The Mizuno Wave Sayonara

The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Mizuno.

Since mid November, I’ve been running in my beloved hot pink Mizuno Wave Rider 16s which I’ve absolutely loved. In fact, before discovering these shoes I had never found a lighter weight shoe that also provided me the support I needed. In fact, they even protected my feet as I scaled, hiked and ran up the Saleve in February during my Geneva visit.


When I had the opportunity, through my partnership with Fitfluential, to try the new Mizuno Wave Sayonara, I was ecstatic.


A new shoe in the Mizuno line up, the Sayonara replaces both the Mizuno Wave Precision and the Wave Elixir as it marries the best features of both into one super light weight shoe! Here are the stats for your reference:

  • 7.1 oz weight
  • Heal to toe drop of 10mm
  • Performance neautral
  • $119.99

I’ve worn these shoes for multiple different workouts over the past few weeks including a long run along the Hudson with friends, a few shorter runs in Central Park, Barry’s Bootcamp classes, an Uplift Strength class, and finally today along the Highline and Hudson River.


The verdict is that I am truly a fan of the Wave Sayonara. The love didn’t begin immediately though. My first run in them was a Central Park 6 mile loop and my legs were a bit sore afterwards. However, after a few runs today they felt wonderful! I think the key to these shoes is gradually increasing the mileage since they fit differently than my other running shoes and they have a bit more drop. But, give them a week and you’ll love how responsive they are and how light and stable you feel in both running and bootcamp class alike!

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If you’re looking to try a new pair of shoes I couldn’t recommend these enough! Head to your local running store or Mizuno Running Store to order a pair! Your running will thank you! How can you not feel speedy in such bright, light shoes?

So, since these Mizuno Wave Sayonaras are heading to Geneva with me and will quickly get used to running hills, I figured sharing a hill workout with you all is quite fitting! Hill training isn’t always fun but it definitely makes you strong and you notice results within just a few workouts! This one is short enough that you can do it even if you’re just starting out with hill training and since it is geared towards a treadmill, you can do it either at your gym or on the road at a hotel gym!

hill training workout

Hill workouts – love them or hate them?

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Soldier of Steel Workouts

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Soldier of Steel™.

I can’t believe it’s midnight in Geneva! The week has been exhausting but wonderful! In addition to hours of meetings and business, I’ve had the chance to swim in freezing Lake Geneva with co-workers and dine al fresco, enjoying the perfect Summer weather.

As you all know, business travel is a regular occurrence in my life. In order to maintain my health and wellness, working out while traveling is a non-negotiable. When possible, my travel workouts are based around running in a new city but this week, when staying in a remote location, they are in either my hotel room or the gym. Running on a treadmill can get boring and sometimes I’m not creative enough to make my own hotel room workout.

Therefore, when Fitfluential told me about the new Soldier of Steel workout series created by Mark Twight, Hollywood fitness trainer, I was more than intrigued. I hoped that the workouts would be things that I could do without a proper gym as let’s get real, half the hotel gyms are bare bones. I figured if the workout could help National Guard soldiers stay in shape and whip actor Henry Cavill into the MAN OF STEEL™, it had to be a serious workout!

The series of 28 workouts is available on their site for free!  The 28 day plan not only includes daily workouts but also videos which show proper form and training tutorials! Most of the workouts require nothing more than your own body weight which means this is perfect for me to use while traveling or when I arrive in Geneva next month!

This morning I added one of the moves, wall squats, onto my morning workout and I loved their version of a common exercise which left me challenged in a new way. Watch SoS Wall Squat VideoI’ve always done wall squats/sits with my back to the wall versus my nose like they show! Give it a try and see how much it challenges you! My plan is to add it to each workout this week and then move onto a new move next week! But, when I’m looking for a challenging workout on the go, doing one of the full routines will certainly leave me sweating!

Want to learn more about this awesome workout? Don’t take my word for it then – ask the expert! Ask Mark Twight your questions on Twitter tomorrow night. On Thursday, June 20, Mark Twight will answer fan questions on the @NationalGuard Twitter handle. Follow the conversation from 3PM EST – 4PM EST at #TwightTakeover.

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A Little Extra Nutrient Support

It’s FRIDAY!!! Can you tell I’m a bit excited? It’s been quite the action packed week filled with my first Organic Avenue juice cleanse, a great yoga class and dinner date with my girl Liz, Spirit of the Marathon 2 movie with local running friends, lots of work, and an Uplift Friday class that is always a great way to kick off the weekend! The best part is that there is blue sky and sunshine in Manhattan right now which is such a treat after all this rain!

Week of 6.14

Since I have so much to share with you guys, there will be more than a few posts going up this weekend. I’m going to be super cool tonight and spend the evening blogging while Bo is running errands for his scuba adventure tomorrow.

While I was on the Organic Avenue 3 day juice cleanse, I thought a lot about the way I eat each day on a regular basis. I’m not perfect by any means but I definitely have done well sticking to the 80/20 rule over the past year which is one of the things I attribute to the way I feel right now. But, as my sister-in-law, who also did the juice cleanse, and I talked further about the things that make us feel good on a daily basis we both couldn’t go without mentioning vitamins. It sounds so silly. Really how much can a few little pills do for someone?

While I know the debate is still out and everyone has differing opinions, I see a big difference when I take vitamins on a regular basis. The top drawer of my office desk is a bit of a health and wellness cabinet filled with teas, snacks, medicine, lotions, and vitamins. What can I say? When you spend at least 10-12 hours a day at the office, it’s nice to be prepared! Yes I believe that it’s best to get nutrients and vitamins from whole food but vitamins just feel like a little extra nutrient support.

For the past year I have taken the following vitamins on a regular basis:

  • Multi-vitamin
  • Calcium
  • Hair & Nail

Therefore, when my friends at Fitfluential offered me a chance to sample VitaFusion Multivites the answer was easy! Heck yes! When it comes to vitamins, I’m 29 going on 6. I can’t handle horse pills or anything that leaves a bad aftertaste.


Since receiving these last week I’ve started to not only look forward to taking my vitamins but even thinking of them as a fun after lunch treat. I am often tempted to take two servings since they taste like candy!

If you find yourself forgetting to take your vitamins or dread the huge pills, give gummies a try. They are like Flintstone vitamins of 2013!

Do you take vitamins & supplements or do you get all your nutrients from whole food?

This post is sponsored by VitaFusion through FitFluential.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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