Two New Health and Wellness Trends

The only thing I enjoy reviewing more than workout classes is beauty and spa treatments. Similar to workout classes, these treatments have the ability to relax and rejuvenate me in just a few minutes. Since New York City seems to unveil new trends faster than the Kardashians find a new tabloid topic, it can be difficult and downright intimidating to keep up with these fads.

Lucky for you, I tried out two of the hottest trends for you. If you’re a New York City local I highly recommend you add these to your list of things to try and if you’re a tourist, they are each a must if you are a health and beauty maven!

Face Love Fitness

Face Love Fitness– While this chic start-up is currently located in an adorable pop-up shop in the Financial District, the minute you sit down in their relaxing lounge chair, you’ll forget where you are. Face Love Fitness doesn’t offer facials or other treatments. Instead, they have pioneered a 15 and 30 minute workout routine for your FACE. Yup, you read that right. During the 30-minute FaceLove workout, my face was treated to a warm-up, high intensity workout and cooldown in a session that reminded me of a personal training session. Using multiple tools, including Pilates rings, my face was put through different exercises and movements which released tension, promoted oxygen and blood flow and rejuvenated my skin. Similar to a one-on-one personal training session, my instructor, the lovely and flawless founder Rachel, taught me about the importance of each exercise as well as a way to do it at home during the session. After the workout my face looked flawless and as if it was five years younger. My complexion was radiant and bright while my wrinkles were diminished.  The 30-minute workout session is $50 while the 15 minute workout session is $30. For those people who want to do a mid-day session, don’t worry about removing your makeup. Since you won’t sweat, the treatment can be done with or without makeup and they even have a small touch-up area for both your hair and makeup.

Would I pay for this?  While I can’t afford the weekly or bi-weekly workouts, I would definitely book a treatment before a black-tie event or after a stressful week when I can use some relaxation and pampering with a dose of wrinkle release.  

Lift Next Level Floats

Lift Floats – Whether you get your news from Daily Burn or the New York Times, it’s clear that floating or sensory deprivation is a hot fitness and health trend right. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, floating basically is a relaxing bath tub on steroids. For many people, there is nothing more relaxing than a lengthy evening bath complete with soothing music and bath salts. Each pod or tank combines over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts in the warm water so that you can float effortlessly. While Epsom salts are known to many for their relaxing and holistic benefits, floating has an even more important benefit. It allows you to spend the time exerting zero effort. The team at Lift Floats, down the street from our apartment, welcomed me in for an hour float session so I could personally check out the trend. After a brief introduction to the gorgeous, loft like space, I was escorted to my tank. I chose a tank over a pod since I don’t love small spaces, though I immediately was struck with many questions regarding the tank. Would water fall out when I open the door, how deep was it, would I be able to float? Luckily, I quickly learned that the tank is a glorified bathtub. Only a few feet of water filled the large tank but over 1,000 pounds of salt would ensure that I floated and never touched bottom. The tank featured lights and spa-like music which I personally chose to turn off. I wanted the full experience of floating in total darkness. After a quick shower to rinse off, I put in two ear plugs to ensure that salt water wouldn’t get into my ears. With a large step, I entered the tank as if it was my bath tub at home. I gingerly laid myself into the water, sure that I would immediately sink. Science proved me wrong and I quickly floated to the top, adjusting my arms alongside my body. Similar to savasana, I found that lying with my hands palm down is most comfortable instead of cactus arms or palms up. I calmed my mind in the same way I do after a busy day, by counting backwards. After 200 counts I felt my entire body relax, as if melting into the water. For the next 58 minutes I wavered between sleep and a very relaxed state of awake. I thought about nothing until the lights started to gently brighten, signaling the end of my session.  Similar to the calm and enjoyment that I find from savasana, floating allowed me to fully relax in a way that I have never done while awake. I have never been able to calm my mind enough to find a meditation practice but while floating I was able to zone out for 60 minutes and fully relax. As the staff warned, I emerged from the water as limp and relaxed as a noodle, wanting nothing more than a fluffy robe and glass of tea. Instead, I headed home to cook dinner but found that by 9 pm, just a few hours later, I could barely stay awake.

Would I pay for this? Ideally, I would float once a week on Friday evenings as a way to welcome the weekend. But, similar to many health and wellness treatments, I can’t afford to make a float session a weekly treat. The $99 price tag that accompanies the hour long float session means that this will be a treat, used as a reward after especially tough races or work weeks.

Want more proof before you choose to book these sessions? Check out Theodora and Meaghan’s reviews!

Have you ever floated or had a facial workout? What were your thoughts? 

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Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon Race Recap

What an absolutely incredible half marathon! It’s official guys, I have a new favorite half marathon and it’s literally in my back yard!


