Surviving The Runner’s Wilderness

Kristin here, known as Mrs. Miller and teacher by day, wife runner and puppy mommy by night.

I’m a two time marathoner, five time half marathoner, and lover of all things running. When Ashley asked me to post on Marathon+Moderation, I immediately knew what I wanted to write about: when good races go bad. To be more specific, when you enter the Runner’s Wilderness during a race.

I’ve experienced everything when it comes to a nightmare race day. I ran the More! Fitness Magazine women’s Half Marathon in 2009, which was turned into a fun run. Why? Because of a fluke 85 degree day. In April. It was dangerous, but I hydrated often and finished the race in about 2:15-2:18 (these were my pre Garmin days…amateur hour!)

I experienced bronchitis during my second half marathon, the 2009 Hamptons Half. I had just been diagnosed a day before, still had a fever and a hacking cough, but I lowered my expectations and finished the race in 2:29:44. (Not very smart running the race sick, but hey, it’s a pricey race!)

I experienced races that have gone well despite lack of training. My next two half marathons, the 13.1 NYC in 2010 and 2011, I had a cold for two weeks leading up to the races. Both times I did well, including running my current half marathon PR 2:06.

I experienced a perfect marathon in 2011. I ran the NYC marathon, my first, with ease. Despite a stomach flu and a cold during training, I never hit the wall and finished in 5:10:38 with the largest smile on my face. I recovered well, barely sore, happy with my accomplishment.

I experienced coaching a friend through her first half marathon. We ran the 13.1 NYC together. My friend struggled significantly at the end. As we walked, I’d set up landmarks and say "Once we reach that, we’ll run again." We finished in 2:29, and I couldn’t have been more proud.

Despite finishing races, there will always be some where its a true labor of love. Those races where you look back and think, "What the heck just happened?" And not in a good way. During the Philadelphia marathon on November 18, 2012, I experienced one of those races. Although I faced a nightmare getting there (you know, that little thing about the NYC marathon being cancelled? Oh, and I left my Garmin at my parent’s house….gasp!), I could not have been happier. Everything was in place; perfect weather, a great friend to run with, support from the best cheer squad around, a "flat fast course", and a shiny new pr within grasp. I set my goal to run a 4:45; lofty but completely doable based on my training runs. Then, the race happened. Up until mile 15 I was confident, then my confidence faded.

I went to a dark place, a place where many runners should avoid going to at all costs. A place where words like "can’t" and "won’t" and "quit" try to permeate your psyche. A place where tears are ever present, where walk breaks become inevitable. I call this the Runner’s Wilderness. Despite being in this place, there is a way out. Here are my tips for getting to the Promised Land: The Finish Line.

1. Remove detrimental words from your mind. If you are struggling in a race which was supposed to be a big race for you, it’s all but certain that self doubt will creep in like a nasty flu. What you need to do is speak to yourself, and if necessary, speak words of encouragement to other runners. The mantras I used during my time in the Runner’s Wilderness included "You are a Finisher" and "You can do it and you WILL do it."

2. Pump up the jams. The power of music is incredible. I reverted back to my first marathon mix because the songs had meaning for me and reminded me of a successful race. I channeled energy from Pink, Kings Of Leon, Rihanna, Kanye, Drake, Chris Brown, amongst many others. Their pumped up music pumped up my spirit.

3. Set perimeters when your dream race comes to a bump in the road. You have to make a plan to make finishing a reality. During the Philadelphia Marathon, I chose to walk 30 seconds at the start of each mile and 30 seconds during that mile if I absolutely needed it. with little breaks, the run seemed doable. I was reminded of an old bible verse: When you’ve done everything to stand, stand. I thought of it in my Runner’s Wilderness. When you’ve done everything to run, RUN. Do everything you can to run, whether it be a set walk break, a set stretch break, or a sprint and slow down pace. Make a plan that will help you become a finisher.

4. Enjoy the Promised Land. As I finished, with my husband by my side and friends cheering my name, the words softly playing in my headphones "if you can’t hold on…hold on…." I almost forgot to relish in the joy of the Promised Land: the finish line. In your last half mile, plant a smile on your face that no one can take away. It may be a smile drenched in tears, or it may be forced, but smile anyway. You’re finishing. You’re coming to the Promised Land. Forget the bad race, forget your time, you’re finishing what you set out to do. You’re becoming a finisher. It may be your first race, or it may be your tenth race; number and distance make no difference. You’ve fought hard, now finish your race on your terms. With joy. With excitement. With happiness.

In the end, by sticking to these steps, i ended up with a two minute PR and a second marathon medal. It wasn’t my dream race, but it was a race I finished. So, if you find yourself suffering during what was supposed to be your "best race yet", follow these steps to run from the Runner’s Wilderness and finish in the Promised Land.

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Great Gifts Under $50

Under $50 Holiday Gift Guide pic

If you’ve braved Black Friday and Cyber Monday then you may be absolutely fed up with words like deals, free shipping, just a few hours, or even the holidays in general. Hopefully this gift guide will provide you with one or two things that can easily meet a need on your holiday list. Each of these items is under $50 and can be given to both males and females. I’ve personally four of the items on here for hostesses, girlfriends, family, and my sister-in-law.

