Cincinnati Long Run with a Side of White Castle

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, running with friends is amazing! Even more amazing, is having friends in different cities across the country with whom I can run.

This week’s running schedule, which has been adjusted slightly due to feeling under the weather Tuesday, has turned into a bit of a step back week in terms of mileage. But, mileage aside, it has been nothing of the sort. I’ve dealt with illness, travel, bad fuel, and finally a nice little stomach bug.

Let me tell you folks, I’m not making excuses. Even the worst runs, like last year’s 18 mile tune-up, teach us a great deal!

First and foremost, I tested the fueling gods last night and tried to have barbecue, compliments of Montgomery Inn Boathouse, the night before a run. Based on my activity during the night last night and my unsettled stomach this morning, I’m going to venture to say I won’t be making that mistake again.

The Boathouse

While attending the dinner was required for work, I should have stuck with something a bit more simple. I had a handful of their popcorn for an appetizer but was excited for the main attraction.

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But, when tempted with ribs, I thought I was doing well to have the appetizer portion and half a baked sweet potato. At least the views and company was wonderful!

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At 5:30 when my alarm went off, I stepped out a bed and immediately felt like an old lady. While yesterday morning’s run was amazing, that and two days of heavy lifting have left my legs a bit tired, even though my mileage is low. I need to start focusing on maintaining the muscle I’ve developed over the past few months and do more agility and cardio during my personal training sessions. Three different experienced marathoners have given me this suggestion over the past week and I think it’s valid. Last year I did nothing but run. This year I may be trying to do a bit too much which is putting stress on my leg muscles. I want my legs to feel fresh for my long runs! I decided to wear my Zensah calf sleeves, hoping they would help my legs during the run. IMG_4089 (640x478)

Within minutes I was dressed and chowing down a half a Clif Bar. I forgot to pack long run shorts so instead I experimented with my Nike Tempo shorts, being sure to use Glide all over my thighs.

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Tracey, an old work friend, met me at 5:45 on the dot. We hadn’t seen each other in over 3 years so that alone had me excited for the morning’s run. An active runner in Cincinnati, he knew a perfect route which would take us down through Cincinnati’s stadium, over the bridge to Northern Kentucky, along the river, through the small towns, and back over the river.

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There were two things I immediately noticed while running. Talking constantly is a tough skill to master and Cincinnati is not flat! Little did I know that our route would include two bridges and plenty of rolling hills in between. While it wasn’t as challenging as Hyde Park and some other neighborhoods, it was a great hill workout. In addition, I enjoyed our conversation though at times found myself having to shut up just so I could focus on my breathing. Does anyone have tips for how to master running and talking?

Tracey has run some amazing marathons over the past few years.

  • ET Full Moon Marathon
  • Death Valley Trail Marathon
  • Dublin Marathon
  • London Marathon
  • North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon in Wisconsin
  • Flying Pig

His stories kept me entertained throughout the entire run, especially his Nashville horror story which included a DNF and hospital visit. Needless to say, his experience is proof that everyone should wear a Go Sport ID for safety sake!

A few miles left in our run, my stomach became very uneasy therefore requiring two bathroom stops. Unfortunately this meant that running became really tough due to both tired legs and lack of fuel. This morning’s water and Shotblocks weren’t cutting it. But, check out the classic picture Tracey captured as I left bathroom stop #2.

White Castle run

Please see the guy in the background. I can only imagine what he’s thinking. Actually, if you head over to my earlier post you can enter the caption contest and tell me what he’s thinking.

We finished the run at 10.5 miles instead of 12. I immediately felt defeated and started venting to Tracey. Luckily, the voice of reason helped me put things in perspective.

  • Being a runner means having good runs and bad runs.
  • Bad runs make the decent and good runs that much better.
  • Before 8am we had logged 10.5 hilly miles while spending time catching up!
  • Fueling properly can make or break a run.
  • Strength training and cross training is key for successful marathon training but it has to be balanced and can’t leave my body exhausted the next 60 days.

I’m happy to have my run done for the weekend so I can focus on Lauren’s wedding festivities. I know it’ll be a fun filled weekend which will nicely balance this crazy week.

Last but not least, good luck to all my East coast readers who are weathering this storm. Please be safe and smart!

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Marathons+Moderation: Guest Post #13


Helloooo Healthy Happier readers! My name is Christine and I blog at These Happy Miles. When Ashley e-mailed me about guest posting for this series, I jumped at the chance because I’ve been following the series each week.

Helloooo Healthy Happier readers! My name is Christine and I blog at These Happy Miles. When Ashley e-mailed me about guest posting for this series, I jumped at the chance because I’ve been following the series each week.

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nice to meet you! here i am on a sweaty summer run in central park

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bling bling from a half marathon

I also LOVE to talk about, ponder, and discuss strategies for still having a life while marathon training. Striving to balance out training with a full-time job, a long commute, family obligations, a social life, and other things like blogging, eating well, and sleeping is NOT easy.

But, like running itself, I’ve come to find out that it’s not supposed to be.

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It’s this chase to fit in running and everything else you need to do each day that makes life interesting and fun and keeps you on your toes (no pun intended).

One thing’s for sure: I know I’ll never be bored.

