New Balance Treasure Chest and Discount Code

Happy Monday! What a weekend it was. I feel like I need one extra day in this weekend but unfortunately, as we all know, that isn’t possible. So instead, I’m up early busting out 5 miles before a busy day of work. I hope you had a great weekend!

Remember  when Theodora and I met up for a long run before work on Friday? Well we both showed up dressed in adorable New Balanace gear thanks to the gang who is sponsoring our team, Team Off Balance, for the Massachusetts Reach the Beach. Sure, it was embarrassing to run side by side in matching gear, but we were both in love with the jacket, thanks to New Balance.


This team really has been incredible thus far. We may not be the fastest but we’ll definitely be well dressed and in great spirits!

On Wednesday night, Bo told me that I had a huge package. Unfortunately, due to my bout of stomach flu, I had no interest in digging into the package. Instead I left it for Thursday, hoping it would provide a midweek pick me up. I saw that Tina and a few other team members had received packages but I still wasn’t sure what to expect. For the majority of my running career, I ran in Target gear. My first step beyond Target was Lululemon and I was immediately in love with their vibrant colors and wonderful gear. But, beyond that, I haven’t really tried many different types of running gear. Little did I know that the box was really a treasure chest of running gear!


After opening this box, filled to the brim with New Balance goodies stuffed in a perfectly sized New Balance duffel, I have my work cut out for me. Not only have these goodies made me feel like the luckiest little runner in the world, but they’ve also motivated my ass to train seriously for Reach the Beach. I don’t want to let the gang at New Balance down in May and am now more motivated than ever to revaluate my goals with Gia, my running coach, after the National Half on March 17th!

My goal is to review each of these pieces for your benefit, but until then I want to share what I received and what have already leaped to the top as my favorites.


So while I have a lot of work to do in the running and review department, the folks at New Balance want to give you guys the chance to snag some of their great products at a discount. Until March 10th, you guys can use the code NBRTB129TDE47 on for free shipping and a 15% discount!

If you have any questions about the gear, let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them or get you the answer.

Do you have a favorite running or workout brand? What made you love the brand?

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Reach the Beach 2012

Twelve weeks from now, I am going to have the opportunity to spend the weekend with some of my favorite bloggers. No, I’m not going to a blogger conference or a meet up. Instead, I’m going to spend 24 hours with them exploring the roads of Massachusetts via foot and van during the New Balance Reach the Beach Relay!

Massachusetts - Wachusett to Westport

I’m looking forward to one exploring the back road of Massachusetts as I’ve seen very little of the state outside of Harvard Square. If only the elevation climbs didn’t have me scared shitless and intimidated.

Good thing my fellow team Off Balance teammates are rock stars and will certainly motivate me to bust my butt in training these next 84 days! It doesn’t hurt that our friends at New Balance believe enough in us to sponsor us for the big event.  We can’t let them down, now can we?

(awesome graphic created by Liz)

Our team includes:

  1. Anne of Fannetastic Food
  2. Sarah of
  3. Patricia of Run Foodie Run
  4. Tina of Carrots ‘N Cake
  5. Me
  6. Bridget of Yogurt and Berries
  7. Liz from On Tap for Today
  8. Theodora of Losing Weight in the City, whose shirt is proof that Patriots and Giants fans can peacefully coexist… in a photo collage, at least.
  9. Gretchen of Honey, I Shrunk the Gretchen!
  10. Monica of Run Eat Repeat
  11. Ali of Food Fitness Fashion
  12. Melissa of Fitness NYC

As someone who still considers myself a new runner who is anything but fast, it’s exciting to be chosen to be on a team with the likes of a You Tube workout queen, speedy red head, and lots of banana lovers. Who knows, maybe during the weekend I’ll learn a thing or two from these amazing ladies!

I’ve already asked Chrissy, my relay loving guest blogger from last week, to do a part two about training for relay races. As of now, I know very little except the following:

  • Squeeze in at least one 2 a day runs in the weeks leading up to the relay.
  • Come to terms with the fact that you’ll be living in a van, squashed between other women, for 24 hours.

Until then, I’m going to start doing 2 a day run workouts next week and will share my training plan with you once it’s finalized.

Reach the Beach Relay

If you’re interested in forming your own team, Reach the Beach is already 80% full so you better act quickly! Check out their website because registration is filling up fast!  Entry fee is around $1200 for a team of 12 but the memories will be priceless! Charity options are also available for those interested in reaching the beach for a cause.

That’s all I know. This is truly a first for me so I’m hoping you, my readers, can help me out with your tips and tricks.

*Thank you New Balance and Reach the Beach for this awesome opportunity!

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