Sunshine Day


Happy Wednesday! This morning when I woke up the birds were chirping and the sun was already shining! There is no better way to start the day than a sunshine filled walk to the gym! I can feel summer right around the corner and spring is doing it’s best to appear this week!  This is the warmest forecast we’ve had since Fall! imageThis morning’s workout was a tempo run, including some hills and speed to mix things up. Based on my Mini 10k training plan I needed to log 5 miles today. To keep boredom at bay, I switched it up a bit and kept things changing throughout the 5 miles!

Mile 1 6.1-6.3 mph Incline: 1
Mile 2 6.2 mph Incline: 1-8 rolling hills
Mile 3 6.2 mph Incline 2
Mile 4 6.2 Incline: 1-5 rolling hills
Mile 5 6.5-7.0 Incline: 0

While this wasn’t your typical tempo run due to the last mile not being a cool down/recovery, I loved this workout! I was nice and sweaty by the end but I was never bored once!

IMG_1564 (640x480) After I finished I spent 10 minute on the mat foam rolling and stretching.

Our walk home from the gym was more scenic than normal due to all the flowers in Gramercy Park!

IMG_1819 (640x478) IMG_1818 (640x478) IMG_1817 (640x478) IMG_1816 (640x478) IMG_1815 (640x478) IMG_1814 (640x478) How cute are those little shoes which were left to dry on the rod iron gate?

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! I’m heading out to tour stores in Long Island today which will definitely be an adventure. I’ve never taken the LIRR alone, nor have I spent time in suburban Long Island!

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The dreaded hamster wheel…

Thank you mother nature for ruining my long run plans. It was a beautiful occasion in my head. An hour of quality time with Dori enjoying Central Park and the East River path. Instead, thanks to the more than ten inches of snow NYC has received thus far, I will be confined to a hamster wheel for tomorrow’s 10 mile run. I know it isn’t impossible as of done plenty of six mile runs on the treadmill and have even read inspiring storys like Ashley’s 20 miler!
I found this article on Runner’s World when I was searching for inspiration:
December 23, 2008

18 Miles on a Treadmill: Can It Be done?
Is there anything wrong with doing my long run on a treadmill? I have to run 18 miles this week and I live in the Midwest where it’s 0 degrees and we’re expecting another snow storm today! I realize a real runner would be outdoors, but I just don’t want to risk my marathon by falling or getting injured in the extreme cold. (I know, I’m a wimp!) Do you have any tips for getting through an 18-miler on my treadmill? – Jim P.

First, Jim, you’re not a wimp! Any person who asks if running 18 miles on a treadmill is OK is a “real runner”! A few years ago, while I was training for the Goofy Challenge, Chicago was hit with a winter storm. The paths were covered in ice and snow and the temps were in single digits. I chose to run my 18-miler on a treadmill while watching all four parts of The Thornbirds. Not only did I get in a quality long run, I was also able to run in shorts and acclimate to running in warmer temps.
There are a lot of perks with treadmill running: Bathroom stops are convenient; you don’t have to hide or carry fluids; and you can keep a consistent pace. Marathon training is all about being flexible as you go, and getting in what you can.
So, you can’t run outdoors in the extremes; it really comes down to which terrain will allow you to get in the best quality long run. In this case, the risk of running outdoors outweighs the benefit. Plus, there’s a point where running outdoors in extremes is more about ego than wisdom, and the marathon gods don’t care much about ego. So saddle up, my friend, and try these tips for running long on your treadmill:
Watch an exciting flick (definitely not The Thornbirds) or two that will get you through the duration. Make it running specific, as there is nothing that will keep you going quite like a movie about runners! Some of my favorite running movies include: Chariots of Fire, The Spirit of the Marathon, Without Limits, and Running on the Sun. Some other motivating movies that will put an extra spring in your step are Rudy, Rocky, and Breaking Away. The time will fly by!
Don’t have a TV? Develop a special long run music mix for your iPod.
Break up your run into 10-minute increments. Every 10 minutes take a few sips of fluid and every other 10-minute increment, pick up the pace to target marathon pace for 1 minute. Adding 1-minute surges every 20 minutes will mix up your muscles, break the monotony, and give your mind something to target.
Run a low-level hill profile on the treadmill. It will help balance the difference in effort in running indoors versus outdoors. If you normally run hills on your long runs, simulate the grade percentage. If not, stick with 1-3% hills at the most.
Put a notepad and pen next to the treadmill so your mind can clear out “to do” tasks as you go. There’s nothing worse than thinking something brilliant and stressing out trying to remember it while you run. Write it down and keep on plugging.
Happy Trails,
Coach Jenny Hadfield

What are your tips for making a long treadmill run more enjoyable, less boring, and easier?
I’m heading over to a brand new wellness center that just opening in NYC, Dasha Wellness, this afternoon for a tour. I’ll definitely share and review later this weekend. Have a great day!

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