Surf & Yoga at Rockaway Beach

IMG_3317Happy Monday guys!

Even though I’m already in need of a second cup of coffee, I can’t stop smiling when I think about Saturday’s Surf & Yoga workshop at Rockaway Beach.  The four-hour workshop was an opportunity for me to try surfing, something that has always been far out of my comfort zone while enjoying time at the beach. As you guys know,  the beach and spending time on the water brings be a level of peace I can’t find anywhere else.

When we heard about Tangerine Hot Power Yoga’s Surf & Yoga workshop at Rockaway Beach, Katie, Elizabeth and I immediately signed up together, knowing we’d feel more comfortable and enjoy the day more with friends. We met at 8 AM to drive from Brooklyn, giving us plenty of time to find parking and relax on the boardwalk before the event started. The overcast and cool weather was a big change from the heat and humidity we experienced earlier last week but we still enjoyed being at the beach. In fact, the overcast weather made practicing yoga and surfing far easier as we weren’t looking into the sun nor fighting the crowds. Also, regardless the weather, any opportunity to spend a day at the beach is a gift.


We started the day with a 75-minute yoga class on the boardwalk. Gretchen, who led the class, did a wonderful job of ensuring we could hear her over the sound of the wind and crashing waves. Due to the smaller class size, she was able to provide adjustments throughout class as she woke up our bodies with a series of standing and seated poses which engaged our cores and legs. These are the body parts she wanted to ensure were limber and warm before our surfing lesson.


Following yoga, our 11-person group sipped Rawpothecary juices and spent a few minutes talking and writing about the way we work through change in our lives.  I loved this Lemon Oasis juice so much that I bought a few more this weekend at the grocery store. They have no added sugars and are the perfect size! They are different than other juices as Rawpothecary focuses on cold-pressed mixology, fiber-rich blends and backed by science!

Juice during Yoga+Surf workshop

We walked down the beach towards the Locals Surf School tents to sign-in and get equipped with wet suits.



Since the water was 75 degrees they recommended half suits for most of us versus full wetsuits. A few minutes later our group found ourselves standing behind our surf board and starting the land portion of the class. The 3-1 instructor to student ratio allowed the instructors to work with us on proper technique and form before we headed into the water.  They took us through the parts of the surfboard, safety tips, paddling efficiency and finally popping up. After about 20 minutes of land practice, we headed into the ocean.  I went into this experience very open-minded, acknowledging the fact that since this was my first time surfing, I may not actually catch a wave or be able to stand. Instead I set my intention on enjoying the experience and being proud of myself for stepping outside my comfort zone.

Surfing on Rockaway Beach

We spent the next 90-minutes in the water in groups of 3 working with our instructors. We were able to take turns paddling to the instructor, beyond the break,  and practicing our technique as we paddled into the wave and tried our best to pop-up at the right time and ride the wave into shore. T he first time I tried I found myself laughing and popping into ski position – fully parallel and facing the shore. While I found my balance, I finally fell face forward, into the water as I hit the shore. The second ride, just minutes later, was totally different. I popped up, a little too high, but felt that high of riding the wave. From that moment, I was addicted. I found myself racing back into the water after each ride, pushing through the waves and current to get back to the instructor and try again. During the hour and a half lesson I attempted to ride more than 40 waves and actually rode more than 20 of them. Katie and Elizabeth laughed in awe, as they took breaks on the shore to breathe and take pictures. Our instructor deemed me part Energizer Bunny and part masochist as I refused to stop, even when I was breathless from the waves.


Finally, at 1:15 it was time to call it a day and head into shore to give back my surf board and wet suit. I wore my Lululemon shorts during the surf lesson as my Athleta bathing suit bottoms are a bit loose. The last thing I wanted was to have my bikini bottom taken by a wave during the lesson.

Rockaway Surf Lesson

We immediately headed to Rockaway Beach Surf Club to enjoy their fish tacos, made famous by the chef during his time at the now closed Rockaway Taco. This lunch definitely lived up to the hype – especially the tacos and plantain chips. The cucumbers, jicama and papaya were a refreshing way to end the meal before we headed back home.

Rockaway Beach Surf Club
If you are a local, Tangerine is offering this surf & yoga workshop again on August 9th. The price for the entire day is $95 which is a $20 discount versus the face value of the activities.  Perfect for all abilities, I highly recommend signing up ASAP as the events fill quickly.



