Easy Turkey Meatballs

Lindsey Janeiro, RDN, CLC is the blogger and dietitian behind Nutrition to Fit . Whether she’s consulting with brands, developing recipes, writing on her blog, or providing nutrition and breastfeeding support to clients, she is on a mission to help people live and eat with less stress and more fun. She lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband where they’ve been having the time of their lives adjusting to parenthood with their seven-month-old daughter. Lindsey can be followed on social media at @nutritiontofit.

Ashley tells me she has a bunch of busy ladies here, so I have a feeling I’m not alone in my need for fast, easy, tasty weeknight dinners, right? Let’s get cooking!

These turkey meatballs are a longtime favorite of mine. They’ve always been easy, but I’ve recently made it even easier by simplifying it to five total ingredients, including spices. Better yet? As long as you and your loved ones eat turkey, everyone is good to go whether they’re gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, Whole30, or just want to eat food that tastes good. Because seriously – whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned mom, or a busy professional, no one can keep up with everyone’s food allergies and preferences!

Dinner can come together in about thirty minutes with this meal. Start boiling the water for your pasta, or spiralize zucchini if making zoodles. Combine the turkey meatball ingredients, roll into meatballs, and get into the oven. Boil your pasta. Nutritional bonus: sauté extra diced vegetables to add to the sauce (i.e. onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, carrots). When everything is done, toss the pasta, veggies, and meatballs in a skillet with sauce. Done!

If you’re busy (who isn’t), or are expecting a little one of your own, I recommend making a double or triple batch of the meatballs. Just freeze after they cool from baking, and they reheat beautifully! When you want a quick protein with dinner, just thaw them (overnight in the fridge, in the microwave, or in a covered pan with a little water) and add your favorite sauce. Before I had my baby girl this past November, I made a triple batch and froze them all. They were one of my favorite foods to eat in a pinch! Even if breastfeeding hunger struck at a random hour, I could just thaw a meatball with some sauce and top with a little mozzarella for a super satisfying, protein-packed snack.

If you try these meatballs be sure to share on Instagram and tag Ashley (@healthyhappier) and I (@nutritiontofit) so we can see your dinner creations!

Easy Turkey Meatballs


  • 2-pound package lean ground turkey
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup ground flax seed
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
  • 2-3 teaspoons garlic powder or garlic salt (use more if you’re a garlic fiend like me!)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. Spray foil with nonstick spray or brush with olive oil.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  3. Roll into 14 meatballs and place on baking sheet.
  4. Spray the tops of meatballs with nonstick spray or lightly brush with olive oil to help with browning.
  5. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through.
  6. Serve immediately with your favorite pasta or sauce.
  7. If freezing, allow to cool then store in a freezer-safe resealable bag or airtight container for 2-3 months.
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Grain and Sugar Free Blueberry Muffin Recipe

Hello! I am so thrilled to help fill in for Ashley as she takes care of her new baby girl! I remember how wonderful (and sleep deprived) those first moments were … so I am wishing her the best as she recovers and enjoys all of those baby cuddles.

My name is Laury, and I started a blog in 2009 called The Fitness Dish. After the birth of my second child I took a few years off from blogging to focus on my family and my business … but now I am back! My blog has a new name and a new look, and I am so excited to be connecting with this community again!

I am a power yoga instructor, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, and mom who teaches people how to create healthier habits in all areas of wellness. On my blog, you will find recipes for low-sugar meals, DIY beauty & skincare, wellness tips, as well as some yoga & fitness sprinkled in.  It is basically all of my passions poured into one place.

Ashley said you guys needed more breakfast ideas, so I am going to share one of my FAVORITE freezer-friendly muffin recipes with you today.

I created this a few years ago for my son when he was doing baby-led weaning, and I was nursing (and ravenous).

Many of my friends and family make this still today, and love it!

These muffins have NO added sugar, so they are best enjoyed warm, topped with some grass-fed butter, ghee, or coconut oil on top.

You can certainly add some Grade-B maple syrup (I would suggest about 1/4 cup) of you think you or those you’re serving it to would love a tad more sweetness.

If you are doing a program like The Whole 30, these are compliant (just use coconut oil instead of butter).

Adding more healthy fats in place of the added sugar for flavor was key for me in reducing overall sugar in my diet. It is satiating and keeps my belly full and taste buds happy!

I am lucky to have a flexible job, working from home and teaching yoga at the studio several hours per week.

However, there is a lot of running around and chaos that happens daily.

Mornings are full with work outside the home, afternoons I am with my 3-year-old son and 75-pound high-energy puppy (all while trying to sneak in computer work for my home-business during nap-time if it happens).

Once my husband is home from the office I am usually running off to teach yoga classes.

A flexible job where you can be home a few hours during the day has its perks, for which I am grateful, but it also presents its own set of challenges.

Having food prepped for easy grab and go is crucial for us to stay on our healthy eating game.

Picking one day to make a bunch of things ahead for breakfast and lunches (as well as planning my dinner menu) has been super helpful.

