10 Things They Don’t Teach you in childbirthing class

Last week I had the opportunity to spend an evening learning and sweating with forty other pregnant women during Flex Studios Prenatal Event. The event included a prenatal-safe pilates and TRX workout followed by an open discussion session with an amazing panel including:

-Founders of Truly MD Jaime M Knopman, MD FACOG and Sheeva Talebian, MD FACOG (Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology)
-Chief OBGYN Resident at NYU, Meggie Smith, MD
-Pelvic Floor PT Abigail Bailes, PT, DPT, CSCS

The supportive and open discussion allowed everyone to ask any question on their mind, ranging from commonly discussed things like weight loss to less discussed topics like waxing and self-love. Since the session was so helpful for me, and the advice came from experts, I wanted to share ten things these experts shared with us that I didn’t learn in childbirthing classes or other materials I’ve read.

Ten Things They Don't Teach You In Child Birth Classes

  • Be kind to yourself and your body. When you are nursing, your hormones aren’t at their baseline state.
  • If you normally get waxed or shave, consider getting waxed right before your delivery! Reason being is that if you end up having a C-section, the nurses or doctors will quickly shave you, which may lead to ingrown hairs near the incision line. Moreover, the bandage for a C-section is often near the hair and can be pulled off when removing the bandage – ouch!
  • GET RID OF THE BIRTH PLAN. The more you try to control your birth the more likely you are to have issues. Feel free to have requests, and ensure your partner or doctor know these requests, but understand that for your health and the baby’s health, they may have to alter the plan.


  • Stay at home as long as possible before going to the hospital. Enjoy a shower to help relieve the pain. Eat and drink. But, once your contractions intensify and are four minutes apart, make sure to head there immediately.
  • While breathing techniques are nice, at the end of the day, the best tip that these doctors give to patients is to push as if you’re pooping.
  • You may not immediately connect with your child and that’s okay, especially considering the state of your hormones following birth. However, make sure that you share your thoughts with someone whether it’s your partner, friend, doctor or loved one. 20% of women experience some form of postpartum depression and many never get the help they need.  There are some great resources and information available on the site postpartumprogress.com.
  • Speaking of nursing, it is not normal to lose all your weight while you’re still breastfeeding. you could probably say “it is normal if you do not lose all of your weight while breastfeeding” — some do and some don’t, most don’t! In fact, three of the speakers noted that they didn’t lose their last five to ten pounds until right after they finished nursing.
  • Using a pump after birth can help with milk production so do not fear the pump.
  • It is fine to use product such as Belly Bandit BUT you should wait 3-4 weeks before starting to use them and make sure to speak with your doctor. It’s important to ensure that you are no longer bleeding too much and that your uterus is starting to involute, a process that typically takes six weeks.
  • There is no upside in returning to workouts too early. While six-week is the blanket statement, it is important to listen to your body. If you have tears or complications during delivery, your body will need more time to recover properly. Also, keep in mind that your body is experiencing constant sleep deprivation, dehydration, and lack of nutrients during these first few weeks of motherhood so recovery does not happen as quickly as it does after running a marathon. Those same workouts and adjustments you did during prenatal workouts are great to leverage postnatal as the relaxin stays in your body five to nine months postpartum.

Your Turn – If you’ve given birth, what was the best advice you received? 

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My Running Inspiration

Good morning and Happy Monday! Today’s guest post is sponsored by my friends at Brooks and will inspire you to get out and log a workout, regardless your schedule as today’s post is seriously inspirational! Last month, Brooks allowed us the opportunity to gift a runner in our life a head-to-toe outfit as thanks for their constant inspiration. As soon as I read the email request, I knew that I wanted to thank one of my biggest running inspirations for all her support this year. Meggie Smith is the Chief OB-GYN Resident at NYU as well as an avid runner and huge supporter and advocate in the NYC health and wellness scene. Since Bo and I started our journey to parenthood, Meggie has been a text, email or phone call away to answer questions and offer her support. When she isn’t working crazy hours at the hospital, she can be found running through the streets of New York.

Now, I’ll turn it over to Meggie to share her story!


My name is Meggie and I’m an OB/GYN resident (for a few more weeks, at least!) with a fairly serious exercise habit.

While I like to spin, go to Flex Pilates, lift, and box (at Shadowbox – shout out!), but my heart really belongs to running!

