Easy Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

As promised friends, I have a some wonderful guest posts lined up for you guys while Bo and I are focused on Baby Girl Diamond. Since you guys have asked for more recipes, these posts are all easy, healthy, delicious recipes that you can recreate at home! Today’s first guest post is from a Katie, a friend and fellow blogger who, until last month, lived just down the block from me in Brooklyn. 

Hi My Healthy, Happier Life readers!  My name is Katie. I am a 27-year-old New York native who recently moved to the Philly area. Since 2012 I’ve been sharing my love of running, exercise, healthy living and, of course, food on my blog, Hungry Runner. I am a marathoner and former personal trainer and on Hungry Runner my goal is to help others find the fun in exercise and happiness in living healthy. And for my fellow runners, I also to love share my training strategies, injury-prevention tips, nutrition advice and everything else I learn about running through this crazy, fun journey! 

Compared to our old apartment in Brooklyn, Mark and I have probably like 6 times the amount of counter space in our new apartment’s kitchen.

I’m not exaggerating either. In the Brooklyn apartment, we had lots of space in our kitchen, but the countertop was monopolized by the stove and the sink. Between those two things we had a tiny little space where the coffee pot and soda stream sat and that was it. Food prep was confined to the kitchen table, which wasn’t the worst thing, but it also wasn’t ideal.

Now we have counter space on either side of our stove and a ginormous island.

It’s glorious.

Easy Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

One of the reason it’s glorious is because compared to when we lived in Brooklyn, I’m now way more excited to cook and try new recipes more often. In fact, I have a goal to try at least one new recipe every week.

These buffalo chicken meatballs are the first result of that goal.

I found the recipe on Pinterest (groundbreaking, I know) and it’s by Natalie from lifemadesimplebakes.com.

One of the reasons decided on buffalo chicken meatballs was because we already had most of the ingredients needed to make them. That’s always a plus. Another reason is because the title of the recipe on Natalie’s page includes the words “30 minutes.” If there’s one thing you all should know about me it’s that I like food that’s ready fast.

Even if Bobby Flay custom designed the world’s number one, most fabulous kitchen for me, I’m not spending more than an hour (and that would be pushing it) there preparing a meal. It’s just not happening.

In other words, this recipe is nice and easy to work with, and that’s the way I like it!

Mark and I ended up modifying it a little bit and in the end we were certainly satisfied with the end result. So without further ado, here’s what you need to know to make your own buffalo chicken meatballs.

Easy Buffalo Chicken Meatballs

Easy Buffalo Chicken Meatballs


  • 1 lb. ground chicken
  • 1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 small carrot, finley grated (I used 3-4 small baby carrots)
  • 1 small stick celery, minced
  • 2 green onions, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp. paprika
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
  • Buffalo sauce
  • Blue Cheese or Ranch Dressing


1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Set a side a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a baking mat. (I used a baking pan sprayed with coconut oil and that worked fine, the meatballs just left a little bit of residue behind, but it came off with soap right away.)

2. Add the ground chicken, panko breadcrumbs and egg to a large bowl. Let the breadcrumbs soak in the egg for a few minutes, then add the carrot, celery, green onion, garlic, paprika, salt and pepper. Mix everything together using your hands or a spatula until combined

3. Using a spoon, shape one meatball at a time and then place on the baking sheet. (We made larger, more standard-sized meatballs that we served over salad with quinoa, but you can make them any size you like. These would definitely make a great appetizer as smaller sized meatballs!)

4. Place the meatballs in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked throughout.

5. When they’re finished cooking, remove the meatballs from the oven and place them in a bowl. Add buffalo sauce (about 1/3 cup, or more if you really like buffalo sauce!) and toss to coat.

6. Serve with blue cheese, ranch or your favorite dressing.



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Friday Favorites & A Giveaway – June 16th, 2017

Happy Friday! Today is supposed to be my last day of work before beginning maternity leave but if Baby Girl Diamond decides to take her time, I’ll be working and blogging next week until her arrival. I have a few more posts that I am working on unrelated to the baby such as my Savannah and Brooklyn recommendations and a virtual coffee date where I share some of the things on my mind as well as some of our plans post baby. Until then, I’m trying to stay busy with work, some last minute errands, and workouts. I am skipping today’s Orangetheory workout since it is a very fast-paced tornado workout and opting for prenatal pilates and swimming instead.

We may get to participate in our first neighborhood block party as tomorrow our street is being transformed into a block party complete with bounce houses, face painting and more! A popular Brooklyn tradition, we are looking forward to meeting more of our neighbors if Baby Girl Diamond is still nice and cozy. Otherwise, the weekend should be pretty relaxed as things are growing pretty uncomfortable these days. Since there is very little space left for her I have a dull, constant pain in the back of my right ribs and am having a hard time sitting in chairs.

Now, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week as well as a GIVEAWAY!


  • I loved Slightly South of Simple and finished it within 24-hours this week. If you’re looking for a fun, Southern read this is a great option. Now, I just hope that she releases the next books in the series sooner versus later.


