Thank You

Before we get to today’s Marathons+Moderation post,  which will go up later today, I have to take the chance to say THANK YOU! Due to your generosity, over 116 items have already been purchased from the registry! But, there are still over 100 items left that such as hangers, clothing for the kids, smoke detectors, and more! In addition, Jen and Pedro found a rental on Staten Island for their family late Monday night! Though the move was easy since their largest piece of furniture was an air mattress, it’s still a home.


Thanks to your passion to help Jen and her family this post was shared so much that it was brought to the attention of! Late yesterday, I was honored to be interviewed by for a story that is now on their site and their sister site, sharing the story of Jen Maccarino-Correa and the Target registry created for them. I’d love your help in making sure this important story doesn’t get lost amongst the political news today! Please share it on your networks so we can help fulfill the entire registry!  Click the image below to see the entire article and share it with friends and family members!


Thank you for proving just how amazing the world really is amongst all the negativity that has been shown lately amongst the marathon, Hurricane Sandy and the election craziness.

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Today Is Your Opportunity

It’s November 6th, 2012. Right now I am standing in line to cast my vote before work in the cold, morning New York City air.

Today is your opportunity, if you are reading this and are a United States citizen, to rock the vote.

If you are a female, remember all the women and suffragists who marched and sacrificed to ensure those coming after them would be able to vote.

Nineteenth Amendment
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919.
Ratified August 18, 1920.

Section 1: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. 


If you are a person of color, remember those who fought to ensure you would have the right to vote.

The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s "race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (for example, slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870.

Last but not least, if you are a a male then enjoy the right which you’ve been granted since the beginning of our country.

In case you don’t get my drift quite yet, JUST GO PRACTICE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE TODAY!

Regular blogging will return this afternoon.

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A Rebuilding Registry for A Family in Need

I met Jen this summer at Healthy Living Summit. I remember her inspiring smile, great attitude, passion for her children, and passion for fitness. The way she talks about her kids and family makes anyone want to meet them. Two weeks ago we were enjoying yoga together during my Yoga for Runners event.

Just a week ago I spent an hour with her during at the Lululemon event for marathon runners. She was so humble and thankful for Lululemon’s hospitality. During our run that day, we spent time talking about the New York City Marathon and how excited she was to run a race that started from her home of Staten Island.

Fast forward a week and she and her family are now homeless. As if they are in a nightmare, they lost everything during Hurricane Sandy, almost including her husband. Their story is incredible.  Here is a video of them from the news this week.


Immediately, a number of us wanted to do things to help Jen, a fellow health and wellness blogger in the New York area who has inspired so many of us. While we’ve donated to the site her friends created to raise money for the family, Bo and I thought that creating a rebuilding registry could be a great way to help them start over! Unfortunately the only way I knew to create a registry on Target was through a wedding registry. Let’s help them celebrate Christmas this year in a home filled with love and all the necessities so Jen and her husband can provide their children a season filled with toys and delicious, healthy food. Click on the below link to shop their registry!


Jen and her family need all the basics to fill the new rental home they are searching for on Staten Island in addition to things for her children, an adorable 2 year old girl and an active 7 year old boy. If you’d like to support them, feel free to shop the registry here. Anything purchased will go directly to Jen and is greatly appreciated. We’ll be updating the registry on a daily basis, including items that can protect she and her family from the cold weather quickly blanketing our area and Christmas presents for the children.

We’d love for you to share this post and link on any form of social media or with your friends and family so we can help them out as much as possible! Every bit counts!

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