Training Recap Week of September 28th

Good morning and happy Tuesday!


This week is off to a wonderful but busy start. Tonight I finally get to catch up with my long lost London girl, Charlie, as we enjoy a new to us yoga class called REST followed by a delicious homemade dinner and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

charlie and ashley

I have a lot to do this evening before the fun begins, including writing this post, a speed workout and multiple conference calls!

You know how the weekly training recap works. At the beginning of each week I share the past week’s workouts with you all in order to give you a glimpse into my training, hold me accountable and help me keep a record so I can see what works and doesn’t work after each races comes to a close. Last week was all about staying active and healthy but not pushing myself. I changed the order of workouts around but overall stuck to Jess’ training plan.

Monday: I started the week with an evening Bar Method class.

Tuesday: I moved my run to later in the week so I could join my friend Elizabeth at Brooklyn Body Burn. Okay, okay Jess I hear you loud and clear. When she says stick to schedule she means the EXACT schedule posted in Google docs. While I enjoyed certain moments of the class, it was everything I’d heard (hard, humbling, sweaty) and more. I will definitely not be taking another class until my two back to back half marathons are done because it left me sore for THREE days! I will hopefully get my full recap of the studio posted later this week.

Wednesday: Before flying to Dallas, I joined Theodora for Nike Run Club’s Morning Miles. It was my first Nike Run Club and I really liked it even though the weather was less than stellar. The coach planned a route for us in advance, leading us from the Flatiron Nike store to the Williamsburg Bridge and back. I split with the group at three miles to head back home and finished a total of five miles. It was a great way to see Theodora and run a new to me route.

Thursday: My original running buddy, Amy, and I were finally reunited in Dallas last week. We ran five easy miles through Downtown Dallas before a day of dark conference rooms. It was so much fun to catch up with her in advance of our half marathon together this Saturday.

Friday: Amy and I did a recovery workout together in the hotel gym which included 40 minutes on the bike, some weights,and lots of stretching.


Saturday: The previous day’s recovery workout paired with nine hours of sleep had me ready and anxious for Saturday morning’s long run. The weather in Dallas was crisp and perfect as I ran six miles, finishing the final five miles at an average pace of 8:48. It wasn’t easy but it felt great to know I could hold that pace for that distance.

Sunday: A complete rest day including nine hours of sleep, some foam rolling and time spent in compression socks.

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Underpass Adventures and Benihana Bust

I’m exhausted but want to leave each of you with either some good night humor or something to make you smile and laugh first thing in the morning.
I finally checked into my hotel at 6:30pm Dallas time this evening. I was exhausted, tired, and hungry. Heather and I had decided that we’d get dinner together after running a few errands. She needed to fill a prescription at CVS and I had to get a manicure since having black nails isn’t attractive for meetings. (In case you missed it earlier, my black pen exploded mid sentence while I was working on the flight.) What I didn’t realize, was that the CVS and manicure trip required crossing eight lanes of intersection traffic, walking under an underpass, and hiking through the grass. As background, the DFW airport is flat out of cars today. Therefore, no one was able to rent a car since one of our coworkers forgot to book a rental car until today. The hike definitely resulted in some honks, laughs, and comic relief we desperately needed after a long day. Oh, and the manicure was $7. I kid. you. not. I tipped the poor girl $7 for her 30 minute effort! So, I leave you with this picture. 🙂

After our great adventure, food was no longer an option. Furthermore, we only had ONE choice unless we wanted Jack in the Box. The only restuarant within walking distnace of our hotel is the Benihana. Therefore, we hapilly decided to head that way and grab a quick bite at the sushi bar. Well, this ended up being an epic fail. Evidently, we were speaking a foreign language tonight because this was my face an HOUR after ordering our sashimi appetizer. Please, keep in mind that sashimi equals raw which equals no cooking time.

Yes, our waitress somehow lost our order (even though the restaurant was half empty) and then proceeded to present us with a sashimi salad instead of the sampler. The sashimi salad was NOT sashimi over a bed of greens. It was more like Texas’ attempt to merge as much mayonaise as possible with iceberg lettuce an some raw fish. *blek* After that was quickly refused we REORDERED our sashimi sampler and ordered 2 brown rice rolls, rainbow and eel. Now, insert thirty more minutes of laughter between Heather and I over the fact that EVERYONE else was being served except us and the poor sushi chefs kept offering us random food like edamame. Finally, after an hour and a half we received 2 bowls of brown rice and our sashimi sampler. Two bowls of brown rice? Maybe my New Yawk accent doesn’t translate down here and rainbow and eel roll rolls off my tongue sounding like brown rice roll? Oh wait, I DON’T HAVE A NEW YORK ACCENT BECAUSE I”M FROM THE SOUTH!

This time around I couldn’t even stop laughing for the picture to turn out. I really can’t say much more about this evening other than the fact that Heather and I haven’t laughed so hard together in the eight months i’ve known her. Maybe this was really a team bonding exercise in disguise and we were on candid camera somewhere. 🙂

I’m exhausted and am hitting the sheets with a smile on my face. Because after being awake for 20 hours I think i’m a bit delirious.


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