The Return of the Long Run

Oh holy jet lag! This time Bo nor I were able to beat jet lag and instead have just given into it 100%. Typically we do our best to quickly adjust to the time zone by going to bed at normal times, making sure we wake up at normal times, eating healthy, and hydrating. When we arrived back in Geneva on Friday, after over 30 hours of travel, we immediately headed to a wedding celebration for Mike & Nora.

 Photo: No better way to celebrate Swiss National Day than at Nora and Mike's wedding!  Cruising around the lake through Switzerland and France in gorgeous weather surrounded by fireworks. I'll take it. ✨

The celebration was pretty amazing and included a yacht tour of Lac Leman with 50 of their friends and then an after party at Java, a local club. The night ended at 2am and by this point we’d each been up for over 36 hours.

Needless to say that between Friday night and Saturday night, Bo and I slept 24 hours. I think you could say our bodies were screaming for sleep. Yesterday we woke up at 3pm and today we woke up at 12pm. I don’t think I’ve EVER slept until 3pm; not even in college! With the crazy jet lag, it would have been easy to skip this week’s long run and just put it off until next weekend. The Berlin Marathon my goal race this Fall, is just 8 weeks away which means that only 7 long runs remain until the big day. That, along with the fact that Theodora would be crushing the NYC Tri at the same time, gave me the inspiration and kick in the butt needed to get out the door this afternoon.

My goal for today’s long run was to start practicing my fuel and clothing plan for race day. I relaxed for an hour, while catching up on emails and blogging, as I ate my pre-run “brunch”. This morning was the return of a classic, as we brought PB and Company Bee’s Knees peanut butter back with us from the US.  In addition to peanut butter and banana on toast I enjoyed a cup of coffee and Vega Sport Prepare pre-workout energizer. The Vega was a little too earthy or plant tasting for me but I will continue trying it as so many people swear by it before long workouts.


When I left the house it was overcast and around 70 degrees; perfect long run weather. My goal was to only stop 3 times during the run, once for fuel and then another two times to refill my water bottle. The course I mapped was simple to follow and parts of it were along the lake and through the botanical gardens which meant lovely scenery.


As the pictures show, the overcast weather quickly turned to a sunny and humid summer day complete with temperatures in the low 80s. My route provided very little shade and I quickly regretted forgetting to add NUUN or Vega Sport to my water for electrolyte replenishment. But, the good news is that the 13 miles went exactly as I hoped. I felt strong and my pace was exactly on target for my Berlin Marathon training.


The middle miles, seven through nine, were slower than planned as I had to weave through Fete de Geneve festivities including lots of fair games and rides. I will share my playlist this week as it was perfect and was only half way through when Map My Run told me I was finished with 13 miles.


Next week I have 15 miles on the schedule and my sole goal is to maintain a similar pace. Thanks for all the suggestions and positive motivation earlier this week as you all really helped me believe that I could come back from my training break stronger than before!

I finished the run with a refreshing green smoothie including spinach, powered peanut butter, frozen banana, skim milk, ice, Blissful Eats granola and Designer Whey protein powder!


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with the couch!

How was your weekend? Did you have a long run or other workout which you especially loved?

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My Favorite Protein Powder

Happy Sunday evening gang! I hope you all had a good weekend. We had a packed weekend that began as soon as my flight landed Friday evening and didn’t end until just now. But, it was one of those wonderful weekends that make me so thankful when I go to bed on Sunday night as we both feel so blessed. We were able to spend time with Bo’s parents this weekend who flew up from Savannah to squeeze in a visit before our move to Geneva. It was wonderful to spend time with them! In addition, the weekend included a new 10K PR, a great workout and brunch this morning, lots of sunshine, dinner at River Park which is quickly becoming on of our favorite NYC restaurants, and a house warming party with friends!


In between all the weekends events I ended up talking at length with two different friends about maintaining a healthy weight while working in an office environment or during marathon training. One of the biggest lessons I learned during both experiences was the importance of PROTEIN to help keep you fueled even after long 20 milers or marathon meetings. If I grab protein before I opt for a carbohydrate my body thanks me. It was a tough lesson to learn that resulted in 10 unwanted pounds during work stress and marathon training but now that I know it makes choices so much easier. I always opt for yogurt, cheese, or protein smoothies before granola bars and other crunchy options. Since so many people are kicking off marathon training or just graduating and starting new paths, I thought this product post would benefit lots of y’all!

When Fitfluential asked me if I’d like to partner with Designer Whey for a campaign I was thrilled as I’ve used the brand previously. In fact, it was the first brand Bo and I bought four years ago when we started making smoothies together out in Long Island City!

When the Designer Whey package showed up a few weeks ago I was ecstatic to dive in and try some new to me flavors and products! The package included two types of protein powder, an assortment of bars, packaged shakes, and the protein 2 go powder which comes in portable packets.


Over the course of the next few weeks I was able to enjoy the bars and Protein2Go on my many business trips since they are easy to throw in my purse or suitcase and enjoy on the road! My favorite Protein2Go flavor was the mixed berry! Naturally flavored, each pack has just 50 calories and a surprising 10 grams of protein! While I definitely prefer my protein in meat, cheese, and legume form this is a great standby when I’m hungry during a meeting or to enjoy right after a workout! IMG_8553

While my parents were in town my mom discovered my Designer Whey bars and enjoyed them so much she ordered two boxes! They taste like adult Chewy bars filled with peanut butter or chocolate flavors but have 10 grams of protein and are lower sugar than many other bar options. I found them to be a great afternoon snack when I was hungry and craving something sweet. Since originally trying these I have ordered a box to keep in my office desk drawer for busy days.  My flavor choices are Peanut Butter Crunch, Chocolate Caramel Crunch, then Triple Chocolate crunch in that order since I don’t like things that are too chocolate flavored. IMG_8505

On the protein powder front, I’ve loved experimenting with different smoothie recipes since the white chocolate is a new flavor and their vanilla blends so well! A serving is a heaping scoop and has 100 calories, 18 grams of protein and just 2 grams of sugar! In fact, in just a few weeks time I’ve used almost the entire white chocolate container! It’s a perfect flavor to pair with frozen cherries or with banana and nuts for a decadent post long run smoothie in the hot, summer months! This weekend I combined Fage 0%, Designer Whey White Chocolate, 1 pouch Delta peanuts, a banana, and spinach in the blender for a delicious frosty treat.


Unfortunately, the only product I didn’t like and wouldn’t purchase with my own money were their shakes. The flavor just didn’t sit well with me though I was pleased with the nutritional stats since once 10.5 ounce shake has 18 grams of protein and a great dose of calcium and vitamins.

*This is a sponsored post. I received samples of the Designer Whey products as part of a Fitfluential campaign. All opinions, recipes and images are my own.

What’s your favorite way to use protein powder? I’m definitely a smoothie girl!

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