Geneva Half Marathon Training–Week 6

I never felt as if I was affected negatively by the winter this year, thanks in part to the wonderful skiing but lately I feel a difference in my training. Maybe it’s the Spring weather but things clicked perfectly again last week and I finished each workout wishing there were more miles to run or more daylight to enjoy.

We’re about to go on vacation for 7 days so I’m hoping all this motivation will stick with me as while we’re exploring new cities. At least running is a great way to see the city?


Monday: Another great 60 minute yoga class in our office. I’m so thankful that I can just hop on the elevator and practice yoga during my lunch break. The Monday class seemed far harder than the Thursday class with longer poses.

Tuesday: This was the first two a day cross training day I’ve enjoyed in Geneva and while I’m sure it drives Gia crazy when she’s trying to organize my training plan it makes me so happy! I’ve fallen in love with swimming after just 3 practices and it makes me feel so challenged in the best way. I’m the slowest person each week but I finish and I’ve felt improvements in my form after just 3 practices. Last week we did lots of drills so that I barely noticed the 1100 meters. I followed that with a long power yoga class at InnerCity Yoga in Geneva. The class is Yoga Music Flow and is 90 minutes of sweat inducing power yoga followed by a 20 minute restoration like portion. Finding this happiness through two group workouts really made Geneva feel like home!


Wednesday: I wasn’t sure how Wednesday’s speed work would feel after Tuesday’s double workout but my legs felt surprisingly fresh. The workout was 10 minute warm-up followed by 2 miles at 9:20, 1 mile at 9:00 and then a 1 mile cool down. I did it on the treadmill which kept the pace tracking easy and zoned out to The Good Wife.

Thursday: 6 miles including 5k pace pickups for the first minute of each mile

Friday: Utter and complete rest day which felt wonderful!

Saturday: A last minute, impromptu 9 mile run with Emily!

Sunday: Lots of walking through Geneva along with a shakeout run!

How’s your training going? What’s next on your schedule? Any fun races?

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Geneva Half Marathon Training–Week 5

Oh how I wish every week of training could be just like last week. My body felt strong, the workouts were challenging but enjoyable, work and my travel schedule didn’t get in the way of any workouts, and I was able to enjoy a few workouts with friends which makes things even more fun!

Here’s a round-up of what went down last week in the world of half marathon training.

Monday: Nothing helps me get out of bed on a Monday like meeting a friend for a few pre-dawn miles! I had 5 miles on the plan so I decided to knock out the first 3 miles solo, enjoying sunrise along the lake, before meeting my friend Lauren for the final 2 miles. I kept each mile under 9:45 which was my goal for the run while not finishing completely exhausted.


Tuesday: This 35 minute easy run was squeezed in during lunch. The treadmill minutes flew by thanks to How I Met Your Mother! If you’re stuck on the treadmill for a run, try switching things up with a no thought required tv show or movie. I love getting movie ideas from RunEmz who watches a different movie almost every day as she racks up double digit distances on her treadmill! 

Wednesday: Holy sore legs, this speed session left my legs screaming for two days! The workout included 2 miles of warm-up at a 10:00 minute pace followed by 12 x 30 second sprint intervals at a 4.0 incline followed by a 30 second recovery between each sprint. I finished the workout with a one mile cool down as I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath. 

Thursday: I finally took advantage of the yoga class which is offered three days a week at our office. The 60 minute yoga class was what I would consider in intermediate class with lots of balances and long poses. It felt great to stretch out my body and take advantage of this great office perk!

Friday: My only activity for the day was 20 minutes of foam rolling while catching up on The Good Wife! (Holy moly last week’s episode was a surprise!)IMG_7060[1]

Saturday: I really wanted to run with my favorite London running ladies but I knew that in preparation for the half I needed to tackle this run solo and follow the plan. Gia wanted me to do 9 miles ensuring that I avoided traffic lights and stops as much as possible. Since the pace goal wasn’t an aggressive run, a 10 minute mile or faster, so I focused on my mental strength during the run. I did two loops around Regents Park enjoying the gorgeous flowers and blossoming trees. The middle 3 miles were definitely tough but the rest of the miles felt perfect! My average pace for the run was a 9:53 – perfectly on plan!


Sunday: We always see the Barclay’s Bikes in London but so rarely take advantage of them. Due in part to the gorgeous Spring weather, we were inspired to rent bikes and explore some parts of London we haven’t seen before. The hour long bike ride was a hilly one and it definitely had my heart pumping and sweating by the end. It was the perfect way to squeeze in some activity together!

What’s up for this coming week? The name of the game this week is pushing my body and logging the miles! I’ve already enjoyed a few cross training sessions including yoga and swimming but the end of this week includes four straight days of running!

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Geneva Half Marathon Training -Week 4

The title of this post should really be skiing does not equal running. I had great intentions for last week but sometimes that doesn’t result in great training. At the same time, each run that I did do was a quality run and exactly as prescribed by Gia. In addition, I was very active last week when I wasn’t running which does make me feel a bit better. But, last time I checked my goal half marathon includes running not skiing.

imageThe only good news about all this cross training is that I woke up both yesterday and today craving a run. That is a wonderful feeling to have!

So, instead off being hard on myself for last week let me share my sins or lack of training with you and then move forward with this week which includes four runs that focus on pace, at least one yoga session and hopefully a spin class while I’m in London this weekend.

Monday: I had a case of the Mondays and overslept by almost an hour. That meant that I missed my planned yoga class and instead opted for an at home workout after work. I tried a workout I found on Interest (Ballet Abs) then did 20 minutes of Yoga for Runners.

Tuesday: 4.31 miles at a 9:16 pace It was pouring outside which forced me to do this run on the treadmill instead of along the lake. Lately I’ve found that watching one of my favorite TV shows on my iPad really helps the time fly by faster. This run was fueled by Scandal!

Wednesday: 4.7 miles at 9:05 average pace This workout kicked my butt in the best way possible. It left me out of breath and knowing I had literally left everything on the treadmill. I started with a one mile warm-up then did 5 800 meter repeats at a 7:54 pace, taking a 3 minute jog break between each repeat. I finished the workout with a 1 mile cool down

Thursday: 4 hours of skiing

Friday: 7 hours of skiing

Saturday: 7 hours of skiing

Sunday: After 3 days of skiing I knew that any attempt to run would be complete junk. I focused on foam rolling, stretching and some arm and ab work while catching up on our favorite TV shows all afternoon. 

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