Marathon Thanks

This post is a little bit early considering that Thanksgiving is next Thursday but in my book it’s cool to be thankful regardless the day. So, let’s get this show on the road because this week, month and year especially I have so much for which to be thankful. But, to keep things on track, I’m going to narrow down to the many reasons I am thankful today especially.

28 amazing donors: Over the past week, these 28 people who range from blog readers I’ve never met to my family members who are always so supportive have come together to help me exceed my fundraising goal of $750 for Pennies in Action. Today I was able to email the team at Pennies in Action letting them know that I’ve raised over $1,000 for breast cancer vaccine research! It works out very well that there are 26.2 miles of the marathon because this allows me to spend each mile thinking about and thanking donors. Those 2 other special donors will be thought about during tomorrow’s shakeout run in Philadelphia and the last .2 miles of the marathon.


Beth: I met Beth in person for the first time less than 2 months ago during at a Yoga for Runners workshop I hosted at Equinox. It’s amazing how much you know someone just through their blog and Twitter. Since that Saturday we’ve hung out multiple times, most importantly on Friday, November 4th when we volunteered at the marathon expo all day together. She is one of the most positive and inspirational ladies I know both online and in person. As soon as she heard that a few of us found a way to run the Philadelphia marathon whether through charity or through the extra spots they opened to NYC runners, she hopped on the band wagon. No, Beth isn’t heading down to Philadelphia with us tomorrow to run. This rock star is heading to the city of Brotherly Love to scream her lungs out and ring her cowbells! How amazing is that? I mean yes, we did make it pretty easy for her by providing transportation and promises of a fun slumber party like Saturday in Philadelphia. But, really, I just can’t even explain my joy and appreciation of having Beth. Tonight, our cheering angel went beyond her call of duty by getting crafty for me since I have ZERO craft skills. Come Sunday, Bo will be cheering with Beth while rocking a hot pink sign inspired by the one below!

Kristin and Meghan: These two women have truly helped me survive the five week taper. We have texted or communicated via G-Chat and Twitter at least once per day over the past 2 weeks laughing, venting, crying, and pumping each other up for the big day. While we all agree 100% that the New York City marathon was cancelled for the right reason, these two weeks haven’t been easy. I’m so thrilled that the 3 of us will be starting Philadelphia Marathon together complete with our NYCM race bibs on our back and 4:45 goal pace bands on our wrist. Who knows if we’ll stay together for 1 mile or 26.2 miles but I couldn’t have made the journey to the starting line without them.

My Friend Michael: This marathon venture could have been very expensive and stressful. Signing up for a large race two weeks out means lots of stress. How to get down to Philadelphia? Where to stay? A week ago, a co-worker of mine who lives down in Philadelphia emailed me offering his apartment to me and my fellow runner friends for the weekend. I kid you not. Life is amazing sometimes and people continue to humble me. For 24 hours Michael is hosting 3 marathon runners and one cheerleader for lots of relaxing, a pasta dinner, foam rolling, and some quality movie watching. His hospitality, warmth, excitement, and detailed help including a parking spot has been absolutely key in keeping our stress levels down this week.  Who knows if he’s this generous because he’s a runner and understand race craziness or maybe he’s just an amazing guy. Regardless the guy 2nd from the left is getting a hell of a big hug tomorrow!

Bo: I am not going to go into great detail here but suffice it to say, my amazing husband has dealt with more than his fair share of my marathon taper craziness. I’ll keep that short and sweet but he has definitely earned husband of the year award. I guess I owe him an extra special present on Wednesday when we celebrate our 3 year anniversary!

Family: I’ve received more phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook messages, paintings, warm notes, and love from my family members, both immediate and extended, over the past few weeks. Their support has been ongoing whether for this marathon or others and while some of them may think I’m crazy for wanting to run 26.2 miles, I am so thankful for their support. One day, my parents will see me run in person, but until then knowing that they care is enough for me. They are already set up to track me on Sunday morning and I’m sure they’ll be texting Bo all morning while he dashes around Philadelphia with Beth to cheer for us. Until then, I’ll be thinking about this saying and putting my mind and body at ease because that is all that’s left to do.

marathon prayer

Thank you to each and everyone of you who have supported me the past few weeks. For those of you who want this blog to get back to being about something other than running, you’re in luck. Post Sunday the theme will be cooking, gift guides, and workout class reviews!

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Marathon Essentials

Today at work I had a near panic attack when I realized that the marathon is quickly approaching. The best way to calm my nerves is to start checking things off my list so at least I can put all those worries aside. Therefore, tonight as soon as I walked through the door I packed all my race day essentials in one bag so they are easy to access and nothing gets lost.

It’s amazing how much lighter my shoulders and entire body feel now that my bag is packed. I truly feel ready to go! There are no last minute errands I have to run as I have everything I need to rock out 26.2 miles with my race day ladies, Kristin and Meghan!

Race Day Essentials

Since I only trust marathon Sunday with my favorite running gear, I figured I share exactly what gear will carry me across 26.2 miles from top left, clockwise:

  1. CamelBak HydroBak (similar but not exact)
  2. Lululemon Swiftly Tech long sleeve t-shirt already printed from last year’s marathon (FYI, last year I was sponsored by Choose Cherries but love the shirt so much that I figured this would
  3. Zensah Compression Leg Sleeves in neon pink
  4. Lululemon Free to Be Bra
  5. Garmin 405 and charger
  6. iPod shuffle
  7. Glide
  8. CW-X Compression shorts
  9. Sparkly Skirt in neon pink
  10. 3 packs of GU and 2 packs of Shotblocks
  11. Asics sweat band
  12. Brooks Adrenaline 13
  13. Sparkly Soul headband in ice pink
  14. Socks

What piece of gear do you rely on come race day?

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My Favorite NatureBox Yet

In case I haven’t told you guys before, I’m in love with NatureBox! There is no doubt about whether this will be one of the items I feature in one of my holiday gift guides!


Each month, I am greeted by a box filled with healthy snacks that are perfect for the office! The box containers 4 to 6 bags of different nutritious snack, all of which don’t contain high fructose corn syrup,  trans fat, artificial coloring or flavoring, and range from savory to sweet tastes!

No box is ever the same either! This month’s box is hands down my favorite ever! It doesn’t contain any dried fruit which is something that I only enjoy in small doses. Each bag has such different flavor that immediately had to try a handful out of each bag! 

This month’s box includes:

  • Carrot Chips
  • Chipotle Maple Almonds
  • Cinnamon Spiced Granola
  • Country Ranch Peas
  • Roasted Garlic Pumpkin Seeds


A helpful card is included in each month’s box to help you come up with ideas for incorporating each snack item into recipes and understand each food’s benefits. There is no serving size guessing games either as each bag includes the nutritional information on back!

As soon as my box arrives each month I tend to choose one or two bags to break into small containers for easy portion control office snacks. I will definitely be mixing this month’s crunchy carrot chips with the almonds for a tasty treat filled with some protein, crunch, and lots of flavor!

NatureBox would make a perfect gift for friends, family members, co-workers, or even yourself! If you want to try a box for yourself, you can get 25% off your first month by using the code REFER25 on NatureBox!

What do you think you’d like most out of this month’s box? My favorite is definitely the carrot chips!

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