Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie

There were moments during yesterday’s run where my body just wanted to stop on the side of the road and spend time with the farm animals instead of run further. My heart was in the run but a few bad decisions regarding the course and starting an hour later than I wanted left my resenting the run instead of loving it.


At the half way point when I texted Bo a location update he reminded me that the ingredients for an ice cold, frosty Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie were waiting for me at home when I finished the 20 miles. It’s sad to say but that was the only thing that kept me moving during some of the hot and humid miles.  I’d spent an hour on Friday night cross referencing multiple different recipes, finally perfecting my ingredient list and put everything out to ensure I wasn’t forgetting anything.

IMG_1936[1]Within five minutes of walking through the door I was sipping a protein filled Pumpkin Spice Latte smoothie while hanging out in pigeon pose. It was perfection. The protein helped my muscles repair and keep me satiated after the long run. The icy, coolness helped cool me down. The pumpkin packs in more potassium than a banana which means that since this recipe includes both, my body’s electrolytes could get back in balance faster!

Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie

Pumpkin Spice Latte Smoothie

Serves: 1-2 depending on hunger – Total Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/3 cup Greek yogurt (I used 0% Fage as that’s what we had on hand but 2% would work perfectly too)
  • 1 cup coffee, cooled
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/8 teaspoon ginger
  • 2 pitted dates, if you want extra sweetness
  • 6-10 ice cubes

    Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend on high for 20-30 seconds, or until smooth. Pour into either one large glass, based on appetite, or two glasses so you can share with someone else!

    Your turn – What’s your favorite pumpkin recipe?

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    Avocado & Fried Egg Sandwich Recipe

    Oh friends, it is finally Thursday. Sometimes I love Thursday even more than Friday. Thursday means that my week in the office is done as my manager allows for me to work from home on Fridays. I am thankful for that extra hour of sleep since Friday is also my rest day. But, what I love even more is sipping iced coffee while checking emails, the morning light in our apartment, listening to Spotify all day, and last but not least, making a fresh, healthy lunch.


    So, back to that lunch I’m looking forward to making tomorrow because that is what this post is all about. For the past few weeks, Bo and I have fallen head over heels with a meal that was inspired by a brunch I enjoyed with Charlie.  I fell in love with avocado, all over again, after brunch at High Road Brasserie.


    Since that brunch I’ve had a bit of an obsession. Every week I’ve tried to replicate the open faced sandwich at home. While I don’t have the time or patience to poach an egg, my at home version is pretty darn epic. So epic, in fact, that it was the first thing Bo requested when he came home from the hospital.


    I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do!

    Open Faced Avocado Egg Sandwich

    Open Faced Egg & Avocado Sandwich

    Makes 1 open faced sandwich


    1 slice of bread, fresher the better

    1/4 ripe avocado

    1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

    salt & pepper, to taste

    1 egg

    1/2 tomato, sliced

    red pepper flakes


    1. Pre-heat a non-stick pan over medium heat.

    2. In a small bowl, mash together the avocado, lemon juice and a dash of salt and pepper until well mixed.

    3. Toast bread to personal liking. We love using fresh French bread toasted just until crispy so it is still doughy in the center.

    4. While bread is toasting, crack an egg in the warmed pan and cook until your egg reaches over easy. You want the yolk to have a hint of crust on the outside but gooey insides. Don’t forget to salt & pepper your egg. Remove egg from heat once it reaches your preferred level of doneness.

    5. Slice tomato into thin slices.

    6. Build your open faced sandwich by spreading avocado spread on toast, followed by tomatoes, then egg. Add salt, pepper and a dash of red pepper flakes.

    7. Enjoy!

    In case you’re interested in seeing the nutritional facts for the recipe check out the lable below which I created using a new website, Newtrien.


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    A Green Juice That Doesn’t Taste Like Grass

    Lately, Bo and I can’t get enough homemade green juice. There aren’t many places that sell fresh pressed vegetable juices in Geneva so making them at home is the easiest solution. We’ve experimented over the past few months with different recipes and have finally perfected one that we both love. He tends to like juices that are super green and while I like my juices green, I don’t want to feel like I’m sipping grass. This one is perfectly balanced, and we love it so much that we’ve been making it in batches then storing it in the refrigerator using mason jars.

    Mint Green Juice recipe


    • 2 green apples, chopped
    • 1/2 large cucumber
    • 2 cups spinach
    • 1 lime, peel & seeds removed
    • Small piece of fresh ginger, about 1 inch
    • 1/3 cup fresh mint leaves

    Directions: Push all the ingredients through the juicer and enjoy immediately or after cooling in the refrigerator briefly.

    What’s your favorite juice ingredient?

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