March Fun and Goals


Good morning and happy March! This month is going to be so much fun! I have some great events on the horizon:

  • National Half Marathon weekend with Ali in Washington, DC


These fun events have me excited for the month but also focused on my health and fitness goals. A few people have asked me what I’m focusing on right now.

My February goals were:

  • PR in the NYRR 4 miler (accomplished!)
  • Cross train at least 2x per week (accomplished!)

My March goals are as follows:

  • Complete the National Half Marathon under 2:15 (reach goal under 2:10)
  • Lose 5 more pounds by focusing on eating less processed food and limiting my beer and wine enjoyment to the weekends
  • Practice yoga at least 1x per week
  • Stay in touch with friends and family

Today’s health and fitness tip relates to goals perfectly!

Fitness tip of the day: Reward yourself! Set mini goals for yourself with rewards for each goal to keep you motivated!

Since I’m in love with everything in the new JCrew catalog, I’ve already chosen a few incentive items. For each goal I achieve this month, I’m able to purchase one! This will keep me from enjoying aimless shopping during the month which saves money and it helps me stay focused. I mean after all, these items are so much better than an extra cookie or glass of wine.

Crisscross dressSilk Blythe blouseSperry Top-Sider® Authentic Original 2-eye metallic boat shoes

What are your goals for the month?

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Manic Mondays Don’t Have Anything on Me!

Happy Monday! Did you have a case of the Monday’s today?

My day started later than expected as I slept through my morning workout. I felt badly bailing on Sara, my awesome workout buddy, but my hamstrings were still sore and I overdid my yoga yesterday which left my shoulders and abs tired as well. It’s amazing how chaturanga and bow pose work my arms.


At the office, my day was a manic Monday but I didn’t let this get in the way of my healthy habits. 

I enjoyed this delicious green juice throughout the day, finishing half of it by the end of the day. I’ve emailed a dietician friend, in hopes of understanding whether this bottled juice has the same benefits as fresh juice. I don’t have access to a juicer at work and fresh juices are so expensive at local juice stands. Any tips or thoughts?

IMG_0659 I upped the greens during my lunch as well, trading up my normal small salad for the large size at Pax. But, in order to keep calories in check, I filled it with all veggies and no added goodies like cheese or proteins. Instead, I saved money and brought my leftover grouper. It was delicious and very filling. This salad kept me full all day long!


When I left the office, at 7:19 it was already dark and cold outside. I was exhausted but knew that if I did some speed training on the treadmill tonight I could be in and out of Equinox in time for The Bachelor!

 IMG_0663  IMG_0666

Mission accomplished! I completed 3 miles of speed intervals in 27:09! I was entertained by the post game report from the Academy Awards. These were a few of my favorites:

women 2011 Academy Awards Oscars red carpet dress

I didn’t love Scarlett’s hair but I loved her dress and makeup. That color, dahlia, is amazing!

I love dresses that combine sexy with conservative. This plunging neckline and cinched waist are the perfect contrast to the full, puffy skirt.

Speaking of Academy Awards, I have chosen a winner for the Academy Award sized giveaway. Congratulations #57 Annemarie, you are the winner of an amazing prize package!  Please email me your mailing address so I can send it your way!

In other news, today’s health and fitness tip is something we all could use:

Today’s Health & Fitness tip is to take 5 min breaks every hour by looking off into the distance. Your eyes will thank you!

  • Keep the distance of the monitor from your eyes between 16 to 30 inches. Most people find a distance of 20 to 26 inches comfortable.
  • Purchase an anti-glare screen for your work and home computer
  • Increase font size on your computer for easier viewing
  • Just close your eyes for a few minutes when your work requires prolonged data input into the computer.

Question: What is your single favorite yoga move?

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Need A Good Laugh? Stratton Snowcation 2011

If you need a good laugh after a long Monday, I highly recommend this video. Not only is it an awesome video, put together by my great and talented friend Casey, but it also shows an awesome wipeout and snow angels. 🙂

Enjoy! I’ll be back later tonight with the giveaway winner and more!


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