Cooking Therapy

I worried about my emotions as I returned to Geneva yesterday. I was exhausted as I stepped off the plane in Geneva after ten days of constant meetings, social events, moving from place to place, and a little thing called running a marathon. Don’t get me wrong – these 10 days were wonderful and we are so thankful we had an opportunity to see friends just 3 months after moving. Most people who are living abroad only fly back to their home country 1-2 times per year, maximum. This year, we will be back in the United States 2 times within the first 6 months of our move.

But, regardless of exhaustion, I felt like my mood when I arrived in Geneva would match the gray skies. I figured that I would find myself at home, alone, depressed about the situation after 10 fun filled days. Instead of succumbing to unhealthy thoughts or actions, I proactively worked to overcome this pending emotion and was actually able to find a healthy way to avoid it.

Instead of focusing on how much I will miss our friends or our home city of New York, I focused on making my Geneva home truly feel like a home last night. After going through emails and catching up on work for a few hours, I headed to the grocery store. I still find the grocery stores in Geneva to be a foreign and confusing proposition, unlike the friendly aisles of Publix and Whole Foods. I haven’t figured out the organization, if there is one, and therefore it makes shopping take far longer than normal. In order to make the process easier I decided that going in with a plan would allow me to organize my thoughts and also have translations readily available, in case I couldn’t find a product.

I spent 15 minutes finding a recipe (Turkey Pumpkin Chili), typing the ingredient list into Google translator, pushed translate and then copied the text over to an email which I sent to myself. This simple task made grocery shopping in a foreign store so much more manageable. I picked up all the produce and dairy items first, which tend to be easier. Then, using my translation list, I asked for help finding the smaller items which were hiding such as ground chicken, a few spices, and beans. Having the power of knowing the French terms made asking for help less intimidating. Having a recipe that excited me made the process of searching for items and the entire grocery shopping experience more fun as I knew it was a means to the end – a delicious and healthy home cooked dinner.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been cooking in Geneva the past few months but I haven’t been making recipes and getting creative in the kitchen. Instead I feel as if I’ve been preparing simple dishes such as a heated vegetable, protein and carbohydrate. This process left me bored and uninspired. It’s amazing what a few minutes on Pinterest can do for the soul.

Cooking therapyLast night, cooking was my therapy. The hour I spent preparing the ingredients, simmering and constantly stirring the chili, crafting a flavorful salad, and then sitting and dining by candlelight gave me a joy I haven’t felt in ages. This unique and awkward space, complete with the wood paneling and small, dingy refrigerator and oven, felt like my happy place.

For so long, I’ve found my happiness in Geneva outside. Whether hiking in the French Alps or running along Lake Geneva this solace was something that I couldn’t find in my own home. Just in time for the gray Autumn months and bitter, cold winter months I couldn’t be happier to have rediscovered happiness in the kitchen.

Special thanks to Gena and Anne who inspired me to get back in the kitchen, one recipe at a time. If you don’t follow my recipe board on Pinterest yet, I’d love for you to join the party. I can guarantee you that a pinning party has just begun and it isn’t stopping anytime soon!

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The Sacred Swiss Lunch Hour

Good morning! Tuesday is here and while my week still doesn’t feel normal yet, it’s feeling a lot better.

My Day

I survived my first day of work and even have an official Geneva office badge to prove it! I would also consider having 4 “coffee meetings” but only 2 small cappuccinos during the 9 hour day a caffeine win as well. Overall my day yesterday went really well as everyone was very friendly and welcoming. This week will be lots of paperwork to ensure all my Swiss work visa processes go smoothly, meeting with many new people for on-boarding sessions, running errands, and ensuring that by next week I’m set up and ready to go with my new Swiss iphone and storage places in the office. One of the most refreshing things about the environment where I’m working is the lunch hour.

