11 Weeks Later: Reflections on my 2016 NYC Half Marathon Training Plan


Ten weeks ago I shared my 2016 NYC Half Marathon Training plan with you guys. This training plan is the first one I’ve created solo, without the support of a formal coach. Instead, I spent hours reading prior recaps and training plans before developing one that worked for me. As you may recall, my weekly workout schedule/training plan included 6 workouts:

  • 3 runs (1 speed/1 long/1 mid-distance)
  • 2 strength training workouts
  • 1-2 yoga/pilates/barre classes

When creating this plan, I had a few goals:

  • Avoid injury.
  • Avoid running burnout.
  • Be able to continue cross training via ClassPass (<– Get $25 off your first month)

Now that I’m enjoying a few days of rest and relaxation during my week long taper before Sunday’s race, I thought it’d be a good idea to reflect on the past eleven weeks to see how the training plan worked out. Since I didn’t have the financial obligation to a running coach, was I able to hold up my end of the bargain? Heck yes! I’ve wanted this sub-2 hour half marathon for years and this time around I put 100% into training!


  • 3 runs?
    • Each week, I ran three times, without fail. Even during the crazy snow, I bundled up and head to Prospect Park or to the treadmill at Blink. I took eight classes at Mile High Run Club which most weeks served as my speed training. As part of the NYRR coached running group, I ran in Prospect Park six nights completing 4 – 6 miles as part of our weekly tempo workout. The only area where I could have improved is the long run. Two of my runs were cut short due to wind or extreme cold, which means that instead of 8 miles I ran 6 and instead of 10 miles I ran 8. The strength that I felt during my last two 10 mile long runs, gave me the confidence I needed to realize that these two shorter runs didn’t ruin my training plan. I do think that I will build in a 12-13 mile run before Brooklyn and Flying Pig Half Marathon just to give myself an added boost of confidence.
  • 2 strength training workouts?
    • I took 11 strength training classes during this training cycle which surprised me as I felt like I was taking them more often. As there are only so many days in the week, I definitely reduced the number of strength workouts I was taking during my Brooklyn Body Burn challenge in February.  I want to really focus on getting these strength workouts in as I know that increasing my lean muscle mass will only help me get faster. The best way to ensure this is by reviewing my training plan each Sunday as I plan my ClassPass schedule. This extra rigor will help hold me accountable.
  • 1-2 yoga/pilates/barre classes?
    • I took 10 yoga classes, one barre class and five Brooklyn Body Burn (aka megaformer) classes during this training schedule. I believe that the consistent yoga practice really helped my body stay injury free and improve my mental state during the tough first six weeks of the year. I would like to add a few more barre/pilates classes to the schedule during the next round of training as my body definitely leans out when I’m taking barre or reformer classes on a consistent basis.
  • Sleep? 
    • Over the past ten weeks I’ve averaged 7 hours of sleep which seems to be the perfect amount for my body. As part of the taper this week, I’m trying to get 8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Food/nutrition?
    • This one is a bit of a question mark right now. For the past few weeks I’ve felt a bit off (nope, I’m not pregnant, trust me friends) and I can’t pinpoint the reason. I’ve started eliminating things this week to try and pinpoint the culprit. I think the biggest culprit is evening dessert (dang you Thin Mints) and my afternoon snack. I’m focusing on smaller, more frequent meals which will allow me to better stabilize my blood sugar and hunger. During the week,  I’m going to do my best to go back to enjoying a cup of tea after dinner versus actual dessert.

So there you have it. My training plan wasn’t perfect but I feel pretty dang strong and ready to run my heart out on Sunday!

*As I mentioned, I am not a personal trainer nor a certified run coach. Therefore, I am providing this information to you based on my experience and suggest that you consult and expert before starting any new training plan. 

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Savoring the Perfect Runs

hills crushed

You know those confidence building, smile inducing runs that remind you why you enjoy the act of running so much? As runners, we lace up our shoes not knowing what the miles will bring. Regardless the preparatory measures we take like resting our legs, stretching, foam rolling and getting sleep – sometimes the result is far from perfect. But, those runs that include lots of smiles, flowing conversation with a running buddy and smiles are the ones we savor.

Luckily, for an hour and a half yesterday, I was able to experience one of those near perfect runs.

Originally, Ashley and I were going to run on Friday but we thought the sunshine and warmer temperatures in Saturday’s forecast seemed more appealing than snow, below 30 degree temperatures and wind gusts that greeted us when we each woke up Friday morning. The text message chain that takes place between running partners is hilarious ranging from “but I planned my week around this run” to “won’t the wind and cold just make me stronger.”  Luckily, Ashley’s argument that sunshine would be far more enjoyable won and we met yesterday on the Upper East Side at 9:15 ready for a great run.