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ClassPass Month In Review: January and February

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It’s time for another installment of the ClassPass Month in Review. As you may remember, four months ago Bo and I decided to give ClassPass a try after hearing wonderful things about it, realizing the two of us could leverage it together and a positive month long trial back in July.  It’s crazy how much can change in such a short period of time. Back in July I tried it for the first time and now, just a few months later, I’m an official ClassPass ambassador!  I’ve taken 89 classes through ClassPass and am one of their largest advocates! Don’t believe me? Try for yourself! Use this link to get $25 off your first month

Also, my friends are taking me up on this offer already, but if you guys have ANY questions about ClassPass, even if you’re not in NYC, feel free to email me! I’m happy to help and can also reach out to the team if you have specific questions. 

As promised, each month I will provide a brief recap of our experience including the number of classes taken, average cost per class and a brief recap of the studios where we sweat that month. In addition, if you’re on CLASSPASS feel free to follow my fitness schedule here. I love meeting readers so if you see me in a class, please say hello! If you want to check out my previous monthly recaps, click herehere,  here and here.

Month 4: January 21st – February 20th 

Number of classes taken: 11

Number of studios visited: 7

Number of classes missed or late cancelled: 0

Number of cities: 1 (NYC)

Average cost per workout based on NYC rate of $125 per month: $11.36

I’m not surprised that this month was a pretty  big reduction in the number of classes I took as we had people stay with us three weekends and we traveled to Tahoe for a ski weekend. Unfortunately, by March I felt this reduction in workouts and have made it a focus of mine over the past few weeks to get back to strength training, HIIT workouts and/or bar workouts. I just feel better when I have supplement my running with these workouts. A few people, including running coaches who I respect greatly, have suggested that I can easily enjoy yoga in the evening after a morning run, in order to allow me time on other days to focus on other workouts.

Last Month’s Classes

Brooklyn BodyBurn Cobble Hill (3)

This hard and humbling class will leave even the most in-shape students trembling and shaking after just the first few minutes of class. The class takes place on Megaformer machines, which resemble a Pilates reformer machine but are so much more than that. Most classes begin with planks and ab engagement then flow through multiple complex movements which engage the entire body. The classes are small, limited to less than 10 students, so the teachers can adjust and coach throughout the class. I can’t recommend Jason’s classes enough as he is hilarious, has a great playlist and motivates me through even the hardest of moves. Also, take a friend for your first class as there is definite power and safety in numbers.

Barry’s Bootcamp Chest, Back & Abs Tribeca (2)

I first tried Barry’s Bootcamp in 2012 during a Well+Good event. It was a love at first sweat experience. Since then they have expanded throughout NYC and cities across the world but the workout hasn’t changed. Walk into the dim lit room ready to work your butt off, sweat a lot, have awesome music pumping through the speakers and instructors motivating you through a mix of yelling, inspiring and supporting. While the workout isn’t for everyone, I definitely suggest snagging a spot on ClassPass and trying it out for yourself. The classes book quickly but I was able to squeeze into a 6pm class by booking the same day. The chest, back and abs class is actually my favorite of their offerings as it feels the most like a full body workout. When you’re not sprinting or tackling hills on the treadmill, you’re on the floor moving through pushups, planks and other forms of minute long torture.

High 45 at Mile High Run Club (2)

I’ve professed my love of Mile High multiple times (full review here). Their High 45 class is a great class for runners of all abilities. As you can guess from the class name, the workout includes 45-minutes of running. The running includes a five minute warm-up and five minute cool down. In between that you’ll sweat through 35 minutes of tempo work. A typical class includes half hills and half speed with most intervals ranging from three to six minutes! My favorite teachers are Jes Woods and Deborah Woods!

Sunrise Flow Bend & Bloom Yoga (2)

This Park Slope yoga studio has two large, bright, beautiful studios and offers more than 65 classes per week.  The Sunrise Flow which is offered on Friday mornings, is taught by the lovely Christine, a fellow blogger and runner. Her class is 60 minutes of flow which often includes lots of twists, stretches and restorative poses along with a fewer higher energy poses to wake the body. I love starting my Friday with this class as it puts me in the best mood and is a great way to release tension and stress from the body as well as shake out my hips and legs before my weekend long run.  While there aren’t showers, the studio’s private bathroom is spacious and would allow for a quick wet wipe bath and dry shampoo spritz before work.

