NYCM Training Week 8: Running on Tired Legs

It’s amazing the difference a few weeks can make.  But before we get into running, I want to share a few fun links and things I’m loving right now. Because hey, sharing is caring, right?


Okay, back to marathon training.

Last week I was excited to embark on another week of training, feeling far better than the week before after a few quality runs. Overall my mind was in a better place. This week I’ve already spent time analyzing this week and next week’s plan, figured out how it will work with my upcoming travel plans to Seattle and Los Angeles, studied this week’s running splits, and spent time focusing on the other important non-running aspects of marathon training. Instead of being worried I’m really excited for this week training, especially after tonight’s tough run. Gia is great at reminding me that every workout won’t be easy and the ones that happen on tired legs tend to be some of the most important. There will be times during the marathon that my legs feel “too tired” but I’ll need to push through. So, while I didn’t hit the 30 miles I so wanted this week, I did log each of my runs and felt stronger during them than weeks past.


Tonight’s 5 mile run over the Queensborough Bridge after 19 miles in the past 2 days was no walk in the park. Instead of worrying over my speed I told my co-workers that my legs felt heavy and that I’d run behind them. In his normal style, Marcial refused, and instead made up for my silence as I focused on running by telling me about his fun weekend. Since I had gone out slow and steady, by the time we came back over the bridge I was able to let loose and pick up speed to the point that I finished our last mile running down 2nd Avenue at a sub 9 pace. Not bad for tired legs!

This week’s workouts will include a new mid-week distance record and some fun West Coast running with Bo!

  • 5 mile run
  • Personal training session
  • 5 mile progression run
  • 8 mile mid-week run
  • Yoga/Cross Training DVD
  • Hiking
  • 10 mile bridge race+warmup+cooldown miles

Oh and last but not least, guess who crushed his first double digit run in over a year and then has done 8 more miles since Saturday? BO! His doctor has given him a clean bill of health to start training for the New York City marathon and we’re both so thrilled. Fingers and toes crossed he’ll make it to the starting line with me this year! What better time now that we’ll have his sister Meg to cheer us on along the sidelines?! I’m so pumped to have my running buddy back!

If you’re training right now, how’s it going?

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NYCM Training Week 7: A New Running Mantra

Training last week left me feeling invigorated and craving more weeks of running. It was my first week logging 30 miles and I enjoyed every minute of my long run.


Instead of being stressed out by the marathon and the amount of time I have to dedicate to running, I convinced myself to use the time to clear my head. Tonight I ran over 3 miles without any music, just thinking about the week, brainstorming blog post ideas, enjoying the scenery, and listening to my breath. It was during these miles that I captured the below picture, which pretty much sums up the way I’m thinking about running from now on. Hopefully the person I’m destined to be is someone who can leave my frustrations, stress, anxiety, and worry on the path and cross the finish line of the New York City Marathon on November 4th in under 5 hours.

running mantra

Last week was also the first week that I completed every single workout, which was a great feeling come Sunday night. My goal for this week is to do the same in addition to getting in strength training (tomorrow) and yoga (Saturday post run).

I’m traveling once again this week but unlike last week, will definitely be able to enjoy at least one run outside. Our hotel is right on the Chicago lake front which means there is a sunrise run along the water in my future!

Monday: 5 miles (East River Path home)

Tuesday: personal training+foam rolling

Wednesday: 3 miles and yoga or cross training

Thursday: 5 miles

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 16-18 miles with Meghan followed by yoga with Kristin McGee 

Sunday: 3 mile shakeout run

What mantra gets you through the tough workouts?

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NYCM Training Week 4: Pump Up Playlist

Last week was fun and I am pleased to have no regrets. But, now that I’m back in New York City and ready to jump into the month of August, it’s time to get pumped up and back on track with my weekly training.

My travel schedule is in place for the next six weeks and work is going to keep me on my toes.

  • August 14th-16th San Francisco
  • August 18th-19th Boston for Healthy Living Summit
  • August 22nd-24th Chicago
  • August 29th-September 3rd Seattle
  • September 4th- 8th Los Angeles

In order to make sure that I am ready for the challenge and in the swing of things before travel ramps up, these next two weeks are a huge focus for me. While I did a great job eating healthy while I travelled last week, I didn’t get the sleep that I need and I definitely enjoyed a few to many alcoholic beverages. These next two weeks I’m pumping up the workouts, increasing sleep, keeping my food in check, taking my daily vitamins, and focusing on foam rolling and stretching a bit more.

Today was a perfect start as you can tell from my lunch and my dinner. The dinner, made at 9:45 when I got home from Pure Barre, was put together from start to finish in 5 minutes using ingredients in our refrigerator and pantry!

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This week’s workout schedule is as follows:

Monday: 5 miles in Central Park+Pure Barre blogger class

Tuesday: cross training

Wednesday: 5 miles

Thursday: stretching and foam rolling

Friday: 14 mile long run+Physique 57 blogger class

Saturday: 4 miles

Sunday: yoga or light, easy run

Anytime I need to focus on pumping myself up I head over to iTunes and build a new playlist. This one is a keeper and kept me moving, faster than normal, this evening as I ran through Central Park with my co-workers! I hope you enjoy it and find at least one song to add to your mix!

photo photo (1)

How do you get yourself back into a routine after a break week OR what is your favorite workout song right now?

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