to a sponsored event. These workouts not only gave us an opportunity to catch up but also exposure to a number of fun, new workouts over the years ranging from yoga to intense bootcamps. You name it, I tried it during my three years of blogging in New York City.

Each weekend that I am in London I try to fill this workout class void by scheduling at least one workout with a fellow blogger. Luckily last weekend my girl Charlie planned another wonderful blogger event which coincided with my time in London and happened to include a workout which was new to me – dynamic reformer Pilates!

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TenPilates hosted our group of 7 bloggers for an hour long class Saturday morning during which time our instructor Matt, would lead us through an introduction to the machine and ensure that our muscles were crying for mercy by the end! After quick introductions he asked the group which muscles we wanted to focus on during the workout. After voting to not focus on one area but instead try an array of moves we got to work.  (photo courtesy of Charlie)

If you’re like me, you’ve never heard of dynamic reformer Pilates. Here is a snippet from their website, describing the workout. I’m not really sure, even after the class, how this type of Pilates is different than other reformer Pilates classes, which I tried once last year at Pilates Pro Works.

Dynamic Pilates is an innovative, intense, results-driven workout, centred on and around the Reformer bed, that strengthens core muscle groups, slims figures, burns fat and creates lean, toned muscles.

We used the reformer throughout the class to make simple movements far more difficult due to the use of springs and pulleys, which provided resistance. Performing exercises on the rerformer also required balance and focus! In addition to the reformer we used pilates rings, straps, foam blocks, and hand weights during the workout. Every movement engaged multiple muscles which made the workout feel even more effective! Similar to barre classes, I found that my small muscles, especially in the arm and glute area, burned the most.

After working each muscle group he led us through a short stretch which was complete bliss! Here you can see us using the rings to stretch out our calves!

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Overall I really enjoyed the class and can see the benefit to adding it into a workout schedule at least once per week. The class highlighted just how week many of our glutes are even though we just completed marathons! I hear it often but it is so rare that any of us actually keep up with true strength training during the peak of marathon training. The classes are 27 pounds per session when purchased individually which is equal to $44! That is expensive even for me, who is accustomed to New York boutique fitness class prices! They do however have an introductory offer which is 12.50 pounds for new students and class packages to provide a minimal discount.

Unfortunately this is too expensive and not close enough to our flat to become a regular class on my London weekend schedule. However, based on how much I enjoyed this reformer class I am hoping to try some other less expensive options in London!

Have you tried Pilates before? If so, do you prefer reformer or mat?

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Barry’s Bootcamp London

There is something so refreshing about finding a familiar friend in a new city. IMG_3750While we knew that Barry’s Bootcamp existed when we moved to London, we’ve been so busy getting oriented and unpacked the past few weeks that we never even looked up where it was located. Instead, we’ve spent our weekends running outside while Bo works out at Reebok Sports Club near his office during the week. But Wednesday afternoon Bo texted me stating that he signed us up for the 6am Friday class. He figured it would be a fun way to end the week together while also giving us a chance to see how it compared to our favorite Barry’s Bootcamp location in New York. (A year ago I reviewed Barry’s Bootcamp New York for the first time!)IMG_3743 Upon walking through the doors of 16 Upper Woburn Place we were greeted by many familiar sights and smells. Orchids, Malin+Goetz candles, a Fuel Bar complete with more than 10 smoothie creations, and a friendly staff greeted us as we walked through the door. It felt as if we were walking through the doors in Chelsea, save for the British accent that gave us a bright “cheers.” 

At 6am on the dot we found ourselves on the 2 end treadmills, ready for 55 minutes of burn. Before we started the workout, the instructor, Olly, walked around to each person introducing himself and asking them if they had any injuries or if was their first time. He then told us that it was Full Body Friday which meant we’d hit each body part during the 55 minutes including 3 treadmill segments. IMG_3746 There were three different types of treadmill runs during today’s class: 10 minutes of hills, 10 minutes of speed and 5 minutes of “dynamic” running on the Woodway treadmill during which we use our own strength to manually push the belt. The 3 floor sections were a mix of squats, step ups, pushups, chest presses, and bicep curls with medium weights. Last but not least we finished class with bicycle abs before moving into the cool down stretches.

