Manic Mondays Don’t Have Anything on Me!

Happy Monday! Did you have a case of the Monday’s today?

My day started later than expected as I slept through my morning workout. I felt badly bailing on Sara, my awesome workout buddy, but my hamstrings were still sore and I overdid my yoga yesterday which left my shoulders and abs tired as well. It’s amazing how chaturanga and bow pose work my arms.


At the office, my day was a manic Monday but I didn’t let this get in the way of my healthy habits. 

I enjoyed this delicious green juice throughout the day, finishing half of it by the end of the day. I’ve emailed a dietician friend, in hopes of understanding whether this bottled juice has the same benefits as fresh juice. I don’t have access to a juicer at work and fresh juices are so expensive at local juice stands. Any tips or thoughts?

IMG_0659 I upped the greens during my lunch as well, trading up my normal small salad for the large size at Pax. But, in order to keep calories in check, I filled it with all veggies and no added goodies like cheese or proteins. Instead, I saved money and brought my leftover grouper. It was delicious and very filling. This salad kept me full all day long!


When I left the office, at 7:19 it was already dark and cold outside. I was exhausted but knew that if I did some speed training on the treadmill tonight I could be in and out of Equinox in time for The Bachelor!

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Mission accomplished! I completed 3 miles of speed intervals in 27:09! I was entertained by the post game report from the Academy Awards. These were a few of my favorites:

women 2011 Academy Awards Oscars red carpet dress

I didn’t love Scarlett’s hair but I loved her dress and makeup. That color, dahlia, is amazing!

I love dresses that combine sexy with conservative. This plunging neckline and cinched waist are the perfect contrast to the full, puffy skirt.

Speaking of Academy Awards, I have chosen a winner for the Academy Award sized giveaway. Congratulations #57 Annemarie, you are the winner of an amazing prize package!  Please email me your mailing address so I can send it your way!

In other news, today’s health and fitness tip is something we all could use:

Today’s Health & Fitness tip is to take 5 min breaks every hour by looking off into the distance. Your eyes will thank you!

  • Keep the distance of the monitor from your eyes between 16 to 30 inches. Most people find a distance of 20 to 26 inches comfortable.
  • Purchase an anti-glare screen for your work and home computer
  • Increase font size on your computer for easier viewing
  • Just close your eyes for a few minutes when your work requires prolonged data input into the computer.

Question: What is your single favorite yoga move?

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Have you sipped your greens today?

I’ve always steered clears of juices as they tend to be high in sugar since they are often highly concentrated fruits. Therefore, I’ve never tried green juices or other natural juices in the past. Nor have I envied fellow bloggers juicers or daily juicing routines. However, our Monday trip to the new and updated Chelsea Market changed all of this. As we exited Amy’s Bread, I saw a chalkboard sign for One Lucky Duck. I’ve had the opportunity to taste their all natural treats once before when Melissa of FitnessNYC brought them to the blogger brunch. One Lucky Duck is a fabulous juice and takeaway business which is also associated with the famous vegetarian favorite hot spot, Pure Food and Wine. Their take out business consists of juices, smoothies, sweets, cookies, prepared foods, shakes, and salads. As their website states, everything at One Lucky Duck is made by hand at Pure from local and organic ingredients. This ensures their flavor and freshness! On Monday, the staff was sampling an array of green juice samples. Apprehensive at first, since I am not a fan of cucumber, I took a sample. Much to my surprise, it was love at first taste. The sample I tasted was their Thai Green juice. Thai Green features greens, cilantro, lime, and pineapple. The pineapple helps offset any bitterness from the greens and keep it from tasting too much like grass! After seeing my surprise delight, they offered a sample of their green giant. The kind staff suggested that I test having green juice during my afternoon lows when my energy is drained and I often turn to Diet Coke or coffee. After enjoying my first taste so much, I happily purchased three, planning to enjoy 1/2 of each bottle per day. Thus far, I have absolutely loved this afternoon treat. The greens and nutrients give me a burst of energy while leaving me full and refreshed. Tomorrow will be the real challenge as i’ve saved my Green Monster, the most intense, for Friday. I highly suggest that you try a daily dose of greens either as a morning or afternoon energy boost. If you’re in NYC you can hop over to either their main store at 125 e 17th street or order online at In addition, you can follow their inspirational founder, Sarma, on twitter!

I can’t wait to try more of their products! In fact, I hope to soon plan a dinner date with either Bo or my girlfriends at Pure Food and Wine!

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