TRX Clinic at Reebok Crossfit Fifth Avenue

Tonight, after a long day at the office, I headed to Central Park on my own. Unfortunately my work run buddies had to leave an hour before I was able to tonight. This is when it really set in how much stronger I am than last year both mentally and physically. Tonight instead of heading to the gym to run on the treadmill, cutting the run short, or forgetting it all together due to my exhaustion; I changed clothes and headed out the door. I spent the next 51 minutes enjoying the peace of Central Park, the golden leaves, the dusk shadows, and camaraderie of other runners as I ran 5 miles in the park.


By the time I walked through the door tonight at 8pm, all I wanted was warm clothes and a healthy dinner. I forgot how much I love spaghetti squash. It is like the secret weapon of weeknight dinners! In less than 15 minutes, including only 2 minutes of actual work, I had a huge bowl of nutritional goodness for dinner! I mixed 1.5 cups cooked spaghetti squash with 1/3 cup homemade marinara, pre-cooked chicken, seasonings, and grated cheese together for a warm, comforting dinner.


I admit, it wasn’t the pretties dinner but it was quick, gooey, and delicious.

While I ate, I went through some pictures on my camera and came across pictures from an event 2 weeks ago that I totally forgot to share with you guys! Oops! Clearly things have been a bit crazy around these parts.

On Saturday, October 6th I had a sweaty date with a few local Fitfluential Ambassadors at Reebok CrossFit Fifth Avenue for a TRX clinic. Each week Reebok has what they call Reebok FitHub events during which time they teach a skill or a workout. The one on October 6th was a TRX Suspension Training for all levels.


It was my first time stepping in this new flagship store and I was amazed by the space overall. The upstairs is dedicated to the store where you can find all the gear to make any Crossfit session bright and colorful! I loved their women’s technical tanks and some of the bright shoes!

The downstairs however is a a whole different story. It is a HUGE Crossfit box, dedicated to sweaty WODs and strength training! This picture gives you just a glimpse of the downstairs space including rowing machines, pullup bars, ropes, and more! It was pretty amazing and I loved the bright, neon green color that splashed the black walls.


The six of us (Jill, Kristine, Katelyn, Christine and Alfonso) were able to enjoy a 45 minute session which included a quick overview of TRX and then a quick workout incorporating all the different key body parts. While most of weren’t new to TRX it was still a great opportunity to learn a few new moves, improve technique, and sweat together!

Fitfluential Reebok TRX clinic

My personal trainer, Lauren, first introduced me to TRX over a year ago and since then we use it almost every week during our sessions. It requires you to engage multiple muscles at one time which pushes your body more than if you were just using free weights or a machine. The best thing about the TRX is that you can take it anywhere and use it at home or a gym. Some gyms in NYC, such as Crunch, even have TRX classes as part of their group fitness schedule! 

Below are just a few of the different moves we did during the session.


Question: Have you ever used a TRX before? What is your favorite move?

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A Sunday at the Zoo

Today I woke up with legs that were far more sore than I expected. While the 20 miler went wonderfully, spending most of Sunday on my feet in comfortable but poorly padded boots wasn’t the smartest idea! While Bo was spending the day under water for a technical scuba diving certification, I I spent the day uptown with Meg and Spencer exploring Central Park. But, before we could explore we needed to enjoy brunch, a New York City tradition that I rarely enjoy. I donned a new dress that my brother and I found at the outlets in Vermont and headed uptown for a day of fun.


Meg and Spencer had plans to go to church on the Upper West Side as they’ve wanted to hear Tim Keller preach forever. Therefore, I did my best to find a brunch spot that was not only relatively close to  Redeemer Presbyterian, but also took reservations. After sending them a list from which to choose we settled on Elizabeth’s Neighborhood Table.