The great thing about a franchise with consistent brand equity like Barry’s Bootcamp is that you get a very similar experience at every location. We walked out of the class exhausted in the same exact way we would in New York. My pre-ordered Not Your Average Joe smoothie was waiting at the smoothie bar for me while a bathroom full of lockers and products greeted Bo so he could easily shower and change at the gym before heading to work. IMG_3751 If you haven’t tried Barry’s Bootcamp yet I would recommend it, regardless your fitness level. As long as you are honest with the teacher at the beginning of class you will get a great deal out of the workout. If you’re experienced you may get a few new ideas or see numbers on the treadmill you haven’t seen before. If you’re a beginner, you will achieve a workout high like none other and push yourself beyond what you thought possible. The teachers will challenge you, especially in the last minute of any workout, but in a friendly and positive way!

Barry’s Bootcamp London is located at 16 Upper Woburn Place and offers classes from 6am until 8pm Monday through Friday and 8:45 to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. Classes begin at 20 pounds for one class though buying package results in a discount. 

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My Wednesday night was amazing. There really isn’t any other way to describe it. I should have known in advance as the event had all the ingredients for the perfect evening:

  • A great workout
  • Wine and snacks
  • Thought provoking conversation

The lovely ladies at Uplift Studios took their popular Workout+Wine to another level last night by sponsoring a Workout + Wine book club! Inspired by all the conversation surrounding Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In, the ladies thought it would serve as the perfect platform for book club event! Eleven women joined for the workout while others came for the wine and discussion afterwards!


Eleven of us had our butts kicked during the workout portion of Workout + Wine. Shannon Macdowell may be tiny but damn is she mighty! Her energy, great playlist, and attention to form will kick anyone into shape quickly and make them sweat within minutes. The workout was Uplift Strength which means we used lots of heavy weights, including my favorite dumbbell weight these days, the 15 pound bad boys! There were only cardio bursts but between the sumo jump squats and the burpees, we were all exhausted by the end of each 4 minute cardio set.

IMG_7973 IMG_7977After the workout guests were able to enjoy an array of delicious, healthy snacks and plenty of wine! I was starving after a double workout day and was therefore thankful that the snacks included more than just cheese and crackers. There was a delicious salad, quinoa, cheese, fruit, popcorn, and more!

IMG_7978For the next hour, I experienced one of the most uplifting (Oh hello pun, but really) and supportive conversations with a group of strangers. Though I only knew four of the women personally, we each opened up and spoke about our experiences in the work place throughout the years. There was a wide array of ages represented in the discussion which meant a multitude of experiences to share. Each person was engaged, supportive, and provided some great ideas on how to tackle some of the obstacles and situations we face as women on a daily basis. While each of us agreed that the book, Lean In, isn’t perfect it definitely has provoked some great conversations lately.

IMG_7980 photo 1 One of my favorite points of the evening was when Leanne, one of Uplift’s founders, asked the group if we each considered ourselves feminists. Until recently, I never considered myself a feminist. But, after reading the book and last night’s discussion, I’ve been reminded that feminism isn’t about man hating or not wanting guys to hold doors for women. Those are all the stereotypes that make the term so polarizing. Feminism can mean something different for each person but for me it means making the best opportunities available to women whether social, political, or professional.

Even after the event officially ended many of us lingered, discussing experiences and echoing the same feeling. Even the founders were in awe at the event’s success.

“….starting any business has its challenges, of course; however, experiencing the power and insight that came through like it did last night makes any challenges 100% worth it.” Leanne Shear, Co-Founder, President Uplift

This isn’t the only event Uplift offers in addition to their daily workouts. This Sunday they are hosting a Sunday Funday “Bootcamp, Bloodys & Brunch” which will include their signatures Uplifting-Strength workout followed by socializing over everyone’s favorite hangover remedies! To check out more information, head over to their site or email them at info@upliftstudios.com!

How about you? Do you consider yourself a feminist?

*This is not a sponsored post and I was not compensated for the class nor provided a complimentary class. These are all my own, genuine opinions. I just really, really love Uplift!

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