Say It, Do It December Style

Just like that, November is over and it’s time to enjoy my favorite month of the year! This month is going to be one big whirlwind but I’m super excited already!


  • December 1st: OUC Half Marathon and Bachelorette weekend down in Orlando Check! (Per the above pic of me and Mary heading towards the finish, it was a great success and a lot of fun!)
  • December 8th: NYRR Jingle Bell Jog 4 miler and Our 3rd Annual Tacky Holiday Party
  • December 11th-13th: PADI Scuba training in the evening
  • December 15th: NYRR 15K
  • December 18th: Vermont
  • December 27th: St Croix

In order to kick off my 29th year in the best way possible, I thought it’d be fun to get back in the habit of doing Say It, Do It. Jes features this on her blog each week and it’s a great way to put weekly, attainable goals out for others to see and keep me motivated all week long.

Here are my workout plans for the week along with 2 goals for the week to keep me motivated!

  • Monday: Michelle’s Uplift Workit Circuit with Melissa
  • Tuesday: Heavy lifting personal training session + evening speed workout in Central Park with my work run club
  • Wednesday: Relaxed morning run with Theodora
  • Thursday: PM run with work run club
  • Friday: Fitness video shoot + yoga
  • Saturday: NYRR Holiday 4 miler
  • Sunday: rest

Goals for the week:

  • Set a new PR on Saturday during the NYRR Jingle Bell Jog 4 miler with Bo’s help
  • Focus on clean eating Monday through Saturday afternoon


Maybe I can also get a better race picture on Saturday as this one from last year’s race is pretty rough!

Your turn: What are your fitness goals this week?

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OUC Half Marathon Race Recap

The OUC Half Marathon was such a fun race!


A local half marathon, hosted each year by Orlando’s premiere running store, Track Shack, takes more than 4,000 runners through the streets of downtown Orlando and nearby neighborhoods. In addition, the neighborhood route takes runners by more than 10 lakes including the scenic Lake Eola, which I’ve read about multiple times on Orlando healthy living blogs.

Meghann, Mary and I arrived at the race start with about 30 minutes to spare Saturday morning, just enough time to park, walk to the start, take a few pictures, and stand in a very long porta potty line. Luckily Mary went to University of North Florida and is therefore very familiar with Downtown Orlando. Having her expertise made it very easy to find a parking spot.




None of us had specific goals for the race other than to have fun. A few months ago when we decided to sign up as part of the bachelorette festivities, I hoped that Meghann could pace me to a half marathon PR of under 2:12. But, when my marathon was postponed 2 weeks and therefore only 2 weeks prior to this half, I changed my goals.Instead, each us treated this like a fun long run not stressing ourselves out and just enjoying the gorgeous weather.

The race started perfectly on time at 7am, and due to the small size, Meghann and I were crossing the starting line just a few minutes later.

This was also the first race that I’ve run sans Garmin. Gia has asked that for the next few races I run during December I leave my Garmin home so I can focus more on enjoying the run since I’m not formally training. Meghann wore her Garmin but never once shared our pace. Instead she’d tell me to slow down if she saw we were going to fast or would try and move ahead of me a bit to motivate me to pick up my pace. During these first miles we didn’t speak much but instead pointed at different sights and enjoyed the spectators and course entertainment such as local bands and 19th century holiday carolers.


I also chose not to carry a water bottle or wear my CamelBak for this race. Therefore, we took advantage of the 9 water stations on the course, beginning at mile 1.5 to ensure that neither of us overheated since  it was 60 degrees at 7am and 70 and sunny on the course. While it was definitely warmer weather than I’ve had in NYC and Philadelphia these last few weeks but luckily the humidity wasn’t unbearable.


Along the course people cheered us on as we ran past thanks to Meghann’s bride outfit. Kelly put together a great, running friendly race outfit for Meghann to wear on the course featuring a tank top printed with her wedding date, a veil and crown. While some people cheered her on as a princess instead of a bride, it made for a nice diversion. It also helped a few of our readers find us in the field which was so fun! Sarah and Becky both said hi to us during the race and Sarah stuck with us for a half mile or so. She looked super strong considering she was running her first half marathon.

Around mile 7 my hamstrings started to scream louder and I found the need to slow my pace a bit. By the time we reached the water stop at mile 8.5 I found it harder to start running after the water stop. We decided to start walking for 30 seconds each mile, giving my legs a bit of a break. While I realized this probably meant that a PR wasn’t in the cards, I made it my goal to still run a sub 2:20 half marathon. I took a Vanilla Gu around this time in hopes that it would boost my energy.

Around this same time I heard two women cursing their legs and talking about a recent half. It was so fun to find fellow runners down in Orlando who ran Philadelphia just two weeks prior too! We ran alongside them for a few minutes, talking about Philadelphia and other recent races. At this point I also started to savor the many signs put out along the course by OUC. They were very motivating and a great way to keep my mind off my tight hamstrings and tiring legs.