WeFlowHard Vinyasa Yoga at Y7 

This studio isn’t for everyone, but man do I love it. Each class is a bit different but in the WeFlowHard classes, students should come prepared to sweat – a lot. The infared heated room is darkened so that students can focus on their flow versus watching others or feeling self conscious. The music is often rap or top 40 music which creates a very different vibe than you have at most yoga studios. Throughout the class there is time for free flow which allows students to complete a sequence at their own rhythm and pace.  The Flatiron location doesn’t have showers but both locations feature a “refresh bar” where students can blow dry hair, freshen up and apply makeup. If you want to read more about Y7 you can read my full studio review here.

Dash 28 at Mile High Run Club

If you’re newer to Mile High or running, this class is a great option for you! The 45-minute class includes 28 minutes of treadmill running followed by 10 minutes of strength training using body weight and kettle bells. The running portion includes a mix of hills and speed work, similar to the distance class, but due to the short duration, flies by quickly. I highly recommend Andia Wilson and Corinne!

Power Flow 60 Tangerine Hot Power Yoga

There is a reason this studios classes quickly sell out, especially evening and weekends when Brooklyn locals and Manattanites flock to Tangerine Yoga. The 60-minute class isn’t for the weak as it is a heated strong, power yoga class. But, don’t fear, instructors provide lots of adjustments and guidance to ensure everyone has the best session possible. The studio provides complimentary yoga mats and towels as well as selling juices and coconut water in the small boutique and lounge area. I’ve now taken five classes at this studio and grow more in love with it each class. They develop a great sense of community and each instructor is more supportive than the next. So far, my favorite instructors are Emily and Tamara.

Your turn: If you’re a NYC local, what are your favorite studios? Where should I sweat next? 

This post is not compensated nor requested of me via CLASSPASS. While it does contain affiliate links, as a CLASSPASS affiliate, I only receive a small compensation if you choose to purchase a CLASSPASS membership.

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Training Recap – Week of August 24, 2015

running pose

After a few months of no training recaps, I’ve decided to bring these recaps back in a weekly format. Similar to the way so many of my readers love reading Day in The Life posts, I love reading other blogger’s training recaps. Often they provide me with inspiration and ideas for my own workouts. Hopefully these weekly training recaps will help keep me on track while also providing you with a little insight into my workouts. Instead of focusing it on a race or certain event, I will merely do weekly training recaps throughout the year, regardless of whether I’m just staying in shape or training for a specific race.

As a reminder, I have the following races on my calendar, which explains why I’m working with Jes and focused on my running right now!

Maple Leaf Half Marathon in Manchester, Vermont – September 11th

New Balance Reach the Beach Relay Race in New Hampshire – September 18th – 19th

NYRR Bronx 10 Mile Race in Bronx, New York – September 27th

Brooklyn Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon in Brooklyn, New York – October 10th

Savannah Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon in Savannah, Georgia – November 7th

So, like I said, just a little bit of running to do in the next two months. My goal is to finish the race season feeling strong both from a running perspective and strength perspective.  My goal is to do one yoga class and two strength workouts in addition to my weekly runs while also allowing for at least one recovery day.

August 24th – August 30th 2015 Training Recap

Monday: I didn’t start the week off well as this became an unintentional rest day due to after work moving trips to and from Manhattan to bring things from our temporary apartment to our new apartment.

Tuesday: 5 mile easy run through Carroll Gardens and Columbia Street river front

Wednesday: I clearly need to review my workouts before going to bed because without enough coffee I can’t keep track of anything. I thought our speed workout was 1.5 mile warm-up then 4 400 repeats followed by a 1.5 mile cool down which seemed shorter than expected but still left me wanting to hurl by the final repeat (7:40, 7:01, 7:18, 7:03). But, it turns out we were supposed to do 4 800 repeats. No wonder Jess warned me not to run the repeats too fast.  I stretched things out in the afternoon with another great yoga class at Tangerine Hot Power Yoga in Brooklyn. This was my second class in so many weeks and I really appreciate the number of adjustments the teachers make to the students during class.

Thursday: 6 AM Fhitting Room class with Julia & Ben

Friday: 4-mile easy run

Saturday: A wonderful 10-mile run which felt challenging as we were faced with constant rolling hills through Brooklyn and Prospect Park but wonderful when I saw our final average pace of 9:29.

Sunday: In theory this was a rest day but in reality it felt like a stair and strength workout after 8-hours of unpacking and organizing our home.

Your turn: What race are you most excited about this Fall?  

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