I Finally Did It…

After weeks of seeing Ali’s gorgeous pictures and Central Park running recaps, I finally got my ass up to Central Park for a morning run!

I went to sleep at 10 last night, so I could wake up bright and bushy tailed at 5:05! My goal for the week was to complete a Central Park run before leaving for Atlanta. Each week I talk about running outside, but always find myself inside Equinox on a boring treadmill.

This morning I enjoyed my first pre-work Central Park run EVER! I loved every single second of it!

Even though I had the challenge of being outside versus on a treadmill, I was able to maintain a great pace the whole run!

Mile 1    9:56

Mile 2    9:55

Mile 3    9:49

Mile 4    9:33

Mile 5    9:34

Mile 6    9:55

Mile 6-6.9 9:35

IMG_2067 (640x478)I used the 63rd street Equinox as my “home base” this morning, arriving by 5:45 so I could drop off my purse and change of clothes, before heading towards Central Park. From Equinox, I ran up Park until 68th street where I cut over towards Central Park.

IMG_2038 (640x478) The windows and buildings in the Upper West Side are absolutely gorgeous!

IMG_2040 (640x478) IMG_2039 (640x478)Once I hit the park, I headed towards the Reservoir, where I wanted to do some speed work on the nice soft, flat surface.

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The park was lush with Spring growth and filled with other runners and cyclists enjoying the amazing weather!

IMG_2044 (640x478) I said hello to my dog friend before heading up towards Cat Hill.

IMG_2050 (640x478)The cyclists were so fast!! I saw multiple groups training together including the Lipstick Triathlon team!

IMG_2053 (640x478) Oh hello Cat Hill! I focused on my form and sprinting up the hill as quickly as possible!

IMG_2054 (640x478) IMG_2055 (478x640) Once reaching the Reservoir I was pleasantly surprised to find functioning water fountains. During the winter months the city turns off the water fountains as a cost saving method and you never know when they’ll turn them back on.

I stretched for a second and then enjoyed a few sips of water before tackling speed training on the reservoir path. My goal was to maintain less than a 9:40 pace during my loops. Seeing Ali inspired me to be even faster as she sprinted right by me while I stretched!

Check out the gorgeous scenery I enjoyed while I looped the reservoir!

IMG_2056 (640x478) IMG_2057 (640x478) IMG_2058 (640x478) IMG_2059 (640x478) I chased this guy for a quarter mile before finally passing him!

By the end of my last lap I was exhausted!

IMG_2061 (640x480) But not too exhausted to savor one last glance of the skyline before heading back towards Equinox.

IMG_2063 (640x478) 6.9 miles later I felt refreshed, excited to have finally run outside, and inspired for my upcoming races! Running at least once per week in Central Park has now become my number one workout goal! Yoga and swimming will come in good time but for now, I want to enjoy every last week of Spring weather before it gets hot and humid in New York City!

Question: Who is your workout inspiration?

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Personal Training Check-In: TRX

Happy Wednesday! This morning I woke up bright and early for my 11th personal training session.

During the course of these 10 personal training sessions I’ve mastered the routine. We start with five minutes of dynamic warm-up and stretching including butt kicks, lunges, deep squats, and high kicks. We complete 3 circuits, each including 3 exercises, 3 times before I get to enjoy the stretch session. Each session, there are at least 2 exercises which feel easier than the rest. Sometimes it’s a plank or a squat, but it’s never the lunges! Then, the rest of the exercises leave me sweating, shaking, or quivering depending on the day.

But, Lauren didn’t like how comfortable I had become with our sessions or the workouts. This morning, bright and early, Lauren decided it was time to switch things up.

Enter, the TRX training system. This simple yellow and black device is the devil in disguise.

It takes simple exercises and makes them so challenging that you’re quickly humbled and begging for mercy. I’ve watched people use the tool at Equinox with trainers and always thought it looked fun and not too bad. I’ve even read about Ali’s experience with the class at Crunch Fitness in NYC.

Today’s workout was more challenging than I ever imagined. In fact, after the first circuit I was sweating so much that I slid on the mat.

3x10ea 1 Leg Squat
3×10 Inverted Row
3x10ea Oblique Crunch on Hands

3x10ea Lateral Split Squat
3×10 Roll Out
3x30s ea Side Plank

3×10 Hamstring Curl
3×10 Atomic Push Up
3x45s Reverse Plank

The suspension training, or leveraged bodyweight exercise, uses your body weight to complete each exercise but changes your center of balance, therefore making the average exercise far harder. Completing 10 pushups was almost impossible with my legs elevated in the TRX straps! In addition, this lightweight tool can be carried anywhere since it’s only 2 pounds AND you can adjust the difficulty of exercises just by changing your body angle or position.

I highly recommend giving a TRX class a try or ask you gym if they have one you can use!

Question: Have you tried TRX? What is your favorite exercise to complete using it?

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Getting It Done

Today, instead of focusing on everything going on in my life, I focused on getting things done! The positive energy helped me finish the tasks faster and in a better mindset!

Today’s to do list was filled with evil chores that no one enjoys. My aunt is in town this week and she’s coming to our house Thursday night for drinks before dinner at Mas. Therefore, our kitchen, which was still a wreck from the weekend’s Derby Party, had to go from dirty to shining. The finished product only took 20 minutes of suds and elbow grease! I highly recommend listening to your iTunes library on random while cleaning. I had the chance to scrub to both Adele and Salt & Pepper.  IMG_2028 (640x478)

I proceeded to shine our Armetale after cleaning it so it will be ready and waiting for our next shindig. Shining Armetale and then cleaning our silver definitely delivered an arm workout.

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My next item on the to do list was doing a survey of my summer dresses. I have 10 different dressed I hadn’t tried on since last summer, when most of them didn’t fit. Today, thanks to 5 weeks of personal training, improved eating habits, and smart choices, 8 of them fit! The craziest thing is that these dresses range from size 4-10.

Last but not least was dinner! This was far more delicious and fun than I expected. I forgot that we had delicious leftovers in our refrigerator, just screaming to be used in a cool, delicious salad. Like Meghann and many others, I crave huge salads all summer long along with fruit desserts! Tonight’s salad included leftover tomato & okra, barbecue, chopped red onions, chopped tomatoes, and iceberg lettuce. It came together in less than 5 minutes and was a crunchy bowl of goodness!

IMG_2029 (640x478) IMG_2030 (640x478) Last but not least, I need your help! I’ve chosen my dress for this weekend’s wedding in Atlanta but need help accessorizing! I want to give this cute black dress some spring fun for the afternoon wedding we have on Saturday. What type of earrings or bracelets should I wear? Should I go with strappy shoes or fun, bright heels? HELP!

IMG_2026 (480x640) Also, don’t forget to enter my stress relieving giveaway here! The giveaway ends Wednesday night!

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