A Day In The Life: Geneva

Back in October I shared a “commuting day day in the life” with you all and promised that in the future I would give you all a glimpse into a Geneva day. I figured that today was the perfect day to share with you all as I took plenty of pictures.

5:45am – Alarm goes off but after staying up until 11 last night watching The Good Wife was not advantageous for my morning run. That, combined with the knowledge that I can run later helps me choose to reset my alarm.

7:30am – Alarm goes off again and this time it means business as I have to hop in the shower and be out the door by 8:00am.

7:35am – I turn on my over the door heating lamp as I hop in the shower. I spend my time in the shower reviewing yesterday’s French lesson. It’s hard to balance everything and French is quickly something that gets pushed to the side if I’m not lucky. In order to keep improving my French and getting the most out of my weekly lessons I’ve decided to practice in the shower and on the morning commute.

7:35-7:55am – Shower, blow dry hair, choose outfit, make my breakfast and grab an apple and some walnuts for my desk snacks. 2014-01-18 16.33.08

8:00am – Embarrassingly carry a bag of recycling down to the recycling center knowing that it has been sitting in our laundry room since December. You can’t recycle things before 8am in Geneva as it is illegal due to the noise. Colleagues know people who have been fined hundreds of francs for breaking this rule so today is the first day where I see the bag and realize it’s after 8am.

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8:05-8:30am – This morning’s commute to the office includes a 1/2 mile walk down to the tram stop as I just miss the tram and know that walking to the connection is faster than waiting for the next one. I revel in the fact that it’s 39 degrees while my parents are having 20 degree weather in Savannah, Georgia. Geneva’s weather is quite a conundrum sometimes. No snow and warmer weather than most the US this year. 2014-01-22 08.24.35

8:35am – Grab a cappuccino and banana to enjoy with my breakfast from home. I’ve stopped eating bircher in the morning as I I tried eliminating things from my diet to pinpoint the cause of my breakouts. As soon as I stopped eating bircher the breakouts diminished so since we returned from the holidays I’ve been bringing a mix of oats, wheat germ, protein powder, and cinnamon to the office each day. It is easy to eat at my desk as it doesn’t smell and I can just get boiling water from our drink machine! Not to mention, wheat germ is a great source of iron which helps my iron deficiency!

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8:40-9am – Catch up on work emails before the day of meetings begins

9-12- 3 different meetings with 3 different groups of people about 3 different topics.

12-1pm: Enjoy lunch with a co-worker who has quickly become a friend and mentor as we work in the same space but in different business units. I learn a great deal during each of our connects though today we spend more time talking about our personal lives than work as her husband is moving to Perth for a year next week! 2014-01-22 12.13.10

1:15-2: Catch up on emails and return a few phone calls before my afternoon meetings begin.

2:00-6pm: My afternoon includes 4 different conference calls, two of which I lead. One of them includes people across five different countries which will never cease to amaze me. Luckily the calls are each productive.

6:05-7:00pm: Dash upstairs to our office gym to grab one of the four treadmills. Quickly change into workout clothes before running 4 miles on the treadmill, hopping on the erg for a speedy 1000 meter row at a 3:59 pace followed by 10 minutes of abs and arms on the bosu ball. I’m ever so thankful for the new Spotify channel I discovered, House Workout! It keeps my mind off of the miles and I feel like tonight’s workout flew!

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7-7:15pm Change back into work clothes after a quick cleanup compliments of face wipes and the blow dryer. I forgot my towel at home so showering at the gym isn’t an option tonight.

7:20-7:45 Address the last of our New Year’s cards before sorting out my inbox. Each night before logging off I go through my inbox and file any emails so I only have the actionable ones waiting for me the next day.

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7:55-9:00 End up walking halfway home with a co-worker while we talk about work and then decide to walk the rest of the way home while talking with my dad on the phone. Walking home in the evening versus taking the tram allows me the perfect amount of time to call people. The only issue is that most people aren’t free at 2pm. 2014-01-16 06.30.04

9:15 After 4 mile run and 3 mile walk home dinner can’t come fast enough! I throw together what may be the most random meal ever using everything and anything I have in the pantry and fridge. Dinner ends up being a glass of white wine paired with whole wheat pasta, sauteed spinach, sardines, pasta sauce enhanced with herbs and a tablespoon of bottled pesto. The mix ends up being delicious though I know most people would think I’m crazy for eating it.

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9:30-9:45 Write this post while chatting with a few friends on GChat and WhatsApp.

9:55 Hop in the shower before curling up in bed with an episode of Modern Family.