Before leaving the house I made a pre-run breakfast of coffee, NUUN and peanut butter banana toast using Ezekiel bread, which Kristine introduced me to a few weeks ago.


Our goal for the run was to keep around a 9:10 pace since I’ll need to keep under a 9:09 during the NYC Half if I want to break 1:59:59. Since the first six miles of the NYC Half are in Central Park we figured there was no better place to run than the park. Harlem Hill, Cat Hill and the rolling West Side hills were the perfect way to test my legs and see if Prospect Park, Mile High and Barry’s Bootcamp hill training has worked.

long run map elevation

As you can see from our path, we did one loop of Central Park before heading towards the reservoir for a loop and half and finally coming South back towards the Met before finally ending at Butterfield Market. The first few miles flew by even as we continued talking while our legs pushed up Harlem Hills undulating twists and turns. After starting out a bit too fast, we pulled back the pace and settled into goal race pace. The weather was perfectly cool and crisp, the park was filled with runners and we were so busy talking that we both forgot to take fuel.

run buddy

Wearing: Vest Turtleneck Fleece TightsShoes Favorite UGA hat 

I love having an end goal in mind during long runs whether it’s a post run bagel, brunch date or smoothie. Knowing that we had delicious smoothies waiting for us when we finished was the extra boost I needed to find a kick in my step for the final half mile.
bloomfield market smoothies
I woke up this morning feeling the after effects of the hills, pace and run in my hips and IT band – a perfect reminder that today should be all about foam rolling, gentle yoga and rest. Luckily, I am two episodes into Season 1 of House of Cards so there is nothing I’d rather do after church than relax with a few more episodes.

Hope you guys are having great runs, workouts or weekend fun!


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Running into Spring

running into Spring

I’m not sure what it is about the winter months. The cold, chilly air motivates me to run outside as I’d rather run in cold weather than hot weather any day of the week. I mean come on guys, how much easier is it to add crazy amounts of layers and stay warm than strip down during those sticky months of Summer. While my dear friend Meghan once ran a 5k race naked, there are only so many layers that I can take off when running.

My mantra these past few weeks has been “these winter miles will make me stronger.” Each time I lace up my shoes and head towards Prospect Park for a few hilly miles, I focus my thoughts on what I’m training for and my personal goals for the upcoming season.

As I look towards to the Spring and Fall racing season, I have a different goal for each race on my list.

NYRR NYC Half Marathon – March 20th: PR CITY. This is the race in which I want to finally overcome the mental wall and break 2 hours. The multiple Mile High Run Club, Barry’s Bootcamp and NYRR coached run sessions are all in hopes of helping me get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Once we return from Tahoe, I have four weeks to focus all my efforts on this goal.

Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run – April 3rd: Have fun! This race has been on my race list for years and thanks to my friend Anne, it’s finally going to happen. The goal is to enjoy the miles with Anne, Theodora and others while taking in the sights of Washington, DC in the Spring.

Flying Pig Half Marathon – May 1st: Feel powerful on the hills. As an employee of Procter & Gamble, a Cincinnati based company, this list has been on my radar for years as we are one of the top sponsors. My friend Amy, who you may remember from the RNR Brooklyn Half, and I are running this together and our goals are to have fun and feel strong on the hills. This course is known for great crowd support and tough hills miles 5.25 until mile 10.5.

NYRR AirBnB Brooklyn Half Marathon – May 21st: Enjoy a run party with some of my favorite runnersThis race has always been a tough one mentally as the final seven miles are flat and boring once you leave Prospect Park.  Instead of focusing on the downsides of this race, such as the course, I’m focusing on the fact that I know more than 25 other people running through the streets of Brooklyn and this race will be a party!

Once I’ve finished these Spring races, I will spend the Summer months focusing on short distances again, similar to last summer. As part of my Rock’n’Blog partnership (Lots more news to come about this partnership as well as awesome DISCOUNT CODES!!) with Rock’n’Roll I will also add a few of their races to my Summer and Fall schedule. Right now I have my eye on Chicago, Philadelphia, Montreal, Brooklyn and Savannah.

So there you have it! When I’m not running, I’ll be focused on staying healthy and strong through cross training.

Your turn: Have you run any of these races before or any of the Rock’n’Roll races I’m considering? What’s your favorite? 

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