A Twenty Mile Running Tour of Tampa

One of the things I love and hate about running is that every run is different. Some days you’ll head out expecting a horrible run and you’ll PR by accident and then some days you get out there, and even when you give it every ounce you have, you still feel like you failed since you didn’t meet your mileage or pace goal.

In fact, this is one of the reasons that I’m not putting too much pressure on myself for my upcoming marathon. Each day I put a ton of pressure on myself in my career, which I love, but I need running to be my outlet. Therefore, this morning as Meghann and I ran I told her that my goal for the marathon is to beat last year’s time of 5:06. If it’s 5:05:59 I’ll be happy! For me, at this point in my life, running is my stress reliever after a long day of work or the best part of waking up in the morning. The last thing I want to do is add more stress to my life.

Therefore, instead of looking back on today’s run as a failure, I am remembering it as a 20 mile run completed in beautiful and very scenic Tampa with one of my best friends and the best running cheerleader I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet!

After seven hours of sleep I jumped up this morning, quietly made my pre-run breakfast of a bagel thin and peanut butter and got dressed in the bathroom; doing my best not to wake Bo. Having a pile all prepared definitely helps when you’re trying to get ready quickly in a foreign hotel room.

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I met Meghann in front of my hotel at 6:05, ready to rock our run! We both wore at least one piece of Lululemon which spurred a discussion about the brand, prices, and quality. One thing’s for sure, I’m a running skirt convert! Running in this skirt was so much fun and I had ZERO chafing issues. If it ends up being above 50 degrees on marathon day I’ll be rocking this skirt! I’m not going to lie, I think it’s the most becoming article of running clothing I own!


My tour guide had a great running route planned for us which included Harbor Island, Davis Island, and Bayshore Boulevard. While I’ve been to Tampa before, it’s been ages and my visits were historically limited to the waterways where our rowing team competed many a Saturday during high school.


Our first few miles were done in the dark and I was thankful when, by mile 5, it was light enough to see the sights. The first miles flew by as we talked about living with men, Meghann and Derek’s recent cruise, travel, and races.


Around mile 10, just as we were leaving Davis Island, my left leg started getting really tight. I’ve never felt a pain like this before but it was a radiating pain in my quad. No matter what I did or how many times I paused to stretch, it didn’t really help. I told Meghann at this point that we may need to reduce our speed but that I was finishing the 20 miles even if I needed to do a run/walk combination. While many people disagree, and I don’t normally advocate the run walk method, I know that part of doing a 20 miler is just getting your body accustomed to moving for that duration of time.


Around mile 15 I decided to focus on run/walk versus stretch breaks because I didn’t want my muscles to get tighter and I wanted to be done. At this point, Meghann really turned into my running cheerleader. I told her I didn’t want “ra ra giddy” type stuff but instead just something to keep me going. She told me the story of her best and worst marathon experience, how blessed she is to have Kelly as a running cheerleader, and about her future goals and adventures. It was during these miles that I realized just how close a friend Meghann has become. I felt zero shame about my legs even though I knew thousands of people would see that it wasn’t a wonderful run. She stuck with me even though we were running a completely straight path and I told her more than once that she could run ahead and I’d be fine!


By the time we reached the front of my hotel I was more than ready to be done. I think 19.63 miles is close enough to 20 and you know what, I’m going to spend four hours dancing tonight which will just compensate for those 4 tenths of a mile. Smile  It wasn’t fast, clocking in at 3:47, but it was still faster than my marathon pace last year and we finished!


I quickly headed upstairs for an ice bath and banana, happy to be done and looking forward to hours of poolside fun all afternoon!

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An Intimidating Slip of Paper


Not every long run goes as expected. After last weekend’s amazing 20 miler, I was excited to attempt 20 again, even though my running coach suggested against it.

Earlier in the week, I reached out to Fleet Feet Savannah to see if I could join their Saturday long run group since a number of locals are training for the Rock and Roll Savannah Marathon, which is the same weekend as my marathon.

I was ecstatic when they said yes and spent last night carb loading with my family before lacing up my shoes at 5:30 this morning. I enjoyed a Thomas Bagel Thin for the first time! It was delicious! I have to see if I can find these in New York City!

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I left the house at 5:55 in order to make it to Fleet Feet by 6:15. It was pitch black out, the wind was howling, and it took me ten minutes to figure out where to park.

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As soon as I turned the corner towards the store, a friendly face screamed my name.

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The tall blonde woman in the above picture, Coach Wilson, was my middle school gym teacher and softball coach. I hadn’t seen her in 14 years yet she still remembered my face and name. How’s that for a small town feeling? It turns out that she organizes the weekly long runs with the Fleet Feet team.

While everyone signed in, she handed each of us small slips of paper with running routes.

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This small piece of paper was very intimidating this morning. I immediately realized just how far a “long run” is in Savannah and how far you can travel through town. I saw streets on this sheet of paper that I’d never think of going to on the same day; in totally different parts of town ranging from midtown to the downtown historic section. To anyone reading this post who also runs a training group, I highly recommend using bullets and offering Ziploc bags for sweaty runners to put the paper in so it doesn’t get ruined from the sweat.