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I’m training for my second and third marathons at the moment (Chicago and Philly this Fall!) and I happily take on the life balance challenge because I just love to run and I’m obsessed with racing.

Here are my 8 tips for trying to make it all work.

  1. Be OK with making sacrifices. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve turned down and invites I’ve declined because I had a long run or a race in the morning. I hate missing anything fun and my family and friends may not completely understand, but sacrificing for the bigger picture (crossing the finish line with a smile after a feel-good race) is WORTH it. Other things that may be sacrificed on any given day: a good night’s sleep, a well-written blog post, a dinner that is not a PB&J sandwich.
  2. Open up to family, friends, bosses, and co-workers. After all, they may wonder why you’re always scooting out the door at 6PM or passing up invitations. Explain to them why you’ve made a commitment to marathon training. Also, keeping people in the know about your training holds you accountable too!
  3. Capitalize on gaps of time. Morning person? Set your alarm a little earlier and get in your run for the day before work. Have a gym nearby work? Do a cross training workout on your lunch hour. Night owl? Jump into your workout clothes and run right after work. Seize each and every day! And warning: don’t let yourself sit on the couch "just for 5 minutes." Just 5 minutes on the couch is never 5 minutes.
  4. Plan out the week. If possible, it helps to figure out which days will be obligation-heavy or late nights at work. Or, realize that’s there’s NO WAY you’ll be able to do a long run on a Saturday when you have tickets to Countryfest and will. not. miss. the pre-concert tailgate (long run successfully completed on Friday instead). Knowing in advance that you can’t run at your regular time on a particular day is key to scheduling a time when you are able to run. Prioritize your life and shift around runs on your training schedule if necessary.
  5. Think about regrets. I have honestly never regretted getting my bum out the door to go for a run. But I have regretted dark times when something plagued me from running (most likely just plain laziness). When you’re on that starting line with 26.2 miles ahead of you, it’s a comforting thought to know that you hit the majority of your runs and gave the training your all. Which brings me to…
  6. Don’t beat yourself up. Sure, there are some days during the 3-4 months of a training cycle when missing a training run is inevitable. And that’s OK. Don’t let it bring you down and just get out there again tomorrow.
  7. See your run time as "me" time. Running is the cheapest therapy. It gives me time to think about the day, make to do lists in my head for the next day, plan what I’ll do with the rest of the day/night, and to chill out to some good music.
  8. Have fun. Whether that means seeking out fellow runnerds in your area to carb load and watch a movie on a Friday night or going out to dance/dance on tables/replace all of the calories you lost during a long run that day through beer consumption on a Saturday night. I RUN for my Saturday nights and swear they are more fun after a nice, long sweat session.

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And… if you’re doing it right… marathon training should be fun too.

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New York City Marathon Training: Week Six

Happy Tuesday, I think? Unfortunately, I’m not feeling 100% which means that I’ve been chugging green tea, Dayquil, and water like it’s my job. I feel like this is the marathon’s way of telling me that I’m an idiot for traveling so much during marathon training.

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Just to put things in perspective, let’s review my travel schedule for an eight week time period:

  • San Francisco August 9th-11th
  • Chicago August 11-13th
  • Philadelphia August 13th
  • Philadelphia August 19th-August 21st
  • Cincinnati August 24th-August 28th
  • Philadelphia September 17th-September 18th
  • Los Angeles September 21st-September 25th

As you may recall, during week six I ran in two different cities, New York and Philadelphia. My total mileage for the week came to 28 miles, just short of the 30 mile mark, which I was hoping to exceed during week seven.

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Monday: 5 mile tempo workout

Tuesday: 3.1 miles speed workout

Wednesday: 4.5 mile hill workout in Central Park

Thursday: elliptical+weight workout

Friday: rest day

Saturday: 14 mile long run in Philadelphia

Sunday: 1.5 mile walk+1.5 mile run in Philadelphia

Hands down, my favorite part of last week was running with friends for 3 of my 5 runs!

During all that travel, I’m also supposed to be training for a marathon. No pressure, right? So far, I’ve really been trying to look forward to each new city since it means a long run in a new city each week, rather than the monotony of running the Hudson River path each week. While it’s worked so far, I feel like the travel is starting to catch up with my health and drain my immune system. Therefore, I skipped this morning’s run in favor of sleep. After taking a dose of Nyquil last night at 9:30, I slept soundly until 7:30 this morning. Clearly my body is screaming for rest. My sinuses feel like they are about to squeeze my head, I’m paler than normal, and my normal energy is definitely absent. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep for hours upon hours.

    Therefore, this week’s plan will look a bit different than past weeks. I’m going to cut back on workouts this week and use it as a mini step back week of sorts.
    Monday: Personal training session
    Tuesday: rest day
    Wednesday: Personal training session
    Thursday: 12 mile run in Cincinnati
    Friday: 4 mile shake out run in Cincinnati
    Saturday: yoga and 3 miles of speed
    Sunday: We’ll see how I feel after Saturday night’s wedding!

I don’t like that my mileage is so low at this point in marathon training but I think I need to listen to my body this week. Luckily, after this week’s travel my schedule settles down for a few weeks.

Question: Do you step back your workouts when you’re feeling under the weather?

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