classpass feb mar

It’s time for another installment of the ClassPass Month in Review.  There has been a lot of change with ClassPass recently, especially in New York City.  Instead of having a one size fits all membership, they now have three membership tiers in most cities.

  • Unlimited  – $200 per month – unlimited classes – Can visit a studio up to 3 times per month. Available in all cities.  (Click the link to save $30 on your first month)
  • Core – $135 per month – 10 total classes – Can visit a studio up to 3 times per month. Available in all cities except London.  (Click the link to save $25 on your first month)
  • Base $75 per month – 5 total classes – Can visit a studio up to 2 times per month. Available in NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas and Toronto. (Click the link to save $20 on your first month)

You can read more about the plans offered in each individual city by following this link.

As an ambassador, I’ve received lots of questions from readers and friends alike.

Yes, I’m still a ClassPass ambassador.

Personally, I am going to try the CORE membership during the June billing cycle as I tend to spend more time sweating outdoors than in classes during the Summer months so I think 10 classes will be perfect. 

At the same time that all these changes were announced, I took my 100th class. It seemed only appropriate to take my 100th class at the same studio as my 1st class – Tangerine Hot Power Yoga.  My goal for the next 100 classes is to try at least two new studios per month and continue scheduling workouts with friends a few times per month as these are often my favorite workouts!

100 classes

But, before I recap my 100th class which I took in April, I have to bring you guys up to speed on my February and March workouts. As promised, each month I will provide a brief recap of our experience including the number of classes taken, average cost per class and a brief recap of the studios where we sweat that month. In addition, if you’re on CLASSPASS feel free to follow my fitness schedule here. I love meeting readers so if you see me in a class, please say hello! If you want to check out my previous monthly recaps, click herehere,  here , here and here.

Month 5: February 21st – March 20th

Number of classes taken: 11

Number of studios visited: 5

Number of classes missed or late cancelled: 0

Number of cities: 1 (NYC)

Average cost per workout based on NYC rate of $125 per month: $11.36

Last Month’s Classes

High 45 at Mile High Run Club (2)

I’ve professed my love of Mile High multiple times (full review here). Their High 45 class is a great class for runners of all abilities. As you can guess from the class name, the workout includes 45-minutes of running. The running includes a five minute warm-up and five minute cool down. In between that you’ll sweat through 35 minutes of tempo work. A typical class includes half hills and half speed with most intervals ranging from three to six minutes! My favorite teachers are Jes Woods and Deborah Woods!

The Distance at Mile High Run Club 

I’ve professed my love of Mile High multiple times (full review here) but only recently did I begin taking their distance classes. The distance class is 60 minutes of running, and is therefore designed specifically for the advanced runner or athlete who is looking for a challenge. The 60 minute class isn’t for the feign of heart as it includes 50 minutes of non-stop running including hills and speed work. During the three classes I covered an average of 5.5 miles per class, which included race simulations, sprints and hill work. I highly recommend class with Luke or Michael who each teach a handful of distance classes per week. If you are new to Mile High or running, the Dash 28 class with Andia Wilson is also a great option!

Row House Full Body 45 at Row House Chelsea 

Rowing is a wonderful, low-impact workout which can supplement any workout plan. While I’ve taken classes at CityRow, Row House is the first rowing workout in NYC that truly reminded me of the rowing practices Bo and I sweat through in high school. The Full Body 45 class is a 45-minute class which includes a 5 minutes of rowing drills to warm-up, 15 minutes of rowing intervals and sprints, 5-10 minutes of strength work, another 15 minutes of rowing intervals and sprints, followed by a short cooldown. The class is perfect for people of all abilities as each person controls the speed or intensity at which they row. Scott and Hector are our favorite instructors as they are both great motivators while also kicking our butts! For those who need to sweat and then dash to work, the Row House Chelsea location includes a small, but nice locker room featuring two showers, blow dryers and toiletries where you can get ready for work or date night.



45 Minute Metrics at Peloton

We love when our schedules allow us to squeeze in a ride at Peloton before work as their classes are always challenging and they feature one of the nicest locker rooms for post workout showers! This month’s 6 AM class did not disappoint as the music was an awesome mix of throwback tunes and the class was packed! The Peloton classes are all streamed live so Peloton bike owners can follow along at home. This creates a different dynamic as the instructor is at times motivating and coaching the class while other times she’s giving props to the riders at home. Regardless, we both agreed that we’d return to this studio because the bikes were the best we’ve ridden on – smooth, easy to read computers and easily adjusted. The studio greets clients with complimentary spin shoes, water and towels which make things easy!

Prana Power Yoga in Brooklyn 

While I really like hot yoga and any studio that is walking distance from our apartment gets extra points, I just don’t love Prana Power Yoga. I’ve taken six classes here and have yet to have a teacher that I adore. In fact, two of the teachers never provided adjustments or walk around the class.  For me, Prana is the studio that I go to when I decide last minute that I want to squeeze in a yoga class. I took this class on a whim, one morning when I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep. Since the studio is less than 10 minutes from our apartment, I was able to roll out of bed at 5:45 and get there in time for the 6 AM class. Unfortunately, it didn’t start my day in the best way and I think I’ve all but broken up with Prana at this point. There are too many options within a mile of our apartment to keep going back there. The studio is clean, and doesn’t have that “hot, steamy, sweaty smell” that you get at some hot or Bikram yoga studios. There aren’t showers but they have two bathrooms which are large enough to do a quick wet wipe bath and change. They offer five to six classes per day so regardless the hour, there is probably a class that meets your schedule.