After twenty minutes of stretching and waiting for people to show up we finally started, broken into groups by pace. I joined the 10:30 pace group, looking forward to getting to know the men and women running and talk about training.

Unfortunately, I quickly found out that this group is a “run/walk” training group. No one mentioned this to me when I called or showed up this morning. Therefore, I didn’t realize that my running group would stop every 5 to 8 minutes to walk for a minute.

This didn’t go over very well with me as I’ve never trained in this manner. By mile 3, I decided that I’d stay between the 10:00-10:30 pace groups for safety but run solo.

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One of the benefits to running with the group was definitely the random water stations scattered throughout our route and always knowing that there were people behind and in front of me.

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By mile 8, when I stopped for water and this quick snapshot, I was feeling pretty good but didn’t have the excitement in me to attempt doing 20 miles especially since my coach didn’t feel a need. Knowing that I have 20 miles on the plan next weekend in Tampa with Meghann made shortening today’s run very easy.

Suddenly I was over half way done and therefore left the water stop with a huge smile! I continued from midtown towards downtown, passing our local Junior League along the way!

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The final miles of my long run were in our gorgeous Forsyth Park. The park’s path is exactly a mile and flanked by Live Oaks and hanging moss. There were lots of workout classes taking place in the park, surrounded by happy dogs playing in the grass.

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I finished fourteen miles at a 10:44 pace, feeling strong and excited for next weekend’s 20 miler.

I was greeted by a very welcome sight when I got home, ice and a huge Jacuzzi bath! This is definitely a benefit to doing long runs at home in Savannah versus New York!

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It still amazes me that I ran through so many different neighborhoods this morning. Running through Savannah was so different than even New York as I know the roads and distances so well.

Question: Do you find it harder or easier to run when you know the route well?

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Up with the Sun: 20 miles in Edisto


Last night was the perfect long run preparation: lots of water, delicious food, and plenty of sleep.

Dinner wasn’t my normal pasta festival, but instead hamburger buns and pasta salad filled the carbohydrate requirement.

Our plan for last night’s easy dinner worked out perfectly! Everyone pitched in and within 45 minutes we had a delicious dinner including hamburgers, pasta salad, grilled squash, and the most amazing homemade pumpkin spice cookies ever! Don’t worry, I’ve already told my Rochelle that she has to share the recipe!

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We spent the evening rocking on the front porch enjoying the stars, ocean breeze, and many different conversation topics. When I boded everyone goodnight at 9:45 I figured I’d miss out on hours of chatting and drinking. Instead, I started a trend and within fifteen minutes, everyone else followed.

My alarm went off at 5:45 and instead of being tired or ready to roll over, I was excited. I had a plan, goal, and motivation.

  • Plan: Run 20 miles and break it into separate runs so it seems more feasible. Six miles on my own, pass by the house to pick up my friends, follow them for 9 miles, drop them off at the house, then finish the final five on my own.
  • Goal: Finish 20 miles injury free and keep a pace of under 11 minutes. A year ago, I was running most of my long runs at an 11:30 to 11:45 pace.
  • Motivation: The sooner I finish the run the quicker I can be on the beach and back with my friends.

You know you’re back in the South when your long run breakfast includes banana, peanut butter, and John Derst bread!

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It was still pitch black when I left at 6:05, in fact I could barely see walking down the steps.

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It was quiet, peaceful, and the perfect temperature for a long run, 65 degrees.

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The street lights guided me for the first few miles and the sun rise guided me for the next few as I headed back towards the house to pick up my friends Rochelle and Chrissie. My first six miles flew by and exactly 63 minutes later I was at the door waiting for them to finish getting dressed.

Rochelle is training for her first half marathon and only had 9 miles on her schedule. I knew they were going to be faster than me but I didn’t realize how motivating it’d be to follow their swaying ponytails for 9 miles. With their motivation, I only stopped one time during those 9 miles and it was only to get a GU out of my Camel Bak.

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We ran by a golf course, marina, and the gorgeous Carolina marsh before heading back towards the house. I took a quick bathroom break when we reached the house and was surprised how great I was feeling at the 15 mile point. My pace was right on target, 10:43, and I had gone through one Camel Bak of water and 1 GU by this point.

My final five miles were easier than I expected but just in case, I put on my pump up playlist, took one final Gu and really started to focus on the scenery.

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I dreamed of living in these beautiful marsh front homes, waved to golfers, and enjoyed the sunshine. Running around Edisto Island reminded me of running through the community where Bo grew up in Savannah.

IMG_4717 (640x478) Even though I was feeling good, I was definitely elated to see this site! TWENTY MILES DONE!!

Unfortunately, math wasn’t my forte during today’s run, and I hit the 20 mile point a mile and a half away from the house. I spent the mile and half walk talking on the phone to Bo and my parents before diving into a frigid ice bath back at the house.

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This is exactly the run I needed. My pace is right on target for my marathon goal, the ice bath and Arnica gel left my muscles and joints feeling pretty good, and I enjoyed every moment of the run!

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