St. Croix Adventures: Exploration

Greetings and Happy New Year from St. Croix! Each year, while on vacation, I think about doing a New Year’s post that talks all I’ve enjoyed this year and all I want to accomplish next year. But, some how I never get around to doing it so I’m going to keep that trend alive today by sharing with you our adventures in St. Croix that we enjoyed today on our exploration day.

Each time Bo and I visit a new place, regardless of whether we are staying on a resort or not, we rent a car to enjoy the island and take in all the sights. It’s a great way to enjoy a change in scenery, take a break from the beach, spend time together, and have fun driving. Today, in our Jeep Wranglers, 7 of us explored St. Croix from one end to the other.

Before heading out, Bo and I went on a sweaty and way too hilly 3 mile run and enjoyed a breakfast out on the porch with everyone of eggs and rye toast.


We didn’t really have a planned route today, just knew that we wanted to experience different parts of the island that we’d heard about such as the rain forest, Rainbow beach, and the most Eastern point of the United States.

We left the house, on the Northeast shore, around 11 and were able to accomplish all our goals by 5:30!

First stop, the most Eastern point of the United States, just a few minutes from our house this week. It provided amazing views of the Island in addition to St. John and St. Thomas while also taking in the Millennium Memorial.


Our next stop on the great adventure was Fredrickstead, where most of the cruise ships dock and a small historic town in St. Croix. While the town was smaller and more run down than I expected, it was still nice for lunch. Along the water was a postcard “tropical” setting complete with huge conch shells and palm trees but just one block over the food was over priced and a bit sketchy. We were so thirilled that we’re staying on the Christianstead of the island as we feel safer and there are far more bars, restaurants, and beaches.


We had lunch at a small little restaurant on the square that we wouldn’t recommend and walked around the streets taking in the sights. It was also pretty hilarious to watch the guys jump down to find shells for their ladies. There were HUGE conch shells near the pier.

Our next stop was Rainbow Beach, the 3rd rated beach on the island but also a beach that offers jet skis! We spent 2 hours enjoying strong sun, crystal clear waters, white sand, and 30 minutes on 2 person jet skis. We decided that while $60 per half hour was pricey, it wasn’t bad if you split it between two people.


Last but not least, was the rain forest. It’s amazing how quickly the temperature and climate changed within just a few miles. I was waiting for Baloo from the Jungle Book to drop off and say hi or an anaconda to drop in our open Jeep.


Such a great St. Croix day for the win! Tonight we’re going to a 10pm seating at The Galleon, a local water front restaurant with live music!

Happy 2013 and may this coming year be your best yet!

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Cane Bay Adventures


So far St. Croix has been absolutely amazing! The weather is around 80 degrees each day and there is sunshine and blue water as far as the eye can see!

Last night, we may or may not have had such a dance party that we shut down the house power! Oops! The evening started with a night in enjoying homemade Mexican taco dinner perfectly paired with banana coladas and Carib beer!


After dinner there may have been a patio dance party with a parked Jeep as a great prop! We danced to everything from David Bowie, Madonna, Lady Gaga, to Journey!


But, before this epic dinner and dance party, our group spent time at Cane Bay, one of the most popular beach areas on St. Croix. Cane Bay is located on the Northern end of the island and is a perfect beach spot for families, couples, and singles due to the fact that there are a number of restaurants in the area, bars, activities, and a beach that is perfect for sunbathing and gentle water for snorkeling.


The guys were able to scuba dive right off the beach while the rest of us rested and chatted.


We saw lots of interesting characters, most notably a guy on horseback we nicknamed Fabio. He rode down the beach, bareback on his large horse with his long hair blowing in the wind. Trust me, I can’t make this stuff up!


In addition to soaking up the sun, we also enjoyed lunch and cocktails at Cane Bay’s most popular restaurant and bar, EAT. EAT @ Cane Bay not only has an amazing lunch and dinner menu, offering more than most of the local island restaurants, but the staff is super friendly and the views are incredible. IMG_0095IMG_0098IMG_0105IMG_0117


I definitely expect that we’ll end up back at Cane Bay for at least one more beach day during this trip! I’ll be back later to share with you my scuba diving adventures and the dive shop we’ve loved on the island.

Also, coincidentally, the lucky winner of my Favorite Things Thank You Giveaway is Kristin Miller, number 340!

Kristin miller December 24, 2012 at 3:06 am

I tweeted! Hope to see you soon! Xoxo and merry Christmas to you and the husband!

Your turn: What’s the best beach you’ve ever visited?

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Saint Croix Adventures: Day 1 & 2 in Pictures



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