Marathons+Moderation Guest Post #24

Hello, Healthy Happier Bear readers! I’m Ali and I blog at Ali Runs. My blog follows my journey of finding a balance between grad school and my love for running. Since starting my blog last October, I have run 2 full marathons, four half marathons, and numerous other races at various distances.


My first full was the Atlantic City Marathon on October 17, 2010. I was lucky enough to train for and complete this race with my sister, Megan, by my side. Training with her was an amazing experience and she served as a constant motivator for me. We crossed the finish line of our first marathon hand in hand.


As soon as I crossed the finish line, I was hooked. I knew I wanted to run another marathon in the near future. I continued running all winter and completed my 1st and 2nd half marathons in the spring.


Shortly after, I began researching fall marathons and finally decided on the Niagara Falls International Marathon.

I quickly found out that training for a marathon on my own was much different than training with my sister. I worked hard to fit my training plan around grad school responsibilities and maintaining a social life.

It wasn’t easy, but here are some tips I learned about training for a marathon solo.

1.) Use Twitter for motivation (My twitter name: @runner_ali)

This summer and fall, my twitter feed was filled with people training for marathons. Both Saturday and Sunday mornings, most of the people I follow were tweeting about their long runs. They were all so encouraging and motivating. I never felt like I was alone in marathon training, because there were so many other people I could relate with.

2.) Use races as part of training runs

One of my favorite aspects of running is races! You get to really push yourself and see what your body can handle. This past fall I ran two half marathons, one of which I ran as part of a 16 mile long run. While this is not recommended for all long runs, it is fun to incorporate this into training every now and then.


3.) Establish a realistic plan

Don’t set yourself up for failure. My training plan worked for me because I was realistic. I based the plan on the amount of work I had for grad school and attempting to maintain my social life. My plan for this training cycle took this into consideration which helped me stay positive and motivated.

4.) Meet up with running buddies

While I didn’t have someone to train with consistently for my long runs, my sister did join me for a few miles during some of my long runs. This helped break the mileage up and the time went by much faster than if I was running the entire long run solo.

5.) Read race recaps

This is my go to trick when I am feeling really unmotivated for a long run. One of the good things about having a blog is that I have written a race recap for most of the races I’ve completed. Reading back through some of the posts really inspires me.

Before I had my own blog, I would often turn to other blogger’s race recaps for motivation. This almost always motivates me into getting out there and run.

6.) Discuss with parents, friends, families, etc.

At first, some of my friends didn’t quite understand why I was missing some of the social outings. When I told them I was training for a marathon, they were excited for me and often asked how training was going.

My family and boyfriend also supported me a great deal during marathon training and during the race. This was very important to me and I’m not sure I could have done it without them.


My last tip is to have fun!! Training for a marathon is an amazing experience whether your train with a friend or solo!

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We’ll Learn Eventually

In just four short days we will host over 40 friends and coworkers in our 715 square foot home! It’s a wonderful thing, and truly a blessing, that our home is now 90% back to normal complete with three new coats of chic paint in all rooms, Oyster Blue in the bedroom area and a warm Camelback in the living room, guest bath, and kitchen!

We’ve learned more than you’d imagine over the past few days, much to our parents’ dismay. If only we’d listened when they told us not to save money on painters and not to redo our home the week before our biggest party of the year.

Oh wait, last year we moved a week before our Derby party. I think I’m seeing a trend! Oh well, we’ll learn eventually!

Blogging will return to normal tomorrow as I’m still without Internet at home!



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Another Year Sexier


Last night I spent hours smiling, laughing, sipping, and eating with some amazing friends! I initially thought that hosting a holiday party next weekend and the Miami work travel would make things too hectic for a birthday party but I’m thankful that Bo convinced me otherwise!

We me the group at the Hurricane Club at 9pm for a dinner of tropical shared plates and fun rum punch drinks!

008The first to arrive, we had just enough time to grab a fun drink at the bar. Bo started with a Manhattan and I went with my standby, vodka soda with a splash of cranberry. The fun and slightly kitschy decor immediately put us in a party mood!


010  012For anyone who has yet to enjoy drinks or a meal at the Hurricane Club, the atmosphere is not the only amazing part. The owners really have mastered all three aspects of a restaurant experience: atmosphere, food, and drinks.

These pictures, while devoid of people, give you an idea of the decor and interior. The restaurant was packed last night, but at 5:30 this evening when I showed up to pick up my camera which had been left behind, it was completely empty.

022 023 Upon being seated, our party was ready to dive into the food and drinks!

We started with two Brazilian punch bowls and the Pupu appetizer platter.

013 015


014 The highlights of the platter were the tuna tartare cones, coconut shrimp, and the PB& Guava Jwith prosciutto and Thai basil.

After enjoying some sweet drinks and appetizers, we ordered a number of main dishes to share:

  • Honey-glazed baby back ribs
  • Bangkok chicken stir-fry
  • Filet mignon w/shiitake mushrooms
  • spice-crusted shrimp with coconut cream
  • scallops a la planch
  • Shanghai lobster noodles
  • steamed baby bok choy

020 017 021 The food was even more amazing than I remembered, especially the lobster noodles and the scallops!

No birthday celebration is complete without dessert, so our table shared two different desserts, the chocolate kill devil’s food cake and a peanut butter sandwich. The devil’s food cake was like an uptown, grown up version of a Little Debbie Swiss Roll.

022 After dinner the majority of the group ended up at Cibar where we enjoyed our version of bottle service, compliments of our fine gentleman escorts!


019002Needless to say, after a fun evening with lots of bubbly, I’ve spent the day in bed, on the couch, and in the kitchen baking. I didn’t shower until 5pm and have only left the apartment once all day. The lazy recovery day felt wonderful, complete with homemade pancakes, miniature red velvet cupcakes, and healthy Chinese dinner to complete the day!

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Have a wonderful Sunday evening and here’s to hoping the painters will be finished tomorrow and that our life can return to normal.

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