Can Your Office Snacks Do This?

Greetings from Boston!

I figured that this morning, after running 17 miles across the hills, sand, and roads of Massachusetts during Reach the Beach, I may be a bit more focused on scrubbing the dirt and sand off my body for the thousandth time, or foam rolling versus blogging. To be honest, I expect to feel a bit like Katniss after she comes back from the games, though I don’t expect to have any hair or scars removed- just lots of sweat and dirt.

Therefore, until later today when I can blog from the train about the awesome experience with eleven other ladies, I figured we’d address another topic that I’m asked frequently- healthy snacks!

Readers often email me or leave comments wanting to know a list of my favorite healthy snacks, especially when marathon training or during weight loss. So much so, that I’ve dedicated two posts to them through a guest post and my own post this year alone. For me, cleaning up my snacks is one of the keys to weight loss. It’s easy to get caught up in the office treats including a birthday celebration at least once a week, meeting leftovers, and then there is always someone’s favorite brownie recipe or cookie treats which make appearances. I’m equally as guilty considering that I take all sugary or rich leftovers to my office’s kitchen area for communal enjoyment.  From these posts, you’ll see that my key to battling these treats and the cravings has been to load up on protein in the healthiest ways possible. My favorites for the past few months have been things that are easy to make, easy to buy, and or easy to transport to the office and keep in our communal fridge or my desk drawer.

  • hard boiled eggs
  • plain Greek yogurt with crunch (granola, Kashi etc.)
  • lots and lots of Blue Diamond Almonds, especially their Lightly Salted 100 Calorie packs which I buy on Amazon since I have a hard time finding them in NYC.

Therefore, when Fitfluential and Blue Diamond asked me if I’d like to help spread the word about almond’s many health benefits the choice was easy!

Reach the Beach 2012 (35)

As you can tell, Bo and I both love Blue Diamond so much that we normally have at least 2-3 cans in our pantry. While their flavor array is what really draws me to their products, it doesn’t hurt that their almonds now have even more health benefits!

The American Heart Association (AHA) recently certified them as a heart-healthy food, specifically these flavors:

  • Whole Natural Blue Diamond Almonds
  • Roasted Salted Blue Diamond Almonds
  • Low Sodium Blue Diamond Almonds
  • Sea Salt Blue Diamond Almonds
  • No Salt Blue Diamond Almonds
  • No Salt Blue Diamond Almonds
  • Honey Dijon Blue Diamond Almonds

Facilitator Training Session

If you’re like me, you may not know what it takes for a food to be AHA certified as a heart healthy food. After some research I found out that a food must meet the following criteria in order to qualify:

Standard Certification

  • Total Fat: Less than 6.5 g
  • Saturated Fat: 1 g or less and 15% or less calories from saturated fat
  • Trans Fat: Less than 0.5 g (and label serving)
  • Cholesterol: 20 mg or less
  • Sodium: 480 mg or less (also per label serving)
  • Beneficial Nutrients: 10% or more of the Daily Value of 1 of 6 nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein or dietary fiber)

Nut Certification

  • Total Fat: No limit
  • Saturated Fat: 4 g or less (per 50 g only)
  • Trans Fat: Less than 0.5 g (also per label serving)
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg per label serving
  • Sodium: 140 mg or less (also per label serving)
  • Beneficial Nutrients: 10% or more of the Daily Value of 1 of 6 nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein or dietary fiber)

If you want to learn more about Blue Diamond Almond’s health benefits and how they can help you lead a healthier lifestyle, I’m helping host a Twitter chat tomorrow night with the Blue Diamond team. Just use the hashtag  #BlueDiamond  Monday, May 21, 2012 at 8 PM CST.

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this campaign. All opinions are my own.

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Fitness Magazine’s Blogger Meet & Tweet

Last week, I had the most amazing time spending time with like minded fitness bloggers at Fitness Magazine’s Blogger Meet & Tweet event at the Metropolitan Suite in New York City.

After a sweaty Soul Cycle session with Julie and Kristine, I walked the mile West over to the event space, unsure what to expect from the day.


Over 100 fitness bloggers and professional were in attendance which overwhelmed me at first. But, within minutes, I joined the rest of the crowd for the brand interaction portion where we had the chance to network and mingle with brands such V8, Pure Protein, Kiwi Sweat, Birkenstock, and Oakley.





I had a great time getting to  know each of the brands better and even went home with some amazing swag from the sponsor brands. During this portion of the event, bloggers were given a passport, featuring each of the brands logo, which needed to be stamped in order to receive the large swag bag at the end of the day. While each booth was great, I especially loved learning more about Kiwi Sweat since they are a local NYC pop-up fitness company! Just last week they hosted an outdoor spin class on the East River promenade!

From 10:30-12:30 I spent the next 2 hours in the third row of the speaking area listening to amazing fitness professionals share their wisdom with us. Luckily, I wasn’t alone, and instead was joined by my fellow blogging buddies as we recorded, took notes, and asked questions of the speakers. Looking back, I wish I had spent more time networking and catching up with some of the out of town bloggers who were present for the event. But, as someone who has put together events such as this, I know how important it is to have an audience. Therefore, we focused and took notes as we laughed along with each entertaining speaker.

AJ Jacobs

IMG_2310Talk about hilarious; this self proclaimed nerd left us laughing as he shared his memories from his year of living healthy. The author of two other New York Times best sellers, his book, Drop Dead Healthy just hit the bookstores and chronicles his year of living healthy. Below are a few nuggets I captured from his presentation:

  • Healthy isn’t all about diet and exercise. Noise can also be detrimental to your health.
  • Respect your older self. The more you think of your future the healthier you’ll act.
  • Harness peer pressure and use social media to motivate you towards a healthier life.

The Real Deal on Carbs, Cleanses and Caffeine with Keri Gan and Tanya Zuckerbot


These two classy ladies shared their thoughts on some of the most frequently asked question in health and dietetics- to cleanse or not? Both agree that over the past 10 years carbohydrates have gotten an unfair bad wrap in the United States. Years ago Americans indulged with one Oreo but during the past 10 years they have replaced that one Oreo with a sleeve of Low Fat Snackwells.  Here are a few of the key nuggets I took away:

  • It’s all about portion control.
  • Carbs don’t make you fat. Carbs in excess of what your body needs, make you fat.
  • Your workout without the carbs and energy won’t be as successful.
  • Cleanses can lead to lost muscles because they decrease metabolism so you gain weight faster after the cleanse.
  • You have a kidney and liver to cleanse your body naturally.
  • There are lots of health benefits of coffee, especially if you have 3 cups per day!

The other discussion that I really enjoyed was Laura Gellar’s beauty tip session during which she amused the crowd with her amazing personality and taught us industry tips and tricks. I am going to include these tips in a later post as I’ve already started putting some of them into action.

Overall, I feel like Fitness Magazine did a wonderful job putting on this event, especially considering it was their first one. I wish I’d spent more time connecting with amazing bloggers but really appreciate the speakers I was able to hear as well. This definitely excites me for the upcoming events this summer such as BlogHer, Healthy Living Summit, and Fit Bloggin! I always learn so much from these events and love the chance to spend time with other bloggers; especially those within the Fitfluential family!


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