The Perfect Friday


Every now and then you have one of those days that are so wonderful, you just can’t stop pinching yourself. Yesterday was definitely one of them!

Earlier in the week I had decided that after weeks of long hours, I was in need of a Friday half day. This would give me the chance to enjoy a special event with some other bloggers (more to come later), finish my long run for the week, and enjoy some pampering at Bliss.

Theodora nor I knew what to eat for lunch that would be filling, gentle on our stomachs, while fueling us for our run a few hours later. I’m so accustomed to early morning runs that are fueled with peanut butter and banana. It is hard to find this option in Pax , Pret, or Toasties and I only had 5 minutes to grab lunch.

I settled on a ham Pressata from Pax minus the cheese. When I returned to my desk I realized that the sandwich wasn’t ham and tomato alone as I’d requested. Instead, there was a small piece of cheese that added some delicious melted goodness.

IMG_0729 Within an hour I regretted this decision. Even though the caloric information said it was only 515 calories, including the cheese, it was far richer than my stomach is accustomed to digesting. Luckily, by the time I arrived at Theodora’s apartment, 3 hours later, I was feeling better.

We hung out watching The Ellen DeGeneres show while catching up. It would have been easy to forget about our long run and spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing. But, luckily, after this tweet we decided to continue catching up on foot during our run.

imageGetting out of the house was the best decision ever! We didn’t put any pressure on ourselves, instead promising that we’d run until we wanted to turn around even if it was only 3 miles.

Our only stop during the run was at our turn around point, approx 4 miles up the Hudson River.

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By the end of our run we had logged 9 miles at a decent pace while also finding redemption in a good run after a few less than stellar runs this week and last.

Our fun wasn’t done though! After the fastest stretching session ever, we hustled back to midtown for an evening of pampering and dinner with Bo. We redeemed our birthday gift cards at Bliss 49 while enjoying a manicure and pedicure. IMG_0750

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The spa lived up to it’s name but by the end Theodora and I were quickly becoming Hangry Pants.

Bo rescued us and quickly persuaded us to enjoy Dos Caminos for dinner. Actually, this didn’t take much persuaded especially since it was only a few blocks away.




I enjoyed the ceviche trio for dinner which was the perfect size after enjoying a few chips and guacamole.

Can every Friday please be like yesterday?

Question: What is your favorite entree at a Mexican restaurant?


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The One Thing No One Can Take Away


Good evening!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thursday.  I can’t complain one bit as I woke up feeling much better and ready to take on the day!

I met Gabriela and Sara at Equinox for another wonderful Thursday spin class with Shaina. I’m always worried how people will enjoy classes but luckily Gabriela loved it too! Shaina went a little crazy on us and started getting very deep and preachy towards the end. I don’t usually like this but she made a good fact. Each day, we must figure out what is the one thing we do for ourselves that no one can take away.

Today’s class was more intense than normal with a few really tough intervals. I left class sweaty and tan! 🙂

IMG_0690After a quick shower I left the gym feeling refreshed and renewed. I think I sweat all the germs out during class!  IMG_0691Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t warm and sunny this morning. Instead it was sunny and felt like 9 degrees! My nose was already cold just a few seconds out of the gym!


Today was a far less stressful day than yesterday and the workday went by very quickly due to all the productivity!

I enjoyed a few breaks for nourishment, but otherwise stayed busy all day.

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I left the office early to run a few errands and enjoy a relaxing evening at home complete with more delicious cereal.


I am ready for a wonderful weekend, starting with a fun Friday!

  • Peanut Butter & Company Nutropolitan Museum event with Melissa and Sara
  • Long run with Theodora 
  • Mani & Pedi at Bliss Spa
  • A fun girl’s brunch
  • New York Junior League’s Winter Ball with Theodora and Bo

Until then, check out this amazing deal on Gilt Group today! Not a member yet? Click here to join!

The Ultimate Kit: Physique 57® 6 DVD with ball and pump

Question: What one thing do you do for yourself each day that no one can take away?

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Manic Mondays Don’t Have Anything on Me!

Happy Monday! Did you have a case of the Monday’s today?

My day started later than expected as I slept through my morning workout. I felt badly bailing on Sara, my awesome workout buddy, but my hamstrings were still sore and I overdid my yoga yesterday which left my shoulders and abs tired as well. It’s amazing how chaturanga and bow pose work my arms.


At the office, my day was a manic Monday but I didn’t let this get in the way of my healthy habits. 

I enjoyed this delicious green juice throughout the day, finishing half of it by the end of the day. I’ve emailed a dietician friend, in hopes of understanding whether this bottled juice has the same benefits as fresh juice. I don’t have access to a juicer at work and fresh juices are so expensive at local juice stands. Any tips or thoughts?

IMG_0659 I upped the greens during my lunch as well, trading up my normal small salad for the large size at Pax. But, in order to keep calories in check, I filled it with all veggies and no added goodies like cheese or proteins. Instead, I saved money and brought my leftover grouper. It was delicious and very filling. This salad kept me full all day long!


When I left the office, at 7:19 it was already dark and cold outside. I was exhausted but knew that if I did some speed training on the treadmill tonight I could be in and out of Equinox in time for The Bachelor!

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Mission accomplished! I completed 3 miles of speed intervals in 27:09! I was entertained by the post game report from the Academy Awards. These were a few of my favorites:

women 2011 Academy Awards Oscars red carpet dress

I didn’t love Scarlett’s hair but I loved her dress and makeup. That color, dahlia, is amazing!

I love dresses that combine sexy with conservative. This plunging neckline and cinched waist are the perfect contrast to the full, puffy skirt.

Speaking of Academy Awards, I have chosen a winner for the Academy Award sized giveaway. Congratulations #57 Annemarie, you are the winner of an amazing prize package!  Please email me your mailing address so I can send it your way!

In other news, today’s health and fitness tip is something we all could use:

Today’s Health & Fitness tip is to take 5 min breaks every hour by looking off into the distance. Your eyes will thank you!

  • Keep the distance of the monitor from your eyes between 16 to 30 inches. Most people find a distance of 20 to 26 inches comfortable.
  • Purchase an anti-glare screen for your work and home computer
  • Increase font size on your computer for easier viewing
  • Just close your eyes for a few minutes when your work requires prolonged data input into the computer.

Question: What is your single favorite yoga move?

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