Chobani Pumpkin Smoothie

Oh glorious three day weekends how I love thee. This weekend has included a number of different things including a 12 mile long run, TRX session at Reebok NYC, an amazing Yoga for Runners workshop with Kristin McGee, Oktoberfest celebrations in NYC, and a relaxing Sunday.

Between my long run and the TRX session on Saturday, I was in dire need of some protein and sustenance. During my run I was craving a smoothie so immediately knew that was what I wanted post run. Combine that desire with my love of all things Fall and you have a pumpkin smoothie. There are lots of other awesome pumpkin smoothie recipes on the internet but this is my take using things that were on hand in the refrigerator and pantry. It packs in a super protein punch and kept me full through a TRX and yoga class!

Chobani Pumpkin Smoothie

Ingredients for Two Servings

  • 1 cup Almond Breeze Almond Milk, Unsweetened Vanilla
  • 2 servings Whey Protein Powder Vanilla
  • 8 oz Chobani 0% Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 tsp clove, ground
  • 1 tsp nutmeg, ground
  • 1 tsp cinnamon, ground
  • handful ice cubes



I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! It’s even man approved as both Bo and his best friend Scott, who stayed with us this weekend, loved it!

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Instagram Fashion

Please realize that I laughed as I typed this title.

I don’t consider myself to be fashionable in any sense of the word. Over half my closet is from one store and I depend on a few of my friends to help me on shopping trips so I can go outside my comfort zone. But, since I work in the beauty industry and interact with clients, it is important to at least look polished and put together.

A few days ago I snapped a picture of my outfit and posted it to Instagram because it was fun and something different. So many people commented, liked it, and even asked for more that I kept it up this whole week. It made me think twice each morning when I put my outfits together and was a fun way to switch things up from running and food pictures.

So while I recommend you check out actual fashion blogs if you want fashion advice or inspiration, here is my week, Instagram Fashion style.





If you like posts like this or want to see more outfits and fashion finds, let me know in the comments and I’ll make an effort to keep it up as something new!

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30 Days

In 30 days, I will complete the ING NYC Marathon for the 3rd time.  I’ll be damned if the third time isn’t the charm this year. (2011 recap and 2010 recap here)


30 days equates 20 more days of work, 15 more work group runs, and a few weekends of fun.

That seems like such a long time for someone who just ran a 20 miler.

For someone who still has 3 long runs before taper begins, that seems like forever.

This year, I’ve put in the training and my mentality is better than ever before.

My plan for the next 30 days is pretty simple in words, but harder in execution.

  • Sleep more.
  • Eat better.
  • Foam roll often.
  • Incorporate beet juice and tart cherries sparingly into my diet to help with muscle recovery.
  • Practice yoga at least once a week, including 2 Yoga for Runners workshops.
  • Run with my co-workers 3 times per week for the next few weeks to keep from getting bored.
  • Keep focusing on positive thinking during long runs.
  • Take my marathon outfit on a test run during my last long run.
  • Attend Coach Cane’s (made famous on Ali’s blog) session on The Perfect Taper at Jack Rabbit UWS on October 17th at 6:30pm
  • Start to plan a few informal meet-ups with lovely blog friends who are NYC bound for the marathon like Monica, Christine and Amanda!

While there is still a lot to do for the big day, I think the fact that my  mind is already in the right place gives me more hope than ever before. Someone give me a Sharpie because this girl wants to write a few things on her arm come marathon day:

Here’s to the next few weeks!

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