Thankful for the Weekend..

After the busiest week of meeting, customer presentations, and annual planning all year I couldn’t be more thankful to start the weekend!

IMG_1101The celebratory evening was kicked off with a happy hour toast with a few of my favorite blogger friends, Theodora, Caitlin, and Tina who are all gearing up for this weekend’s MORE Half Marathon.

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We had a lot to celebrate tonight including their upcoming race, new books, and my new role at P&G which is finally official! I can’t wait to start on May 16th but until then I’ll be focused on my current role and the transition.

We enjoyed a complimentary happy hour at their hotel bar, complete with cupcakes!

IMG_1099After a rainy walk home, I’ve spent the past two hours helping Bo prep for an amazing dinner featuring lobster three ways.

We’re hosting another couple tonight for dinner which is a welcome treat versus going out to dinner. Bo loves designing meals and has enjoyed brainstorming these dishes all week! I’ve been sous chef this evening. My tasks have included slicing bread, prepping ingredients, and holding the strainer.



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Have a wonderful evening and weekend!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a full overview of our meal and more!

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My First Session With a Personal Trainer

Since joining Equinox a year and a half ago, I’ve considered enrolling the help of a trainer. Everyday, while at the gym, I see the trainers working with clients on a one on one basis and dream of the results this partnership delivers.

Finally, after much convincing from Bo and analyzing my training plan, I decided to invest in a single training session. What harm could one session do to my wallet or my overall fitness. I assumed I’d learn some helpful tips and tricks and them apply them to my weekly training plan.

Wednesday evening, after a long day of work, I met with Lauren for my first official training plan.

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It’s amazing how much these two little items can do in an hour! The stopwatch held me accountable and challenged me while the pen captured all my initial results.

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Lauren is a very functional trainer, focusing on full body movements versus isolating single body parts. Our time together was short and sweaty; each exercise pushing me beyond my comfort zone in the best way possible. I’m not going to lie when I say that I was worried about my training appointment all day. How would my body react to new challenges? What if I couldn’t complete an exercise?

The great thing about having a trainer is that all my fears were swept away as she was there to talk me through each exercise, ensure I didn’t injure myself through incorrect form, and motivate me through the third and final set.

Our first session consisted of 40 minutes strength, 5 minute abs, and 15 minutes of deep stretching due to my chronic tightness.

During the strength session we conquered some of the most intimidating but effective exercises:

  • Squats with 60 pounds of weight
  • Assisted pullups
  • Walking lunges with 5 pound weights in each hands
  • Shoulder presses with 12.5 dumbells
  • Combination standups with 10 pound medicine ball

By the end my legs and arms were quivering. There is clearly a difference between muscle endurance and muscle strength. It’s amazing that I can run a half marathon one day but doing 3 sets of walking lunges makes me want to cry.

The most exciting moment, was when I conquered my fears of the assisted pull up machine. I’ve seen this machine in the gym for years but never understood how the weight settings worked. As you’ll recall from my diagnostic session with Lauren, one of my goals is to complete one unassisted pull-up. Wednesday, I successfully started down my path by completing 3 sets of 12 assisted pull-ups on the machine, while focusing on proper form. Believe it or not, you’re supposed to lead with your chest not your chin.

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Since Lauren knows that I’m reviewing our sessions on my blog, she was more than willing to snap pictures of me during the final set. The form can use some improvement, but this picture is proof that I faced my fears!

By the end of my hour session, I was sold on the benefits of a trainer. As of now, I’m investing in one session per week and will capture each sessions experiences and learning on the blog for your benefit and reference. This being said, if you have any questions for my trainer, Lauren, please let me know.

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Mickey Mouse and Michael Jackson…

In honor of hump day, I thought I’d give everyone a little dose of laughter.

Last night, around the same time that I registered for three more races, I received an email alerting me that the National Half Marathon pictures were posted online.

Needless to say, these photographers have nothing on Caitlin’s amazing race photograph she captured at mile 3.

Caitlin’s picture:


Brightroom’s photographs:

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Caption: “Hi, ho, I’m Mickey Mouse – is that Cinderella’s castle behind me?

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Caption: Michael Jackson was sighted during Saturday’s National Half Marathon (I’m bad – you know it).

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Caption: Maybe if I focus on sticking my tongue out and look at the ground I wont feel these last few feet.

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Caption: Okay, there are only a few feet between me and the finish line. If I pump my arms hard enough I’ll reach the finish line before the girl in blue who is chasing me.

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Caption: Every good race ends in a glamour shot, complete with elbow sweat and salt stains.

Hopefully my upcoming races, all of which are shorter races, will result in better pictures. But for now, the one thing these pictures do show is that I’m definitely starting to slim down again. That, along with a few good laughs, is more than enough for me at this point.

Happy Wednesday!

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