Barre3 West Village (2)

Rachel convinced me to join her for her favorite workout twice this month. This 60-minute barre workout promises to give you the length of a dancer and the strength of an athlete. After two classes with the studio manager and teacher extraordinaire, Dino Malvone, I have to say that I am a convert. The class consists of a yoga inspired warm-up, barre section then floor section.  I leave each class sweating and shaking as they do a great job of challenging my muscles more than the average class due to the extended time spent on the lower body and the time that each pose is held – especially those killer squats!

Gym Time at David Barton

I love that ClassPass provides you access to gyms as this is a great option for showers after outdoor runs. Theodora and I ran along the West Side Highway before work and the Limelight David Barton location is within blocks of her apartment. Talk about convenient! This full-service gym is located in a restored church which means there are multiple levels of weights, cardio and studios amidst windy staircases and stained glass windows. Their locker room, the feature I used this month, is huge and provides ample space to shower and get ready even during peak hours. They even supply flat irons, blow dryers, towels, shampoo and conditioner!

Fly 45 at Flywheel 

Historically, I’ve had a love hate relationship with Flywheel. I love that the studio provides water, spin shoes, towels and healthy snacks with the cost of every class. But, I have had one too many sub-par teachers who don’t inspire or push me during class. Luckily, last month, Bo discovered two teachers (Josh Arden and Johnny De Triquet) who merged challenging classes with awesome, upbeat playlists. Now that we’ve discovered these teachers, we’ll more than likely use our 3 classes per month allowance since they have 5:30 or  6 AM classes daily.

Your turn: If you’re a NYC local, what are your favorite studios? Where should I sweat next? 

This post is not compensated nor requested of me via CLASSPASS. While it does contain affiliate links, as a CLASSPASS affiliate, I only receive a small compensation if you choose to purchase a CLASSPASS membership.

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Friday Favorites – April 15th, 2016

marsh pic

Even though this week was a short one, after enjoying an extra day of vacation in Savannah on Monday, it has been brutal. Between client and team meetings, I felt like I was running all over NYC and New Jersey. There were also some subway issues this week, which I’m sure were due in part to the craziness taking place with the presidential candidates in town yesterday. Oh well, this afternoon we are heading down to Stone Harbor, New Jersey for a gorgeous beach wedding. Even though the wind and cool temperatures are following me everywhere, I am already looking forward to tomorrow morning’s long run along the water and some relaxation while Bo and the other groomsmen attend to the groom tomorrow.  What are you doing this weekend? Any fun plans? 

As promised, in regular Friday fashion, here is this week’s version of Friday Favorites. So, as you count down the hours until the weekend begins, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

  • In just six short days I will be enjoying a girls weekend away in Jamaica. When I saw this on sale earlier this week, I knew it would make the perfect poolside to happy hour cover-up since it can transition easily when paired with my favorite, gold sandals and this fun clutch.
  • I am SO thankful that big, Fortune 500 companies are starting to realize that parental leave and work life balance are important for the long term relationship they have with their employees. This week E&Y shook things up by announcing a new policy which allows both moms and dads 16-weeks paid paternal leave. This announcement puts them at the front of the consulting pack for parental leave and will hopefully inspire other companies to make similar changes.
  • With two half marathons coming up (Flying Pig and Brooklyn), I love the idea of using the Flying Pig on May 1st as a practice half marathon. Since it is three weeks before Brooklyn my legs will have time to recover from the hills while I can mentally think about what changes I want to make before Brooklyn.

barre pic

I’m wearing this tank in the above pic which I snagged at Target last weekend!

  • I returned to the barre this week in a big way, unintentionally taking two classes withing 12 hours – oops! My time away from barre classes made me realize the impact these small movements make on my body. I left both classes (Bar Method Brooklyn and Barre3 West Village) feeling challenged and just a bit leaner since the workouts really focus on strengthening, lengthening and engaging your core muscles.  While the two studios are very different they both have a great community feel and the movements helped me target a few weaknesses such as my glutes. Expect to see more barre classes in my monthly ClassPass (<–Get $25 off your first month with this link) recaps.  Click here to read all my monthly ClassPass recaps.
  • Speaking of ClassPass, they announced some new changes this week including new plan options. What are your thoughts? 
  • Are you trying to grow longer, thicker hair? Two of my favorite bloggers, Rachel and Gina, shared great posts this week all about hair. I ordered Gina’s favorite hair mask and already swear by the same supplement as Rachel! What’s your favorite hair tip or product? 
  • I love reading that British kickboxing champ Ruqsana Begum is launching a line of athletic gear for Muslim women, including hijabs, in hopes that it inspires them to feel empowered to participate in sports!
  • I am guilty of ignoring LinkedIn as I love my company and my role. But, this article made me realize the value it can provide and was the kick in the butt I needed to add “update LinkedIn profile” to my to do list. I appreciated the advice of using the app instead of the website to find tips and articles to help improve my current business and grow as a manager.
  • I just added the ingredients for this quinoa tabouleh recipe to this week’s shopping list. Making a double batch of this will provide enough to enjoy as a dinner side, paired with grilled chicken or fish, as well as a perfect salad topping for lunches!