Running and I didn’t always have a love affair. As a collegiate tennis player, I loathed even the short jog we did as a warm up. However, as a first year medical student, I decided to have a go at this “running thing.” And, after one cold February five miler later with my former teammate… I was hooked!


Like most new runners, I went through the “honeymoon” phase of continual improvement. Running longer distances and faster paces fueled me to aim for more. I tend to get slightly over zealous with hobbies, and running was no exception. I hired a coach, bought a Garmin, and “got serious,” at least for an amateur, everyday runner.

Thereafter, running and I went through some ups and downs – the attached to my Garmin phase, the “every race that isn’t a PR is a disaster” phase, the marathon phase, the #5Krevolution phase, and everything in between.

It wasn’t until I became a busy OB/GYN resident and dropped any training plans and race expectations that I truly learned to run happy. The fatigue and emotional strain from working 80 hours a week in a high pressure job left me little to no emotional energy to worry about running (other than where to fit it in during the day!).  Running, I found, became the gift I gave to myself. Through the rain and shine of residency, running has been that constant sunny day in an otherwise fairly overwhelming time in my life.

A lot of people ask my how I run with the demands of my job. The answer is really simple – running is the best part of my day, hands down. I like to say there’s not problem or bad mood that I can’t fix on a five mile run (and it is always better with a friend)!

I love how “run happy” is at the core of Brooks’ mission. And, I was thrilled when Ashley asked if I wanted to try some Brooks’ gear!


I am truly obsessed with the Launch 4 shoes! I’ve never run in any of Brooks’ shoes, so I had no idea what to expect. This shoe is light and responsive, but feels sturdy enough for the long haul.  I also love the Fremont running tank as its light, airy, and will be great for summer running!

As I prepare for a big move across the country (hello, California!), I know that running will continue to be my trusty sidekick through thick and thin. It is through running – and, moreover, running happy – that I’m able to face all the challenges life my day may bring. Running isn’t just something I do; it is now a part of who I am. May there be many more happy miles!

A huge thank you to Ashley and Brooks for letting my try some new gear. Just like that first 5 miler, I’m hooked!

If you want to hear more of Meggie’s story, check out her appearance on the Ali on the Run Podcast last week!

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Friday Favorites–May 12th, 2017

Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend. Today is a whirlwind day as I have a doctor’s appointment uptown smack dab in the middle of the day and then am stopping by Uplift Studios to say hello and hang out with the FitWeek crew later this evening. In between then I had two conference calls for work and a project I’m trying to finish.  As I shared this morning on Instagram, I have discovered an incredible confidence and pride in my body during pregnancy. As I enter week 35 tomorrow, I can’t stop smiling! Even though I’m dealing with some pain in my right glute and round ligament pain that my physical therapist is working through, I feel stronger and more confident in my skin than ever before.


This weekend we are hosting a backyard barbeque and I am so looking forward to enjoying time with our friends. Even though the weather in NYC isn’t exactly looking Summer-like this weekend, I’m not going to let a little rain or overcast skies ruin my mood.  Now, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

  • When Shape Magazine said they were looking for stories about mothers who inspired their daughters and others, I knew I had to share my mom’s story!
  • I was ecstatic to see that Haim finally released a new single on Spotify! I love this group and typically listen to their station or playlist while working.
  • This buffalo chicken bowl looks like a delicious way to enjoy something I’ve been craving recently, buffalo chicken, in a healthier way!
  • I would not be upset if Bo whipped up this fluffy omelet for us Sunday morning.
  • If you’re looking for a few new books, The Everygirl and Cup of Jo shared their recommendations for Summer reading! I’ve already put half of these on hold at my library.
  • Hopefully these tasty popsicles make their way across the pond sooner versus later. Until then, I may have to make the homemade version to enjoy later this Summer!
  • Guys, I can’t get enough of Halo Top ice cream after trying two of their flavors, cookie dough and cookies and cream earlier this week. Based on the Instagram comments, it seems that I have to try salted caramel and birthday cake next!
  • There is no question, Bo and I are DEFINITELY old millenials. What about you?
  • No less than twenty different people have shared this Birth of a Mother article with me this week and I have to say, the New York Times is spot on with this piece as I found myself nodding my head and identifying with the article; so many of the words resonated with me.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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