Monday Recharge

In case you missed it, this weekend was an absolute blast filled with great friends, a Derby themed housewarming party, plenty of homemade Southern comfort food, and lots of moving stress! You can read more about it and one of my favorite recipes right here!
After such an indulgent weekend I knew this week needed to include lots of exercise, sleep, and whole foods. Bo and decided that one way we’d achieve this goal would be to wake up and go to bed 30 minutes early each morning in May. This would ensure we’d be able to workout from 5:30-7am each morning. Extending a morning workout by 30 minutes allows me to pump some iron after sweating through a cardio session.
Luckily after curling up in bed at 10 last night, I woke up this morning craving a sweat fest and lots of whole foods!  This morning’s workout included a few of my favorites:
4 mile run in 38:10
10 mins on the stairclimber
Chest press, bicep curls, tricep dips, lat pull down
20 pushups
Lunges/Squats/Leg Press
Today I tried to focus on only putting whole foods in my body versus processed foods. It was definitely a challenge and opened my eyes up to how much I’ve started relying on bars as go to snacks. Today’s eats were as follows:
1/2 c oats, banana, cinnamon, and flax seeds (sorry for the Blackberry pic)

Late morning snack was 1/2 a grapefruit
Lunch was a delicious salad from Pax including romaine, egg whites, chicken, tomatoes, celery, red onion, and sprouts. I stuck with lemon juice, salt, and pepper instead of dressing.

Dinner was delicious grilled chicken with veggies Bo and I steamed/sauteed this morning in between showers and dashing out the door. We knew that if we had a dinner all ready to go when we got home we’d be more likely to eat our own food versus ordering. It worked perfectly!

When I got home from work and the Junior League meeting I was craving some yoga and stretching. I popped in the Core Fusion dvd and did thighs, arms, and stretching. It was a perfect 30 minute session that left me feeling stronger and relaxed! I forgot how much I love this great DVD. Any dvd that breaks the workouts up into convenient 10 minute segments wins me over!

The rest of the evening includes nothing except lounging on the couch with Gossip Girl!

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Whole Bag O’ Gluten Free Goodness

On our way to Lauren’s party Sunday, Bo and I had the great opportunity to stop by Union Square. Union Square is one of my favorite places in NYC during the summer months. It is always bustling with excitement and activities including the weekly farmer’s market, musician, and art festivals. It isn’t quite as touristy as other areas of the city north and south of this bohemian hub.

This Sunday was no different than most in that a local festival was taking place. This festival was in honor of NYC Grows. NYC Grows is the New York park restoration campaign.

The event featured many local and eco friendly companies such as Nature’s Path, Stonyfield Farm, Brooklyn co-op, and others. We had the opportunity to try some local sriracha sauce which was AMAZING, sample new smoothies, and try some of the new Nature’s Path products I’ve seen online.

Bo knows he is married to a health and food blogger and therefore grabbed a few extra samples for me to try since I couldn’t reached the table due to congestion. This morning I was able to sample the first of these Nature’s Path treats.

The Organic Whole O’s did not disappoint. Instead, the pleasantly surprised both me and Bo! Neither of us knew what to expect based on the gluten free statements. But, the corn and rice mix was deliciously fresh and crunchy with just a tad of sweetness. There was no cardboard consistency or aftertaste. Instead, these gluten free, wheat free, and trans fat free little o’s were a perfect morning addition to my fruit and yogurt while alsot packing a hearty punch with 3 grams o fiber and only 110 calories. My only complaint is that they are lacking in some of the nutritional content Cheerios provides such as added vitamins and minerals.

However, for someone who has steered away from many of the high sugar cereals of breakfasts past like Honey Nut Cheerios, Puffs, or others this is a perfect substitute. The gluten free characteristic also makes it a great option for those people who have been missing out on the fun and taste of that iconic breakfast cereal in the yellow box! In addition, Whole O’s are sweetened with pomegranate juice! Who knew? The ingredient list is short, sweet, and simple including only FIVE ingredients: organic brown rice flour, organic corn flour, organic evaporated cane juice, organic pomegranate juice concentrate, and sea salt!

I really enjoyed this sample of whole grain goodness and will definitely be buying it again soon as it makes a perfect trail mix ingredient, desk drawer treat, and stand by dinner option! I’m looking forward to trying more Nature’s Path products including a few of their new bars which were sampled at the Union Square festival this past weekend.

Thank you Nature’s Path for a great cereal option for those people who are looking for a gluten free option also made with whole grains or for people like me who are merely looking for good taste uncompromised by artificial ingredients!

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Joining the Glee Clan…

I’m not sure where I’ve been for the last few years but until tonight, Bo nor I had ever watched even a minute of Glee.

After this week’s constant Twitter chatter regarding Glee and the episode I went on a hunt to find Season 1 Episode 1. I searched Hulu and other websites but couldn’t find the first episode. I didn’t look on Netflix as I assumed the wait time would be at least a few weeks. Luckily, before I headed over to iTunes to download the episode Bo told me he had received the wonderful email news:

Glee: Season 1: Vol. 1: Disc 2

Arriving on or around: Wednesday, Apr 21, 2010

Knowing that this little red envelope would be waiting for me in our mailbox kept me excited and smiling all day. Today was a grueling day of meetings straight from 9am to 5pm. After sitting quietly in meetings all I wanted to do was get home and sing out along to Glee! Even though I have no artistic abilities at all I am an appreciator. And hey, without appreciators there wouldn’t be a reason for the artists, would there?

Bo and I picked up quick and easy salads on our way home from our new apartment. We had to drop off a few things before the big move on Friday. We gave Organique 

a second try after Saturday’s epic fail. We loved the food Saturday but the service was absolutely horrible! Tonight I went with the safe and simple choice- salad. Organique features far more toppings than the average NYC salad place including sauteed onions, balsamic portabello mushrooms, and lentils! Tonight I went with an Asian theme and made a huge salad filled with:
-portabello mushrooms
-sauteed onions
-organic ginger soy dressing

The flavors were perfect and EXACTLY what I was craving. I love that by mixing a new dressing with everyday salad ingredients you can give the vegetables a whole new flavor. Okay, that was a bit obvious, but you know what I mean. Hopefully, after these few stressful weeks are done I can get back to cooking healthy meals on Sunday so we don’t have to pick up takeout on weeknights.

I’m cutting this one short to head over to the sofa and catch the first episode of Glee. Here’s to hoping Bo likes it too!

Don’t forget to click here to enter my Yoplait Giveaway!

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