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Day in the Life: October 3, 2013

Over the past month two of my friends, Theodora and Meghann, have featured Day In The Life posts on their blogs. I really enjoy reading posts like this as it helps me understand a blogger just a bit more if I know what their “normal” day is like versus mine. Therefore, I thought I would do the same.

I really have 3 types of days so this will be a glimpse into one of them – a commuting day. In the future I’ll do a Geneva day and then a working from London day as well.

5:15am – Alarm goes off but my body screams for more minutes. Since it’s taper time I’m really listening to my body’s request for sleep.

5:30am – Alarm #2 goes off and I relax in bed for 15 minutes catching up on news, blogs and emails before finally getting out of bed

5:45am – Change into running gear and wash my face before heading out the door. I wash my face as this is the quickest way to wake myself up in the morning when I’m drowsy.

IMG_28956:00am – Decide that this morning’s run will be 4 miles around the neighborhood as my deep tissue massage and speed session has left my legs tired and sore.

6:41am – Walk through the door feeling much better after the run. Amazed that it is still so warm in Geneva.

6:45-7:20am – Shower, dry hair, make bed, apply make-up, and head out the door.

7:20am – Realize, in panic, that I forgot to pack my bag for London.

7:20-7:30am- Thankful that I already have a few things in London, including workout gear and a few silk blouses, I only pack a yoga outfit and one change of clothes before dashing out the door.

7:42 – 8:07am – Faster than normal commute to work via the tram and bus. I have fallen in love with listening to Jillian Michael’s podcasts during the commute and especially enjoy today’s, Words of Comfort.

8:15am – Pick up bircher muesli and coffee from the cafe in the office.  IMG_2076

8:20-9am – Catch up on work emails before the day of meetings begins

9-11:45am- 3 different meetings with 3 different groups of people about 3 different topics, all relating to e-commerce growth

11:45-12:00pm – Grab a few bites of lox, grilled chicken and salad from the catered lunch bar we ordered for our presentation to the organization. It still amazes me how much the food in Geneva differs from New York, especially for catered events. 

12-1:30pm Lead a lunchtime Digital, E-Commerce and Social Fundamentals training with my 2 counterparts, Ema and Christa, for our organization. Attendance is so strong that there aren’t enough seats for the group and food runs out early. In awe that over 80 people attended!

1:30-2:15pm Catch up on morning emails

2:15-3:45pm My weekly 90 minute French lesson with Professor Dib is more fun than normal because the entire lesson revolves around travel vocabulary. He realizes that I’m very good at memorizing and we make our way through 60 words by the end of the lesson. He also warns me that I’ll have homework when I’m in the US and it will be conjugating, not vocabulary.

3:45pm Dash upstairs to close out a few emails, touch base with a colleague and refill my water bottle before packing up my computer.

4pm Realize once again that I can’t take advantage of our office airport shuttle since it only begins the afternoon service at 4:30. Instead wait for a taxi since a bus will take too long.

4:15pm Begin getting very anxious when a taxi still hasn’t arrived.

4:17pm Three Italian colleagues inform me that they ordered a taxi and I can ride with them for free.

4:32pm Run to security, thankful to find a shorter than normal line.


4:45pm Have a five minute conversation with the customs guard who wants to know how I’m enjoying living between two cities. I really enjoy taking the time to slow down and converse with him as it reminds me how lucky I am, even during the chaotic moments, to have this opportunity. He asks about New York City and I end up recommending three restaurants and a hotel to him before leaving for my gate.

4:58pm I have 10 minutes before my flight boards and know that I really do not want the complimentary dinner sandwich they give you on the flight. Instead go into the small cafe and buy a salad and sparking water, proud of myself for making the healthier food decision. Bo will appreciate me not being “hangry pants” when I land in London.

IMG_29205:10 – 6:30pm Flight from Geneva to London City Airport via Swiss Air. Swiss is actually cheaper than EasyJet these days and the experience is far better overall. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine while I spend the hour going through work emails.

6:41pm Make my way through customs at London City Airport in record time


6:44 – 7:20pm Commute to Marylebone via DLR to Canningtown then Jubilee Line to Baker Street

7:30 – 8pm Chat with Theodora via GChat and do some light cleaning around the flat before Bo gets home.

8-8:15pm It starts raining so instead of roaming around High Street in search of a dinner spot we dash into a pub for a pint.

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8:15 – 9:20pm The rain gets heavier so our pub choice turns into our dinner spot as well. Luckily the Yelp reviews are positive for the pubs alcohol selection and their food. While we’re both hungry we decide to share everything since the menu is very rich. We share a salad, appetizer and roasted chicken.


9:30-9:45pm Start downloading a movie on iTunes and catch up with friends back in US via GChat

9:45pm We are both exhausted so decide to call it an early night.

What does a day in your life look like?

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