Who Lifts You Up?

Over the past few weeks and months I have found myself stepping out of my athletic comfort zone far more often. Trail running, swimming, signing up for a triathlon, clipping in a road bike, and pushing my pace are all things that have intimidated me to the point of resistance for years. I’ve cheered and supported my friends in these endeavors but never believed enough in myself to personally accomplish them.

Tonight, while pushing through my speed workout, I thought about what I would have done a year ago in this situation. After a long day in the office, I probably would have told myself I could do it next week and shirked off speed work for a few more minutes of work or a relaxing evening. In the back of my head, I didn’t think it was that important because I would be “fast." Now, a year later, the runners in my life are constantly pushing me whether during runs or training conversations, to get out of my comfort zone and focus on how strong I’ve become. These simple words and mantras are finally starting to register mentally and help me push down the negative thoughts.

Surround yourself with people who lift you up

In fact, I’ve evolved into a person I barely recognize sometimes and it is because of the people in my life. They aren’t all here in Geneva, in fact, many are social media friends that I have yet to meet in real life. But regardless of how they came into my life, I am blessed to have people who support and lift me up on a daily basis. On Monday night, as I prepared to swim a mere 100 meters in our swim meet, I was overcome with nerves so severe that I was on the verge of letting a co-worker take my place at the meet. Within minutes every single person on my team was surrounding me, telling me how strong and courageous I was for standing on the starting block, preparing to swim. They motivated and supported me until with only ten seconds left I turned, flashing them a smile, assuring them I would swim as fast as possible. To this day, I barely know some of their names since we spend most of our time with our heads in the water during our early morning practices.

But, tonight, I took the time to organize all my notecards and start writing thank you notes, one by one, to those incredible people in my life who lift me up daily. They will never know what an impact they’ve had on me these past few months during this time of change and adjustment.

Take the time tonight to think about who you surround yourself with each day. Do you have an opportunity to find more positive influences? Have you thanked someone in your life lately for helping motivate you to be the best person possible? 


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Sometime Motivation Is Only a Cubicle Away

Did everyone have a nice Memorial Day weekend? Bo and I loved having an extra day to spend together enjoying some of our favorite things such as running, cooking and planning a few upcoming trips together. In case you’re catching up, here’s what went down this weekend.

Last night’s dinner ended up being even more amazing than I expected! While we used to get bored with grilled chicken since we made it so often last night it hit the spot. Our menu was inspired by the fresh ingredients we found at the Union Square Farmer’s Market yesterday including peas, Jersey Tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil plants, and zucchini!

IMG_0694 IMG_0696IMG_0697 IMG_0699 It was hand’s down delicious and the perfect summer meal!

Now that we’ve talked about the weekend, let’s talk about a different topic that is near and dear to my heart, motivation.

People often ask me how I find time or energy to workout 5-6 days per week in addition to blogging and a 55-60 hour work week. The easy answer, partially joking, is often that my metabolism requires it of me. But, in all honesty, I love the energy and high that I feel after a strong workout. Until last week, I considered myself a morning workout person. I rarely worked out in the evening and often found enough energy in my morning workout to forego a coffee. It helps wake me up and prepare me for the day. But then, a co-worker named Marcial came along. We’ve known each other a little over a year and during that time have often enjoyed “water cooler conversations” during which point we’d talk about our weekends. But, once Marcial found out that I was also a runner, the discussions turned primarily running focused. After a month of ignoring his Outlook Calendar invites for my office’s 5:30 run club, he finally asked me point blank last week.

“When are you going to join us? You run all the time but never with us?

Little did Marcial know that making someone change their habits is tough. The idea of working out, especially running, after a long day of work when I’m not “ready” to leave my desk yet is challenging and frankly not very exciting. I normally don’t leave until around 7 so the thought of leaving early started to stress me out more than excite me. But, finally, I gave in and ran with three of my co-workers last Wednesday on what was a longer than expected run. Due to my office’s location we ran to the park talking and laughing for six miles. Today I joined them again, this time for four miles in Central Park through the hazy, thick 87 degree summer air.


I promise there is a point to this long winded story. The point is that sometimes you can find motivation in the places you never expect it. If I’m going to make the New York City Marathon a charm this year (3rd time!), then I’m going to need to push my training in ways I haven’t previously while also being smarter. I already know that Gia wants to challenge me to fill DailyMile with longer mid-week runs. While I find daily inspiration from runners like Christine, it’s this small office group that has finally made me try and stick with evening runs that are farther and faster than I expected. The conversation comes easily since we work together, the miles fly by since I have company, the park’s hills challenge my legs, and the heat is great conditioning.

Next time you find yourself looking for motivation, step back and look to the people closest to you because sometime motivation is just a cubicle away.

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Peer Pressure Works

My morning workout didn’t happen this morning. After staying up until 12:15am doing work last night I needed every bit of sleep possible.

Therefore, the snooze button may have been hit four times this morning and my lazy butt didn’t get out of bed until 7:30. It was glorious! Do you ever find that some days your body is just screaming for an extra hour of sleep?

But, Bo and I have really mastered the team work thing lately when it comes to working out. We try to both do either morning or evening. That way, at 5am there is someone to yank you out of bed or at 7pm there is a motivating voice telling you to get to the gym instead of coming home and being a couch warrior.

Tonight the plan worked! I called Bo at 7 telling him I had a headache and was tired. All I wanted was 30 Rock and a date with the sofa. He said he’d meet me at the gym for a 30 minute workout. Peer pressuring for the gym works. There was no way I was going to come home while he pounded out a great workout.

Workout: 3.2 miles on the treadmill (6.2 pace)

10 minutes of abs and back strength workout

5 minutes of stretching and foam rolling

Do you have an accountability partner who helps you get in that workout?

Don’t forget to enter my Vega Good Giveaway! It ends Friday!

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