After two years of hosting Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn 10km races, this year Rock’nRoll hosted the first Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon, welcoming over 15,000 runners to Brooklyn. While there were a few bumps, this half marathon features a great course that takes you through diverse areas of Brooklyn, includes hills and flat stretches, has great crowd support, and is easily accesible via subway! What more can you ask for in a half marathon?

Friday afternoon, as soon as we landed from Cincinnati, Amy and I headed to the race expo in hopes of beating the Friday crowds. This expo was located at the Brooklyn Expo Center in the Greenpoint area of Brooklyn. While some people said that they felt the expo was too small, I actually loved that we were able to get in and out quickly. The expo was so small that we actually ran into lots of friendly faces including Competitor founder John Smith, Dani and our friend Kelly!



After collecting our bibs we spent the rest of the day enjoying pizza, some mani/pedi pamper time and a pasta dinner which Bo and I hosted for our half marathon family and friends.

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Saturday morning we woke up at 5:15, got dressed, sipped coffee and made peanut butter and banana sandwiches which we ate during the 1.5 mile walk to the starting area at Grand Army Plaza. One of our co-workers and mutual friends hooked us up with VIP wrist bands for the race which meant we were able to use the bathrooms and separate bag check located in the Brooklyn Public Library. As soon as we exited the VIP area around 6:50 in order to head to the corrals we could tell things weren’t going as planned. Due to the size of the race, New York and Brooklyn officials required extra security checks which caused a number of bottlenecks. Unfortunately, this meant that it took some people more than 30 minute to get into their corral. Due to these delays as well as delays clearing the course roads, the race didn’t start until 7:28, almost 30 minutes later than initially planned. Luckily, our group of three made friends with other runners and passed the time talking and discussing post race brunch plans.  The only feedback I’d provide race directors with for next year is that constant communication to the runners really helps. I’m not sure if it was due to the sound system or overall noise but we couldn’t hear any announcements in our corral during the 30 minute delay.


At 7:30 the three of us crossed the starting line, excited to finally be running the Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn Half marathon. The cool, 60 degree weather and bright sun was the perfect running weather. As soon as we started our group split up, Amy and I running together and Bo running on his own. Even though we were running separately, we had a similar goal: run strong.

rnr start


As I’ve mentioned before, Amy is my original running buddy and through good and bad we’d stuck by each other’s side during the ten previous races we’d run together.  This half marathon would be no different.  We decided to start slow and gradually increase our pace, making sure that we didn’t go out too quickly and could finish strong.  I was going to pace us using my watch since Jess had provided me with pace goals. Unfortunately, I once again made a rookie mistake and forgot to charge my watch, thinking it would hold last week’s charge. As soon as I heard the dying beep half way through the first mile, I switched over to Nike Run. I know this app isn’t perfect but it would at least give me a pace gauge.

Amy and I settled into a comfortable pace, chatting and looking at landmarks as we ran through Crown Heights, Kensington and Prospect Park. The crowd support during the initial mile far exceeded my expectations. There were lots of people cheering with signs and warm coffees.

rnrn course

The race course was very different than typical Brooklyn races – it didn’t spend the whole time in Prospect Park nor did it spend too much time on Ocean Parkway. In fact, what many of us loved about the course is that as soon as you got bored with an area it looped you back towards a different neighborhood. Two parts were out and back which is my favorite since I love people watching and spotting friends on the course. There were multiple bands along the course which also included random entertainment acts such as stilt walkers, who let you run through their legs!

run between legs

The miles quickly ticked by as we held our pace in the low 9’s ranging from 9:11 to 9:02 for the first half of the race. We took fuel multiple times during the race, beginning at mile 3. I took two Honey Stinger chews at mile 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 which really worked well for me. By mile 11 I ate the entire pack which could explain why I never hit a wall during the race. There were 10 water stations on the course, more than enough for the weather and crowds.  Based on the Rock’n’Roll official results, we hit the 10k at 56:20 or a 9:14 pace, which confirms that Nike Plus Running was a bit off track as it showed us keeping a pace faster than 9:11 for the entire first half.IMG_5290

When we reached the out and back, we were both feeling good so I decided to drop our pace a bit each mile, exactly in line with the race plan Jess provided. I knew in the back of my head that a sub-2 hour pace was 9:09 and that is only if you run the tangents perfectly. Since I figured we’d kept around a 9:10 so far, I felt that a sub 2 was within our ability.  At this point we both put in our headphones, ready for some distraction and energy as we headed back to the final few miles of the course which would also be the hilliest.


