Geneva Triathlon Training– A Perfect Week

Even though I was able to squeeze in two rest days, last week was still a perfect training week! I kept up my yoga practice, logged 17 quality miles of running, tested my endurance in the pool, and overcame a huge fear that has loomed over me for three years. While I wish that every week of training was like this I’m a realist and know that over the next few weeks I’ll hit some rough patches. But, one thing is for sure – the rough weeks make the good ones so much sweeter and the good weeks make me feel better during the bad weeks.

Monday: Rest day!


Tuesday: Another awesome Tuesday double workout including a tough morning swim followed by an evening of yoga.  The AM swim was made a bit easier due to the awesome views from the pool but it was the hardest to date due to more than 1,000 of my 1,700 meters being endurance laps. We had a substitute for yoga and the class wasn’t as solid as normal but an hour of power yoga is always good for the soul.

Wednesday: I celebrated National Running day with a three solo, rainy miles on the trail. It wasn’t a great run but I still left the office and enjoyed the river views and tranquil trail atmosphere.

Thursday: Rest day!


Friday: The biggest thing I’ve missed since marathon training are my long runs with Emily. Our early morning, pre-work long runs are the perfect venue to catch up, vent about work and talk about our weekend plans all while enjoying beautiful views. This 7 mile long run was humbling and reminded me that one day a week, marathon training is about going long and slow. Yes, I know that’s what she said but that is also what I did not do on Friday. Pace was 9:32 which was 20 seconds faster than prescribed pace. Better luck next time?


Saturday: In preparation for next month’s triathlon Bo and I enjoyed our first long ride together along the lake. The views were gorgeous, the weather was perfect and I only have one huge bruise on my leg as a result of my first attempt to ride clipped. Theodora has a post coming that will talk about her tips for clipping in but let’s just say it helps to practice with only one foot clipped in, especially if you’re riding in a busy area. The heat and hills made us feel as if we’d gone further but in the end our ride was 15 miles, not as far as we hoped but still a great first ride.


Sunday: After spending 12 hours enjoying a bit too much wine on Saturday, I discovered that cycling is the perfect hangover workout! I sweat out all the wine while we pushed through a 20 mile bike ride up the lake to Hermance, a nearby tiny lake town. By the end of our ride it was 90 degrees but knowing we had the lake to jump into following the ride helped me push through the last hill. We kept a good for us pace and I was fully clipped for 15 of the miles! Talk about an endorphin high – accomplishing this goal and overcoming my fear of falling was such a huge win for me in the world of triathlon training! I am thankful for Bo’s patience as he helped me practice on Saturday and Sunday!

What was your favorite workout last week? Mine was definitely our bike ride to Hermance!

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Geneva Triathlon Training– C’est La Vie

Last week is the perfect example of what happens when I don’t have an actual plan in place. I worked out a lot but I also missed a few key workouts in preparation for my trail race this month and triathlon next month.

C’est la vie!

Charlie and I originally planned a few extra workouts together during our girls weekend but at the end of the day we listened to our bodies. Sleep won out over some extra workouts including a bike ride and a run. We are both about to kick off our Berlin Marathon training so there will be plenty of running and sweat in our future!


Instead of focusing on the fact that I practiced yoga more than I swam, ran, or biked last week I’m going to focus on the fact that I finished the week feeling strong!

Rumor has it this is a new week, perfect for starting fresh!

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Here’s a quick recap of last week’s activities:

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday:  4 hilly miles on the treadmill followed by 2 hours of sweat inducing power yoga

Wednesday: 9 mile bike + weights

Thursday: 5 mile trail run including 4 hill repeats followed by 90 minutes power yoga

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Friday: 4 mile run + 90 minutes power yoga with Charlie

Saturday: 1,000 meter swim which included moving obstacles, aka children

Sunday: 4 mile iced coffee walk with Charlie + the London Color Run 5k

This week I have a plan in place and no excuses not to nail my training thanks in part to Bo, who is thrilled to help me practice clipping in and join me for a long ride. In addition, we have another bank holiday which means plenty of time to run, bike and swim since we’re not traveling this weekend!

How was your training or workouts last week?

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Geneva Triathlon Training–Week 1

Welcome back from the holiday weekend for those readers who honored veterans yesterday on Memorial Day and my UK friends who had a bank holiday yesterday. This is a short work week here as well as we have Thursday off for Ascension Day and then I will be working from London on Friday.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I finally pulled the trigger and registered for my first triathlon, the Geneva International Triathlon, which takes place on July 19th. There are multiple course lengths but as this is my first, I opted for the short course.

500 meter swim – 20 km bike – 5 km run


.3 mile swim – 12.4 mile bike – 3.1 mile run

When I glance at these distances none of them seem overwhelming, not even the swim. However, I know that the difficulty comes in asking my legs to run even 3 miles after they’ve kicked my way through an open water swim and pedaled up a challenging bike course.

Therefore, after consulting multiple websites and starting to read Your First Triathlon I kicked my butt into full gear last week. I don’t have a full plan in place yet and clearly need to add biking into the rest of my weekly workouts but for now, I’m happy to have logged some solid run and solid swims last week. I already know that this week will include a training ride with Charlie in London and next weekend Bo is helping me practice clipping in (que the fear) while we enjoy a long ride in Geneva! It doesn’t hurt that I have two training partners for my triathlon even though neither of them are in Geneva. Charlie is doing a triathlon in June and I’ve loved being able to text her questions back and forth as she is ahead of me on the training journey.  If you head over to Theodora’s blog today you can see that she just started training for her first 70.3. Her workouts inspire me to push through and wake up even when I don’t want to and we often text each other updates from workouts we dread like pool swims.

So, without further adieu, here’s a recap of last week’s workouts:

Monday: Rest day

Tuesday: AM: 1800 meter swim including 50 meter race in the middle PM: 2 hours of music power yoga at InnerCityYoga


Wednesday: 3.5 mile trail run including hill repeats with Renaud

Thursday: 2000 meter swim including 100 meter race in the middle

Friday: Intense track speed workout with my friend and running coach, Renaud. My plan was a 1 mile warm-up followed by 8 x 400 meter repeats at 1:40 pace followed by 1:20 jogging before a 1 mile cool down.  More details to come on this workout later this week as I have an awesome app to share with you and tips to figure out what your speed pace should be!


Saturday: 5 mile shakeout run through Rome with my friend Raj


Sunday: Walking approximately 6 miles through Rome

Your turn – If you’ve done a triathlon before, what is your #1 tip for a rookie?

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