I never felt as if I was affected negatively by the winter this year, thanks in part to the wonderful skiing but lately I feel a difference in my training. Maybe it’s the Spring weather but things clicked perfectly again last week and I finished each workout wishing there were more miles to run or more daylight to enjoy.
We’re about to go on vacation for 7 days so I’m hoping all this motivation will stick with me as while we’re exploring new cities. At least running is a great way to see the city?
Monday: Another great 60 minute yoga class in our office. I’m so thankful that I can just hop on the elevator and practice yoga during my lunch break. The Monday class seemed far harder than the Thursday class with longer poses.
Tuesday: This was the first two a day cross training day I’ve enjoyed in Geneva and while I’m sure it drives Gia crazy when she’s trying to organize my training plan it makes me so happy! I’ve fallen in love with swimming after just 3 practices and it makes me feel so challenged in the best way. I’m the slowest person each week but I finish and I’ve felt improvements in my form after just 3 practices. Last week we did lots of drills so that I barely noticed the 1100 meters. I followed that with a long power yoga class at InnerCity Yoga in Geneva. The class is Yoga Music Flow and is 90 minutes of sweat inducing power yoga followed by a 20 minute restoration like portion. Finding this happiness through two group workouts really made Geneva feel like home!
Wednesday: I wasn’t sure how Wednesday’s speed work would feel after Tuesday’s double workout but my legs felt surprisingly fresh. The workout was 10 minute warm-up followed by 2 miles at 9:20, 1 mile at 9:00 and then a 1 mile cool down. I did it on the treadmill which kept the pace tracking easy and zoned out to The Good Wife.
Thursday: 6 miles including 5k pace pickups for the first minute of each mile
Friday: Utter and complete rest day which felt wonderful!
Saturday: A last minute, impromptu 9 mile run with Emily!
Sunday: Lots of walking through Geneva along with a shakeout run!
How’s your training going? What’s next on your schedule? Any fun races?