pineapple hacks

  • The perfect gift for almost any occasion, my friend Katie made this wine pineapple for an upcoming housewarming party and I immediately pinned it for a few upcoming birthday and bachelorette parties! Hopefully this will be a Pinterest win for me versus a fail.
  • The warm weather means that iced coffees and breakfast smoothies are making a return to my daily routine. Easy to whip up and satiating, it’s easy to forget that everything you add to the blender, regardless their health content, should be measured and has both calories. While I never recommend measuring things daily it can’t hurt to take a minute and assess your smoothie to ensure you’re not making the same smoothie making mistakes highlighted in this article.


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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Training Recap Week of September 21st

Another week of training is in the books which means another week closer to the beginning of half marathon craziness. I’m running three half marathons in a one month period and while I know my body will be ready for a break come November 8th, I couldn’t be more excited!

The fact that my body is healthy and has responded well to training provides me with the energy and motivation needed to focus these next few weeks. I know that this is the time to be smart and not dabble in too many extra-curricular workout classes which could leave my legs and body tired for race day. For the sake of my legs, I’ve made a commitment to myself and Jess that last week was the last week of saying yes to all the workouts for the sake of being social. Even though cross training is important, too much is not a good idea.


Based on my training schedule, most of my October ClassPass workouts will be either running or yoga classes though I can include a few Bar Method classes in there for cross training; as long as that is what the plan calls for that day. The HIIT classes will have to make a return to my schedule come November.  I can’t wait to return to Brooklyn Body Burn as well as try Exceed, BFX and ShadowBox!

Last week’s workout schedule

Monday: I joined a few of NYC blogger friends  for an evening Barre3 class. While it was a fun friend date and good workout, I’m not sure I’d do Barre3 again. I didn’t love the class format as I felt that it was very leg focused, whereas most barre classes I’ve taken balance the movements and engage the entire body equally. There also wasn’t as much stretching and lengthening which I’ve come to enjoy in Bar Method classes.

Tuesday: Thanks to ClassPass, I discovered that there is a great yoga studio just two blocks from our apartment. I really enjoyed the early morning open level yoga class at Area Yoga. The teacher opened all the windows, allowing the fall breeze to keep us cool and treated each student to a lavender neck rub during savasana! Later that night I headed down to Brooklyn Bridge Park for an easy, five mile run enjoyed while listening to Another Mother Runner podcasts.

Wednesday: I listened to my body and slept in well past my typical 5:15 wake-up. Ten hours of sleep was exactly what my body needed as I felt fresh and strong when I did my speed work that night. I looked like a crazy person doing the 8 x 400 repeats up and down my block but hey, keeping it close to home made things really easy. I headed over to Bend and Bloom Yoga during my cool down run, looking forward to taking a yoga class from Christine, one of my favorite bloggers. I didn’t realize that it was an Open+ class, meaning a more advanced version of their open class. I muttered a few expletives during the billion standing splits but by the end my body felt like a loose, melted noodle and was very thankful for another day of yoga.


Thursday: Even though their morning classes typically book the fastest, last week’s 6 AM Bar Method class only had four people! The small class allowed the teacher to adjust us constantly and focus on our form. In case you can’t guess, the result meant more butt burning and ab screaming fun. The last thing I wanted to do that night was head to into the city for New Balance Girl’s Night Out workout but I knew that I was meeting Zoe and Sashea there for the workout. I’m proud of myself for playing it smart and not pushing myself too hard and instead doing many of the modifications.

Friday: I’ve come to embrace REST days, making sure to make the most out of each one. This week I treated myself to ten hours of sleep, a longer than normal shower and a 30 minute massage at a small Asian body works place down the block. While it looks a bit sketchy on the outside, the Yelp reviews and multiple recommendations from friends is enough to keep me going back to enjoy their inexpensive massages.

Saturday: After a day of pumpkin shopping, gardening and housework, Bo and I headed out for an easy 3 mile shake out run late Saturday afternoon, focusing more on our conversation than our pace. Neither of us tracked the pace and instead focused on making sure we were running a relaxed pace.

Sunday: I had the opportunity to run one of my favorite races; the Bronx 10 mile race, after three years away. I’ve already penciled this race on my race calendar for next year. If you’re a NYC local, I can’t recommend it enough. If the distance is what worries you, embrace it and either download a new book or podcast on your iPhone to help the subway ride pass more quickly or make a day of it enjoying brunch up there before heading home.

Your turn: In preparation for the upcoming half marathons, I need to build a new playlist. What is your favorite song right now!? 

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