Geneva Triathlon Training– C’est La Vie

Last week is the perfect example of what happens when I don’t have an actual plan in place. I worked out a lot but I also missed a few key workouts in preparation for my trail race this month and triathlon next month.

C’est la vie!

Charlie and I originally planned a few extra workouts together during our girls weekend but at the end of the day we listened to our bodies. Sleep won out over some extra workouts including a bike ride and a run. We are both about to kick off our Berlin Marathon training so there will be plenty of running and sweat in our future!


Instead of focusing on the fact that I practiced yoga more than I swam, ran, or biked last week I’m going to focus on the fact that I finished the week feeling strong!

Rumor has it this is a new week, perfect for starting fresh!

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Here’s a quick recap of last week’s activities:

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday:  4 hilly miles on the treadmill followed by 2 hours of sweat inducing power yoga

Wednesday: 9 mile bike + weights

Thursday: 5 mile trail run including 4 hill repeats followed by 90 minutes power yoga

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Friday: 4 mile run + 90 minutes power yoga with Charlie

Saturday: 1,000 meter swim which included moving obstacles, aka children

Sunday: 4 mile iced coffee walk with Charlie + the London Color Run 5k

This week I have a plan in place and no excuses not to nail my training thanks in part to Bo, who is thrilled to help me practice clipping in and join me for a long ride. In addition, we have another bank holiday which means plenty of time to run, bike and swim since we’re not traveling this weekend!

How was your training or workouts last week?

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Don’t Let the Run Rule Your Life

Happy Monday!

We had a wonderful weekend filled with a perfect mix of relaxation and exploration here in Switzerland.


There may have been one too many glasses of wine enjoyed with Casey and Joel but hey, I hear life is all about balance. I will share more of our adventures from Montreux later this week but for now, let’s talk about another favorite topic – running.

After an aggressive training plan last week I woke up for Friday morning’s long run exhausted and completely sore. My body was suffering from delayed onset muscle soreness in a huge way. In addition, while my iron levels are improving, I still need to be conscious to listen to my body whether it’s soreness or the need to sleep longer.  I texted Emily regretfully cancelling our long run date even though I’d enjoyed perfect pizza the night before in preparation for our run.


If I’d been married to my training plan I would have guilted myself into running what would have been a sup-par long run due to tired legs, a bad mental state and exhaustion. Instead, I texted back and forth with Gia debating the best option for the week’s remaining runs. Emily and I agreed that we’d meet Sunday morning, bright and early, for a run along the lake together. A Saturday evening shakeout run before hand on Saturday would have me ready for the run while also getting them used to running on “tired” legs.


Little did I know that Saturday evening the weather in Geneva would be absolutely incredible. I literally gasped in awe when we exited the train at 5pm as there was a perfect light breeze, the sun was shining and the temperature was right around 65 degrees. The weather could not have been any more perfect. This, along with the fact that Joel and Casey had high hopes for a traditional Swiss fondue dinner on Saturday night seemed like fate telling me that I should change my long run schedule.

I know, I know. A coach exists to give a runner a schedule, challenge them and help ensure that they are preparing their body in the best possible way for an upcoming goal. Unfortunately for Gia, I’ve been training a few too many years. I’ve learned the hard way that if I’m going to enjoy training and be successful, I can’t let the run rule my life. I have to be able to enjoy this incredible experience we’re having in Europe while also challenging my legs and mind to run faster than ever before.

Those 9 miles enjoyed with Emily on Saturday night were exactly what I needed emotionally, mentally and physically. Physically they were not easy as I was a bit hung-over and dehydrated from #allthewine the night before. We’d also spent five hours touring Chateau Chillon and Montreux.  But, as soon as Emily and I started running the fresh air, sunshine and incredible views brightened our attitudes and before we knew it we were throwing down sub 9:30 miles. We forced ourselves to slow down but overall the miles felt easier than I expected.


By 8:30 that night I was enjoyed delicious fondue with Joel, Casey and Bo so thankful for the decision I’d made. I was enjoying the experience versus worrying what the fondue would do for what was supposed to be my Sunday morning long run.

The next time you think about rearranging your life or missing out on something due to a run, question whether it isn’t possible to be agile and readjust your schedule. In the long run, this is most likely the best decision for your love of running.

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Geneva Half Marathon Training -Week 4

The title of this post should really be skiing does not equal running. I had great intentions for last week but sometimes that doesn’t result in great training. At the same time, each run that I did do was a quality run and exactly as prescribed by Gia. In addition, I was very active last week when I wasn’t running which does make me feel a bit better. But, last time I checked my goal half marathon includes running not skiing.

imageThe only good news about all this cross training is that I woke up both yesterday and today craving a run. That is a wonderful feeling to have!

So, instead off being hard on myself for last week let me share my sins or lack of training with you and then move forward with this week which includes four runs that focus on pace, at least one yoga session and hopefully a spin class while I’m in London this weekend.

Monday: I had a case of the Mondays and overslept by almost an hour. That meant that I missed my planned yoga class and instead opted for an at home workout after work. I tried a workout I found on Interest (Ballet Abs) then did 20 minutes of Yoga for Runners.

Tuesday: 4.31 miles at a 9:16 pace It was pouring outside which forced me to do this run on the treadmill instead of along the lake. Lately I’ve found that watching one of my favorite TV shows on my iPad really helps the time fly by faster. This run was fueled by Scandal!

Wednesday: 4.7 miles at 9:05 average pace This workout kicked my butt in the best way possible. It left me out of breath and knowing I had literally left everything on the treadmill. I started with a one mile warm-up then did 5 800 meter repeats at a 7:54 pace, taking a 3 minute jog break between each repeat. I finished the workout with a 1 mile cool down

Thursday: 4 hours of skiing

Friday: 7 hours of skiing

Saturday: 7 hours of skiing

Sunday: After 3 days of skiing I knew that any attempt to run would be complete junk. I focused on foam rolling, stretching and some arm and ab work while catching up on our favorite TV shows all afternoon. 

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