These grain and sugar-free blueberry muffins have been a staple in that rotation!




makes 12 muffins


  • 1-2 ripe plantains (2 cups, pureed)
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk (I like this brand: guar gum and BPA-free; you can also use raw grass-fed whole milk)
  • 3 TBSP coconut oil, melted
  • 5 eggs (pastured and soy-free a plus!)
  • 1 cup frozen organic blueberries, divided
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut the plantains skin lengthwise with a sharp knife to remove the peel (make sure they are ripe, or they will be very hard and a regular blender won’t handle them). Puree plantain in blender or food processor. Meanwhile, sift dry ingredients in a bowl (you can just add them to a bowl and whisk them together). Add half of the blueberries and milk to the blender and quickly blend. Add melted coconut oil and vanilla to a bowl with a hand mixer or stand mixer and start mixing. Add plantain/blueberry mixture and scrape down sides until just combined. Alternate dry ingredients and eggs and make sure it is combining, but try not to over-mix. Add remaining blueberries hand stir in. Pour batter into parchment muffins liners in muffin tins. Bake for about 25 minutes.


Please let us know if you try them.

If you have the time and want to pop over to my blog to say hi … I’d love to “meet” you!

Thanks for reading!


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Baby Diamond–Week 39


Ashley 6.18.17
Happy Tuesday! It is hard to believe that this is most likely the last pregnancy recap I will write since I’m currently 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant. This journey has been incredible and unlike anything I could have ever expected. I have so many thoughts regarding my pregnancy experience, but I am going to wait and share all my thoughts after Baby Girl Diamond has arrived. I am so thankful that overall it has been a very healthy pregnancy with only a few hiccups of excitement along the way. While I know that the average first child comes at 41 weeks and 1 day, I have a feeling that Baby Girl Diamond will come a little bit before that. In fact, Bo and I both keep saying that we think this Wednesday would be a great option! I kicked off the day with what is most likely my last Orangetheory Fitness class before Baby Girl arrives and am now staying busy by finishing a few more final work projects, blogging, cleaning, and going through my hospital bag one last time.

Let’s dive into the latest and greatest details of this pregnancy, focused on how I felt last week, June 11th through June 17th during Week 39 of pregnancy.

Baby Size: As of Week 39 Baby Girl has plumped up and is around 7.5 pounds and over 20 inches long. Her brain is still developing each day and she can flex her limbs already! She was extremely active all week, especially during the afternoon and loved moving from one side to the other side, never settling in the middle.

Weight Gained: As of last week’s 39 week doctor appointment, I have gained 33 pounds, some of which could be water weight due to the extreme Summer heat.

Symptoms:  Last week, I started to feel discomfort on a more consistent basis. Sitting in chairs grew so uncomfrotable that I finally borrowed a neighborhood mom’s stability/exercise ball to use during the day and in the evening. Sitting on the ball provided immediate pelvic and rib cage/upper back relief, where I was feeling the most pain. Towards the end of the week, I started to feel some pretty severe Braxton Hicks in my upper abdominable region, but no true contractions yet. I took lots of warm showers and enjoyed another prenatal massage to relieve some of the tension and pain. During both my doctor’s visits last week my blood pressure was in the healthy range as were all my other lab results.

Workouts: My doctor continues to reinforce the benefits of staying active, as long as the activities are workouts that I’ve done throughout pregnancy and are indoors with sufficient air conditioner and fans. Based on this, last week I swam once, did one prenatal yoga class, two prenatal pilates class at Aline Pilates and two Orangetheory workouts. Based on how I was feeling, I actually hopped back on the treadmill as incline walking, at a slower pace, felt better than bike this week. Swimming was harder cardio-wise but still felt amazing. I kept my pace slower and shortened my workout to 30-minutes and then spent 15 minutes doing some gentle exercises in the pool as well as pool walking/jogging. My doctor attributed the increased difficulty to the baby’s position and pressure on my ribs and lung area.

Cravings: As soon as the hot weather went away, so did my ice cream craving. Last week I found myself eating more normally, having yogurt bowls for breakfast most days, salads or sandwiches for lunch and enjoying dinner since my stomach had a bit more room due to the baby dropping. Bo and I actually went out three nights in a row, which is very unusual for us. We decided it was time to enjoy some last-minute date nights since we didn’t know how soon Baby Girl Diamond would arrive. It was so fun to just laugh and chat with him over a few casual meals including Mexican and burgers. It wasn’t until yesterday, when the heat returned, that I craved ice cream and fresh fruit ALL day!

Food Aversions: After drinking La Croix throughout my entire pregnancy, I started to crave infused tap water last week versus sparkling water. I made lemon water and lime water most days, trying to ensure I stayed well-hydrated.

Sleep: Last week continued to be tough as I couldn’t get comfortable. In fact, only one night did I sleep “well” while the other nights I found myself tossing and turning, waking up multiple times not only to use the bathroom but just to move into a more comfortable position. I continued to experiment with different pillow configurations each night, one night using all our guest bedroom pillows and our pillows to find support and relief.

Wearing: Last week I think I wore and washed my black dress five days though I tried to keep things fun by changing my accesories. Otherwise, I rotated through the same clothes and shoes as last week.

Other Random Thoughts, i.e work and blogging after baby: Last week marked my last full work-week before maternity leave. While I love my company and my role, I am looking forward to investing 4.5 months with our new bundle of joy. My company, Procter & Gamble, provides 16 weeks of paid leave while employees have the opportunity to take longer, unpaid. At this point, my plan is to return to work on November 1st, which will be about 4.5 months after Baby Girl Diamond arrives. While things are a work in progress, I will most likely still work from home most of the time. We are still working through options in regards to child care but our goal is to do a nanny share with one of the many couples we know who have either just had a child or are expecting in the next few weeks.  In regards to blogging, my plan is to continue blogging while I’m on maternity leave though the frequency will be based on how much time I have. My number one priority will of course be our growing family but I look forward to sharing so much with you all.

Want more frequent updates? Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Insta Stories for daily updates!

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