I kid you not. This picket fence and sweet yellow house complete with gables truly exists at the corner of 93rd and Columbus Avenue. The menu looked like it’d offer something for everyone without breaking the bank and the location was perfect.  The egg white omelet was fluffy and it was filled with vegetables and delicious cheese. I was surprised to find cauliflower was one of the vegetables inside the omelet but it was a fun addition. I’m not sure why this place gets a bad wrap on Yelp because for the price we paid it delivered upon expectations. I paid $11.50 for the entrée, not $20-$25 and therefore didn’t expect complex flavors or fancy plating.



We were greeted with sunshine and warmer temperatures when we left the restaurant, therefore choosing to meander down to Central Park. We proceeded to spend the next 3 hours wandering through the park and Central Park Zoo. It is so different to walk through the park versus run. I love sharing the nooks of Central Park with friends without worrying that I’ll get lost. I’ve learned so much about the park during this marathon training. Spencer, Meg’s husband, asked that I never take Central Park for granted as even in Atlanta there is nothing like it that is as beautiful and accessible.


Trust me Spencer, enjoying scenery like this multiple times a week will never get old!

After 3 years living in the city Bo and I have walked through the Central Park Zoo many times but never have we stopped to buy tickets and go through the zoo in its entirety! For $12 it was a great deal and the perfect way to enjoy the afternoon together. We all loved checking out the exhibits and feeling like a child again. The afternoon feeding worked in our favor and allowed us to see most of the animals active, enjoying their lunches.  We could have sat watching the penguins play for hours! They were so full of energy and such characters!


By the time exited the zoo at 3:00 I was absolutely exhausted. My legs were screaming and my swollen feet wanted nothing other than an Epsom salt bath and the couch.

How about you? Are you a fan of the zoo? What is your favorite animal to check out?

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Calliope Restaurant: The Perfect Date Night

After running 20 miles and enjoying Sweaty Saturday with my favorite ladies at Uplift Studios, I was more than ready for a relaxing Saturday night.

Before meeting our friends Scott and Maya for a double date, Bo and I met Meg and Spencer, dear friends of our who were in town from Atlanta for the Food and Wine Festival. It was wonderful catching up over a Post Pumpkin Ale at The Old Towne Bar in Chelsea.


We ended up downtown 30 minutes early for our dinner reservations so instead of hanging out at the crowded restaurant bar, we popped in Wine Bar, a small, intimate wine bar that Melissa and Frank introduced us to last year.

We were able to sit at the bar and talk to the sommelier about their wines this season. We fell in love with their Tempranillo, La Planta Ribera del Duero. Low in acidity, the earthy fruit forward flavor of the wine was perfect for the cool evening.



Our next stop of the evening was Calliope, a small French bistro in the East Village. A recent addition to the East Village, Calliope is the newest addition from the chefs of Waverly Inn and at Prune, husband and wife team Eric Korsh and Ginevra Iverson. Two weeks ago Bo saw the New York Times review of this restaurant pop up on his Bloomberg terminal at work and after reading the first paragraph, quickly called to make reservations for our first available Saturday. Bo’s favorite genre of food is classic French fare the review alone left both our mouths watering.

The French bistro scene in New York has been a stagnant one over the past few years and we were both happy to see a menu fresh with French classics but lacking the stale regulars like steak frites. Everything on the menu looked divine but we stuck primarily to dishes featured in the Yelp reviews we read and the NY Times article.


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From left: toasted French bread, Calliope’s famous boiled eggs with mayonnaise, octopus salad with potatoes and celery, and halibut in mussel broth atop romesco toast.

If you’re looking new restaurant that Is perfect for large groups or small groups, intimate dinners, or a casual solo lunch Calliope is the perfect choice. They have one large 20 person table in the center of the restaurant, which last night was filled with a birthday party, a small bar for casual drinks and dinner, surrounded by small bistro tables along an open air wall. 

If you’re a NYC local, what is your favorite restaurant these days? If you’re not in NYC, what is your favorite genre of food?

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