The First Hot Run of the Season

There is something to be said for waking up early during marathon training. The streets are empty, you can watch the sunrise if you’re really early, and the air is fresh and cool before the scalding sun comes out.

This morning, Melissa and I both chose sleep over running early. While neither of us regret the extra few minutes in bed with our loved ones and comfortable sheets, our run wasn’t as enjoyable as normal today. Needless to say I looked like a roasted beet by the end of the 7 mile run.

While we were each relaxing in our beds this morning, New York City’s Memorial Day started with rain. When I first woke up, all I could hear was the torrential downpour.

“So much for my run outside with Melissa.”

In fact, I tweeted my disappointment that my long run would have to be on the boring treadmill.

Luckily, the running Gods listened to be and the clouds melted away within an hour. By 10:30, Melissa and I were meeting in front of my apartment for our first warm Summer run, each equipped with plenty of water.

Even though it was only 80 degrees at the start of our run, it was humid and sunny.

But, luckily the sky was blue, the rain had cleared, and there were signs of patriotism everywhere from the flying flags to dogs with patriotic bandanas.

Our route took us about 5.25 miles before we split off in our own directions.

While our pace wasn’t as fast as normal, we were able to run the whole time in the torturous heat and even kept up constant conversation the first 1.5 miles. While we were tempted to run the Williamsburg Bridge, the lack of shade and the sheer length of the bridge deterred us today. Maybe next time when we start earlier! I even saw a blog reader (HI ELISE!!) along the way! I love when that happens!

I had to tack on an extra out and back loop once I reached my house since I was just shy of my 7 mile goal. But, by the end I was able to finish the route averaging a 10:02 pace which I’m okay with considering it was my first hot, mid morning run of the season and I was running and chatting for the first portion.

All I wanted when I walked through the door was an ice cold shake! I told Melissa that all I crave when it’s hot is cold fruit, water based vegetables like celery and cucumbers, protein shakes, and cold wine!

Bo and I have finally broken into our protein powder stash, now that summer’s heat has arrived, and discovered a new favorite protein powder: Sun Warrior! I bought it via Gina’s Open Sky promotion ages ago but the bag got lost in our pantry. The chocolate flavor blends wonderfully and isn’t too rich to enjoy alone with water and ice

Now I’m off to conquer today’s very enjoyable to do list: pedicure, some shopping, and cooking a delicious dinner including this soup recipe and this salmon recipe!

Happy Memorial Day and thank you to those who have served for our country both past and present.

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