The back half of the course took us over a few small hills and a long brick road stretch. The half marathon covered 2 miles of brick which weren’t very friendly on the feet but at least we both knew they were coming. The lakes and warm morning sun made this part of the course especially enjoyable even though my legs were ready to be done. At one point, as I saw signs for the 5k which started a few minutes after the half, I asked Meghann why we never considered the 5k as a fun bachelorette weekend event. I guess it’s just not our style.


We crossed under Highway 408 and back into downtown, right around mile 12,  which is when I hit the wall. I literally wanted nothing more than to be done. My legs were extremely tight and exhausted. Mentally I was checked out. Meghann did her best to pass time by telling me stories and pointing out her favorite places around the city. We were expecting to find Mary around this point so I tried to move my focus to watching spectators, similar to what I did during the marathon when I grew tired. As we heard a drum line around mile 12.5 Meghann told me that when we made the turn I’d be able to see the finish. I can do anything for just a few minutes. I started to push my pace, sprinting towards the finish line.  We found her about a quarter of a mile from the finish and from there on out it was a full out sprint to the end.


My 11th half marathon was finally done! While it was no PR, I was pretty proud of my body for pushing through 13.1 miles just 2 weeks after 26.2 miles, especially since I didn’t rest much in between. 3rd fastest half marathon done!



I would recommend this half marathon to anyone looking for a small race that is PR friendly. In fact, part of me wants to run another Florida (flat) race on fresh legs just to see what’s possible! The course was very organized, there were 9 water and Gatorade stations, 1 Clif Shot station, and plenty of porta potties!

Do you prefer larger or smaller races?

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Condensed and Intense Circuit Workout

Good morning from the friendly Delta skies. I have heard this line many times but today especially, I really have such gratitude for the Delta team at JFK.


I had a really bad taxi experience this morning as we arrived at JFK and the taxi told me his credit card machine wasn’t working. After some tough words and the help of a nearby police officer he finally “fixed” the problem. I was so flustered thinking about this and getting excited about the bachelorette weekend that as I went through security, I left my carry on suitcase. I didn’t notice it because the weight of my computer bag on my shoulder and how rushed I was to make it down to the gate in time and get breakfast. As I walked to the gate they asked me if I needed a pink tag. That’s when I looked down and realized I didn’t have my bag. I am so blessed that they did everything in their power, with only 10 minutes before the plane door had to close, to get my bag back to me. Sweet Dorothy drove like a madwoman screaming in her Jamaican accent that I had a wedding to get to and had to get my bridesmaid dress at security to anyone who stood in the way of her cart. This sounded better in her opinion then “move this woman has a bachelorette to get to and a race to run” but it was hilarious regardless. The security team even met us halfway since we were going all the way from Delta terminal 2 to terminal 4. So while I know that Delta, nor any airline for that matter, is perfect, they definitely one a point in my book today. I wish I could give each of them holiday bonuses!

Now that I’ve shared a story of gratitude with y’all let’s get on to the post!


If you are a long time reader, then you know that my go to travel breakfast is Starbucks. A perfect oatmeal, banana and iced unsweetened green tea just can’t be beat! I normally add the package of nuts to the oats for some added protein and healthy fats along with a dash of the brown sugar.


If you’ve never tried adding brown sugar to your oatmeal you definitely should as a little bit goes a long way and the flavor can’t be beat!


I’m enjoying this morning’s oatmeal with a banana and a side of studying. I am getting PADI Scuba certified this year, finally, and it requires some studying in advance. On December 11-13th I will spend time in the pool each night from 8-11pm with Pan Aqua in New York doing all my course work and after completing the 3 nights and passing 4 tests I’ll be able to do my 4 qualifying dives down in St. Croix over New Years!

Condensed and Intense Boot Camp

I realized, going through pictures this morning, that I forgot to share an awesome boot camp Bo created for us last week. We both wanted to work off some of the wine and turkey we enjoyed on Thursday and figured that a boot camp together was a perfect option. But, don’t worry, this workout can be done on your own at a gym as well. The entire workout took us 45 minutes but you can do bits and pieces of it or just 1 circuit group if you’re short on time!


Cardio Blast #1:

  • 1 minute jumping jacks
  • 1 minute jump rope

Strength Blast #1

Cardio Blast #2:

  • Set a treadmill to 1 incline and spring 1/2 mile as fast as possible while maintaining the same speed the whole time and ensuring you don’t overexert yourself. For reference, Bo went at 8.5 and I went at 7.8.

Strength Blast #2

Cardio Blast #3

  • Set a treadmill incline to 11.0 and walk a half mile as quickly as possible, pumping your arms for momentum. For reference, Bo and I both walked at 4.0-4.5 for the half mile.

Strength Blast #3  (repeat #2)

Cardio Blast #4

  • On a rowing machine set the resistance to flywheel resistance to 7 then row 1,000  meters as quickly as possible ensuring proper form is maintained the entire time to reduce risk of injury.

As always, be sure to do some gentle warm-up and stretching before any workout and go at your own pace.

Question: I’m working on a video series of workouts that you all can do on your own over the holidays whether you’re in your parents basement, in your tiny apartment, or at a hotel. Any special requests? My goal is for the first video to go live by next Friday, in time for those people starting the holidays early!

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