1. Harry & David Triple Treat Fruit Classic: Amongst all the popcorn tins and cookies that clutter our office each year, I always look forward to the Harry & David fruit delivery. The fruit is a healthy treat and gives me the energy I need to combat the holiday chaos. Regardless your friend or co-workers taste, they’ll like at least one of these delightful fruits. At $39.95 this can also make a great gift for in-laws or your office. 

2. BaubleBar+Essie Set: Do you have a sister-in-law or cousin who loves fashion and jewelry? What about a girlfriend who is always ready to try the latest nail polish colors? If so, then for just $50 you can give her the gift of her dreams this holiday season. First, start by choosing one of six colors from Essie’s new trend collection. Next, choose a bracelet that matches, hand selected by the BaubleBar stylists. Last but not least, choose a final bracelet which is a fun, more flirty option such as bright beads or a light bangle.

3. Gift Certificate: Wine is one of the best gifts out there, especially for hostesses! At the beginning of the season I order a few of these in $25 increments to gift to friends and save for last minute gifts in case someone gives us a gift we aren’t expecting. They are good on your favorite wines and bubbly or for accessories such as wine glasses or cork screws.

4. Power Mate Plus for JCrew: I stumbled upon this little treasure three weeks ago when I was doing some Fall shopping at JCrew. The tiny backup battery can charge in your computer and then is ready to charge your iPhone at a moments notice! It’s so small that it easily zips into the coin section of my wallet! While the $39.95 price tag may seem expensive, in just 3 weeks it’s already paid off for this social media addicted gal! (Edited to add: Thanks to readers, I now know that there are plain black versions on Amazon for only $5! Or colorful ones for $29.99)

5. Amazon Kindle Gift Card: These days almost everyone has an Amazon Kindle whether for catching up on the daily news, surfing the web, reading magazines, or enjoying a good book. Why not gift a Kindle Gift Card to someone on your list. The best part is that you can make it be awarded in any increment and includes free 1 day shipping!

6. Agloves Sport: Two years ago my parents gave these to me for Christmas and ever since they have been my go to glove whether for a business event, long run, or walk in the park. They are rated #1 for touch screen accuracy and the snug fit keeps the wind and elements out. The worst thing is getting a draft  from the wind during a winter run! In addition, these gloves are sleek and black unlike some of the other touch gloves on the market, making them perfect for any occasion!

Hope one of these helps you this holiday season!

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Hitting the Reset Button

After running a marathon (see recap Part 1 and Part 2) and spending the week following those 26.2 miles eating, drinking, relaxing, and ringing in the holiday season with friends and family it is definitely time for a reset.


There has been a great deal of wine, rich foods and carbohydrate loading in my life lately.


In fact, due to the marathon I think I forgot what it felt like to enjoy a day of clean eating and a really tough workout. So, instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a multi-day cleanse from one of the many New York City cleanse boutiques, I’m saving my money and instead just getting back to basics with clean eating, reduced caffeine, more water, more sleep, and more intense total body workouts.

I kicked off the day around 7:30 with warm lemon water to aid in digestion.


At 9am I enjoyed a new version of oatmeal at my desk, thanks to inspiration from Tosca Reno. Her recipe for apple pie oatmeal was easy, delicious, and included healthy fats that kept me full all morning. It was also fun to change up the flavors since I’m so accustomed to my daily banana oatmeal. I made sure to remember my daily vitamins and supplements this morning as well. I find that taking the in the morning with breakfast gives me a little boost of energy all day long.


For lunch, I reduced the processed carbs, caffeine and cheese from my meal by focusing on nutrient rich vegetables and clean protein sources in my salad and cut out the normal side items. I found that increasing the size of my salad filled me enough that I didn’t need anything else for a couple of hours. Today’s combination (romaine, salmon, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, broccoli, peppers, egg whites, salt, pepper, dash of olive oil, and a squirt of lemon juice) was a new one and I really liked the lemon juice kick paired with the crisp vegetables!


Around 4pm I had a mid afternoon snack which was supposed to be a banana and a handful of almonds. Unfortunately, the banana didn’t fare to well during the morning commute. Instead, I munched on a pear and almonds along with 2 cups of herbal tea.


I met Melissa for Work It Circuit at Uplift Studios after work since we were both craving a workout and some quality time together.

Workit Circuit: Total Body Cardio/Strength with Bodyweight
This class offers continuous cardio-arms-legs-core circuits to confuse your muscles and get an intense total body workout. Using only your body weight, you will work each major muscle group to fatigue – then do it all again. Shoes required.

This class kicked my butt and left me panting by the half way point! Michelle is not messing around with this class and you literally don’t stop for the entire 55 minutes! At one point my marathon legs were screaming, reminding me that I ran a marathon a week ago. By the 3rd set I focused on form more than speed as I wanted to make sure not too injure anything.


I didn’t pick up dinner until 8:15 due to the class and all I knew was that I needed lots of protein and needed food quickly. Melissa and I stopped into Hale and Hearty where I was able to pick up a small soup and large spinach salad packed with protein to help quell my screaming hunger.


Even after such an indulgent week, the past 12 hours of healthier eating and drinking are already having a positive affect on my body.

Since I have a half marathon to run on Saturday and a trip to St Croix coming up in exactly a month, you may see more of these food and workout posts as I find they definitely help me stay on track and motivated.

What are your favorite ways to eat clean? Is there a snack or salad ingredient I should try? Or, do you have a favorite decaf tea you rely on when trying to reduce caffeine?

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