I had flashbacks to the New York City marathon as we entered Prospect Park at mile 10. There was a ton of crowd support and we were ready to be done. But, just like the marathon, we had the quite a few hilly miles in the park to finish before we could cross the finish line. I knew that Anne was cheering around mile 12.5, just the motivation I needed to get there as quickly as possible. Around mile 11 I heard Amy say that she needed to slow down. She urged me to run ahead but that wasn’t our plan for the day. We finish races together and we never leave each other even during the toughest of moments. I slowed the pace, telling her that she could do this and that we’d finish together. Even though our pace slowed to around a 9:25, we never stopped running and powered up each of the small, rolling hills unlike many of the runners around us. I was amazed at the number of people walking the hills! I guess most people weren’t ready for the hilly course.

We waved and screamed as we ran by Anne at mile 12, knowing that we were almost done.  We both wanted nothing more than to finish so we picked up the pace that final mile as we entered a slight down hill and turn towards the finish. You could hear the families and friends cheering as we approached the bottleneck finish line and crossed over, ensuring that we made it across both the finish line mats.

Amy and Ashley half marathon

Our final time was 2:01:20, strong enough for a 3-second PR and definitely a confidence booster as I continue training for the Savannah Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon. While we didn’t hit the elusive sub 2-hours, we accomplished our goal of running a strong, smart race and finishing together and that will always be more important.

We claimed our medals and headed over to the VIP area where we met up with Bo for food and massages. We also had the chance to celebrate the race finish with Dani and Megan, Rock’n’Blog Ambassadors.IMG_5137

The VIP Area was impressive and included everything you’d want post race including sweet and savory food, ice, water, massage stations, foam rollers, and even a mini shower station including deodorant, wipes and dry shampoo. Huge thank you to John Smith, who we are cheesing it up with below, for the VIP wrist bands!!






We roamed the finish area and enjoyed a few minutes of Nate Ruess, the Rock’n’Roll post race concert, before indulging in a delicious Bloody Mary and brunch at Stone park Cafe.




*A few pictures are from the Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn coverage.

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ClassPass Fun & Bend&Bloom Yoga Review

I don’t know where you guys are, but here in New York City the weather has been perfect this week. The nice weather has motivated me to get out more than usual for lunch and workout dates. Working from home, these are great and healthy ways to break up my day and provide me with some human interaction beyond conference calls.

The workout dates are even easier these days as I finally hopped on the ClassPass bandwagon. In fact, Bo and I both signed up for ClassPass this week. Who would have thought!? We realized that even at the $125 price point, if we each take just four to five classes per month the membership pays for itself since the average NYC boutique studio class costs $18-$35.  As a member, I’m able to follow other friends so we can easily schedule workouts together (follow me here) and discover new studios.

brooklyn classpass

After just one day, we both are really enjoying the ease of using the app and website to find classes. I did a review of my ClassPass trial back in July, but now that I’m a member I’ll keep you guys posted as we experience the membership, sharing our favorite workouts and experiences.

When using the location filter, I was amazed to see that they have over 120 studios in Brooklyn, including Bend+Bloom Yoga, where I practiced last night.  The lovely Christine invited me to join her for a Open Flow+ evening class.  She didn’t have to ask me twice, as I’ve followed Christine on Instagram for ages, in awe of her gorgeous and colorful yoga pictures.  I knew that any studio where she spends her time would be a great one!


Located just past the intersection of Gowanus and Park Slope, the studio is tucked into a row of brownstones on Sackett Street. As soon as I walked through the door I was greeted by a warm, well lit entry area stocked with not only seating and a cute boutique but also complimentary tea and cookies. How fun is that? The front desk staff was super friendly, making sure I found my way around the studio and was ready for class. In addition to the tea and cookies the studio offers a bathroom and filtered water for students. While there aren’t showers, the private bathroom is spacious and would allow for a quick wet wipe bath and dry shampoo spritz before work.

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The spacious and bright studio offers over 65 classes per week including sunrise flow and a sweet relief yoga class which blends yin yoga with restorative poses.  Who wants to book a date for the restorative class? That sounds heavenly right about now! For the moms who are reading this post, they also have a full schedule of children’s yoga classes!

Last night’s Open Flow + class was a challenging class which focused on proper activation of the hamstrings and glutes. While Christine saw me grimacing more than once, by the time we reached the much anticipated savasana, my body felt wonderful. Throughout the class she adjusted each student at least a few times, helping ensure they could feel the proper alignment of each move and engage the proper muscles.  She also provided a few minutes both in the middle and end of the class for free flow, assisting students such as myself as we moved into more challenging poses and inversions.


If you’re on ClassPass you can find them here or hop over to their site to sign up for a class. They have a great special for new students, 3 classes for $30!

Your turn: If you’re in New York City, what is your favorite studio?





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