  • After seeing many friends and fellow bloggers rave about Banza pasta, I picked some up at Whole Foods last week. This will definitely be a staple in our house moving forward as Bo and I were both very impressed with the flavor and consistency of the Banza Rotini chickpea pasta. The nutritional stats are pretty impressive as one serving includes 14 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber!
  • We paired the pasta with our favorite, store-bought pasta sauce – Rao’s Garden Vegetable Sauce. I love that this chunky sauce has actual chunks of mushrooms, peppers, and onions and only has 3 grams of sugar which is far less than other store-bought sauces.
  • If you love potato salad, this Serious Eats German Potato Salad recipe was easy to make, delicious and kept perfectly as leftovers!
  • If you are like me and love creamy popsicles versus icy, fruit ones then these Whole Foods 365 Everyday Organic Greek Yogurt Strawberry Dessert Bars are a perfect freezer staple. Now, if only they had more flavors than just blueberry and strawberry.

Beauty & Fashion

  • A few weeks ago my friends at Brooks sent me the new Women’s Glycerin 15 to enjoy in my new, pregnancy shoe size 11. While I typically don’t run in the Glycerin, these have felt like walking on clouds during the past few weeks of workouts, errands, and walks.  The super soft cushioning has provided my sore, swollen feet with some much-needed support and cushioning while the air mesh and stretchy fabric kept my feet comfortable during this week’s heat wave.
  • I know that elastic will be my best friend this Summer so what better time to invest in Lilly Pulitzer’s Kat Shorts? I ordered two pairs of these this week and can’t wait to wear them all Summer long!
  • Because I’m nothing if not reliable, I couldn’t order just one thing from Lilly Pulitzer so I may have added the Essie Top in my cart at the same time. The fun colors and forgiving fit will bring some life to this exhausted momma.
  • I can rarely find Jack Rogers on sale in colors that I love but this metallic pair are 33% off and gorgeous!


  • As you guys know, I’m having a pretty horrible time with melasma aka pregnancy mask. My favorite foundation no longer matches my skin tone and while I hate to spend money on buying a new foundation, I think I may have to go to Sephora this afternoon. This round-up features the best foundations for melasma, many of which are paraben free and have SPF!
  • If you’re pregnant and still finalizing your registry, a number of friends recommended the Skip Hop Grab & Go Stroller Organizer. We were debating between a number of them including the one that is made by our stroller company but in the end, we figure if more than 50 friends and local moms recommend this one it will definitely work.
  • Experiencing pregnancy pains? Find it impossible to get comfortable in a regular chair? A local mom gave me her large, exercise ball today and it has provided INSTANT relief for my rib cage pain and pelvic discomfort. Why didn’t I get one weeks ago?

GIVEAWAY ENDED — WINNER IS bexpenn@gmail.com. Congratulations! 


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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Four Tips To Work More Effectively

four tips to work more effectively

A few readers have emailed me asking for tips on working from home. As many of you all know, since moving back to New York in July 2015, I work from home 80% of the time. I’m lucky that my company has a terrific office in a WeWork space near Union Square, but I tend to only work there once a week. Due to pregnancy discomfort, last week was the first time in ages that I’ve worked from home every day. Even though I had two very urgent work projects I needed to complete, I had a hard time focusing. Between Baby Girl Diamond’s upcoming arrival and the nesting instinct, my mind was racing constantly.

I leveraged these four steps to help work more effectively last week, even when I had a number of distractions. In no time I was able to make my way through my to-do list and immediately felt a weight lift off my chest. They can be used together or alone but I found that when used together, I was able to power through my to-do list and work far more efficiently. Whether you work from home or in an office, hopefully, you’ll find at least a few of these tips helpful and applicable.


If I know I have a time limit, I find that I work more effectively during that time period. Last week I set a time for 60 minutes and focused on my primary task during that time. After each 60 minute block, I allowed myself a few minutes to check email, go to the bathroom or stretch. Some people prefer the Pomodoro Technique, which is a technique that trains your brain to focus by breaking the work into short, timed 25- minute intervals.  While this may work for certain projects, for the task I was working on last week, I found longer intervals to be more effective. I set my iPhone timer to 60 minutes and then, turned it over and worked until the buzzer rang.


Before setting your timer, make sure to get rid of any excuses to take a break. If you’re like me, when I’m distracted I can easily find 10 other things that need to be done instead of the task at hand. Before setting my timer I refilled my water, grabbed a quick snack, and went to the bathroom.


This can be easier said than done, especially if you work in an office setting, but try to bring some calm energy to your work environment. I opened my shades to allow natural light to shine through the windows, lit my favorite candle and turned on a chill playlist on Spotify. If you work in an office, bring calm to your work environment could mean putting on noise canceling headphones, taking a few deep breaths or even doing a few minutes of guided meditation before diving into the project.


Our computers and phones are wonderful tools but they can also be very distracting. Whether it’s the Outlook pop-up window that shows you when you get new mail, a gChat ping from a friend or an internal messaging system that allows co-workers to ping you throughout the day all of these can be very distracting when you’re trying to focus. Before starting my timer, I closed out of Google Chat, Microsoft Lync, and Microsoft Office so I wouldn’t be distracted by incoming messages or pings from co-workers or friends. Next, after setting my 60-minute alarm on my iPhone, I actually put my cell phone in my desk drawer. I personally found this tip to be so effective that I’ve found myself turning off my distractions for at least a few hours each day this week.

I would love to hear your tips for working more effectively, especially if you work from home like me.

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