The Sacred Lunch Hour

This is a sacred thing and evidently very Swiss but unless there is a special situation, almost everyone enjoys lunch in the work cafeteria from 12-1pm. People either sit with their team or schedule friendly lunch dates with people during this time. But, the fact that the step away from their desk and invest in an hour of recharging while eating lunch is such a refreshing concept. In New York City the vast majority of people in my office dashed out to lunch to grab a salad or sandwich and then ate it during a meeting or at their desk while working. No one schedules work meetings during 12-1pm for the most part in the Geneva office so people can really enjoy this time.

Since there is also a small gym in our office, some people use this time to workout instead or take advantage of the yoga classes offered two days per week onsite. As I do not have a family here in Geneva, I will most likely focus on working out before or after work and enjoy the lunch hour with colleagues. I am most looking forward to eating on the outside terrace which is open during the warm months of the year!

My Evening

I left the office around 6 yesterday and was home by 7pm after taking the tram back and stopping at the grocery store, Migros, for a few essentials. While there I found that salmon was on sale. I was immediately inspired to sauté salmon for last night’s salad which was an incredible decision!


After a 4.1 mile run along Lake Geneva, I came home to make the salad which I thought about during my entire run! I highly recommend you make this salad this evening as it was one of the most delicious summer salads I’ve made and only took 10 minutes!

Warm Salmon Summer Salad

  • fresh mixed greens
  • 1/4 an avocado thinly sliced a top the greens
  • 4 small tomatoes sliced a top the greens
  • green onions chopped
  • 1 peach sliced a top the greens
  • 1/4 cucumber sliced a top the greens
  • sprinkle of feta cheese
  • fresh dill sprinkled on top
  • sautéed salmon
  • drizzle of olive oil and balsamic on top of the salad
  • salt & pepper for taste

I spent the next hour and a half enjoying some quality time with my friends and family back home!

ashchatting ashley bo chat

It took a while to figure out some kinks with both Google + Chat and Skype but by the end of the evening I enjoyed a 30 minute conversation with Theodora and almost an hour conversation with Bo. Unfortunately, due to internet connection I could see both of them and hear both of them but they could each only hear me. This afternoon Swiss Com is coming to the apartment to set up our phone and wireless so hopefully that will help.

Last but not least, I won’t have my new Iphone until later this week or early next week which means taking pictures will be limited. In addition, I have to buy a new SD card as I lost mine during the move. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have this and be able to return to taking pictures.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday and that the heat breaks shortly for those of you suffering! I hear that even some of the banks have deemed this week business casual so no one suffers by wearing suits to work in New York City! Be safe out there if you are running outside! 

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Easy Lunch Idea: Ziplock Mexican Salad

While I love getting fresh air when I step out to buy lunch on the days I don’t bring my own, it’s an expensive date with fresh air. I had a wake up call when a salad cost $14 last week! Oh New York City how I love you and hate you all at the same time! That hefty receipt urged to start bringing my own lunch again. It can’t be that hard, especially since I’m not traveling this month. Each Sunday I have plenty of time to enjoy Fairway shopping trips and stock the fridge.

This week and last week’s lunch was inspired by Anne but has been slightly altered and renamed a Ziplock Mexican salad.

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So, next time you’re looking for an easy lunch option that is portable and flavorful, just grab a gallon Ziplock and stuff it full with the below delicious ingredients! I was able to buy a week’s worth of ingredients for just $23, which averages $4.25 per day!

  • 4 handfuls of baby spinach
  • 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes
  • 3 handfuls of chopped red and orange peppers
  • Any random leftover cooked vegetables you have in your fridge (this week I have sautéed mushrooms)
  • 1 handful chopped red onion
  • 1/2 cup brown rice, seasoned with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and chili powder
  • 1/2 cup of rinsed, drained black beans
  • 1/4 cup shredded extra sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 avocado, chopped
  • 1/4 cup mango salsa

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The Ziplock salad not be pretty but it’s delicious and filling! I love pairing my salads with some crunch so often pack a serving of baked chips or crackers with an apple. This keeps me full until my afternoon snack of yogurt, cottage cheese, or grapefruit and almonds.

What’s your favorite easy lunch option?

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