The Perfect Run

Today was such a fun day of running!

Thanks to a great running buddy for whom I’m so thankful, I ran 9.5 miles without blinking an eye.


A little known fact is that I have signed up for the Ted Corbitt Classic 15K for 3 years in a row but today was the first time I’ve actually run it! With the busy holidays upon us, I always decide to go out with friends a bit too late on a Friday night instead of waking up early for a 15k in Central Park.

Meghan met me in Gramercy this morning around 7:30 before heading up to the park together on the subway. As we saw more and more people hop on the subway in full winter running gear, I started to get worried.

You said it wasn’t that cold Meghan. Are we going to freeze?

I think I said this every few minutes on the subway as we’d both decided to just wear running crops, spi belts, and technical t-shirt for this race. We forgot to bring any type of fuel and we didn’t remember our gloves either. Can you tell this race was a bit relaxed?

But, during the next hour and thirty five minutes we talked, laughed, and ran together enjoying every minute. We didn’t focus on time at all. Instead we just took in the gorgeous weather, the adorably puppies running throughout the park, and got to know each other better. After years of running with music and thinking that talking would make me slower, instead I’ve found that talking can make longer distances seem manageable and 10x more fun! Not every running achievement has to be about time. Sometimes it can be mental.

After months of training for time and reaching some of my reach goals, it was great just to relax and run a distance that used to intimidate me. Maybe it’s that I love being in long distance running shape. Maybe it’s that I love that even after not running more than 4 miles this week, I was still able to run and talk the whole time. Who knows what it was today but it made me even more thankful for my body’s ability to run.

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Need Motivation? Try an "Inspiration List"

Hey gang! This week’s Marathons+Moderation guest post is from someone who loves running! She’s run over 200+ races yet is still so humble and willing to help others! I hope you all enjoy this guest post from Erica as much as I did!

One of the first things people learn about me is that I love running. I try not to be a “runnerd” (spewing splits, coaching advice and nutrition tips). I just love to run and am so energized about it that I have had many a friend or co-worker give it a try despite “not being a runner”. I have proudly helped many a friend train for and pace a first race (or first distance). I have many happy memories (and tons of friends) found on the run. I have also run 200+ races in the last 18 or so years. Last winter, I was selected for a "real runner" campaign by Fleet Feet Sports for their inaugural Women’s Half Marathon in June. They dubbed me "the Expert"! (I also got made up, put on cool posters and flyers, got free New Balance gear and shoes and 15 minutes of “fame”)

When Ashley asked for posts for her Marathons + Motivations segment, I was the first to volunteer! I just completed my 35th marathon last Sunday in Dallas at the MetroPCS Dallas Marathon. This was an interesting running year for me. I moved to Chicago in 2006. 2005 and 2006 were my fastest years with personal bests in the half marathon and marathon (and several other distances.) I was "unstoppable". I ran 15 – 20 races each of those years and did well in all of them. In late 2006, I experienced some leg pain and did what most red blooded runners do, I ignored it and kept on running. Well, I ran 4 marathons in 2007 and they got progressively slower and more painful. As did every other distance. My confidence was shot and my streak of injury-free running was over. By the time I went to the doctor and PT in 2008, the recovery was slow and painful. It seemed like one step forward, two steps back. The desire was there, but I could not seem to get my mojo back. I won’t bore you with the long, painful detail, but things kept on that way until 2010 when I had a big health scare (I had a blood clot in my leg that caused small clots in my lungs and major breathing issues.) I finally gave myself enough time off and followed doctor’s orders to the letter! In the beginning of 2010, I started running less and cross training more. Between the rest and cross training, I felt that I was regaining some of my form and speed. 2012 was a great year for me – especially for running. I entered a new age group at the end of 2011 and took it by storm! I wrote several posts on my running including: 15 Minutes of Fame and Other Fun Stuff, Binge Racing – 4 Races in 8 Days, Race Report from Lululemon’s Seawheeze Half!, Run with a Little Help from My Friends, Vanity Versus Joy (a post about race photos!) and Greetings from NYC – (No Marathon Sunday). I know this is supposed to be about marathons, so here goes…I trained extremely well for NYC 2012. I did my three 20 milers, speed work and even paced a friend in the Indianapolis Marathon. I was READY! It was not to be. It seemed like a no-brainer to capitalize on the training and run in the MetroPCS Dallas Marathon on December 9th instead. In the mean time, we took a two week vacation. The date also extended the marathon training period five LONG weeks. With two weeks to go, it seemed like a crazy idea — or maybe just an overzealous one. As I was trying to pump myself back up, remember how well I have trained, and how much I have enjoyed running this year, I was reminded of an article I read in Runner’s World years ago. Kristin Armstrong (one of my favorite bloggers) wrote a post about dedicating each mile to someone she loved. She called it a "prayer list" and said the only thing she did not like about the idea was that she "hadn’t thought of it herself." She said each person inspired her and the miles flew by. My friend, (and "engine") Marie, also mentioned doing a similar thing in the Steamtown Marathon in October.

I asked my readers to help me find this smiling calm mojo! I also saw this was first on the list of Self’s 20 Best Fitness Tips: Best Motivation: Make like Ironman world champion Chrissie Wellington and dedicate each mile you jog (or walk, bike, etc.) to an inspiring person in your life. You’ll never bonk midworkout again. "I’ll think of someone who reminds me that I can do more, like my mom, and I’ll push so much harder during that mile. When I get home, I’ll call or text all the people I thought of—and it turns into a productive workout and a lovefest." —Marissa Stephenson, SELF fitness editor I asked my friends, and readers, to nominate people who inspire them to "borrow" for my marathon. I compiled a list of 26.2 people to think of and honor in my run. These are people who have inspired me, or my friends, this year. I was not sure how well I would do with this exercise once I started running but I decided to give it a go! On race day, my friend L. and I decided to run together and keep each other in check (we both have a tendency to start fast). We chatted up the Clif Bar pacer, Chris. At age 41, he was running his 106th marathon. Makes me look like a slacker at #35!!


Chris, the pacer, was running his 106th marathon!!

Our goal was to aim for 8:00 minute/mile for the first half and we started well on that goal. The first mile was a bit of a cluster due to a large half marathon and relay segment. After mile one, we were pretty evenly paced (except for a 7:32 mile 4-oops!) I shared my list and stories with L. as we ran. (I wrote the names on a band and scotch taped it to keep it dry and taped it on- it worked! Not pretty but effective.) I enjoyed this exercise – no pun intended! At a few points, I read all of the names again to stay positive. It really helped me to stay focused and motivated. I finished in 3:36.36 (8:16 pace). I was shooting for 3:30-3:40 so I am pleased with the time. It is my best marathon since Boston in 2007. It caps off a great running comeback year for me. Dallas was fun and had good crowd support and other than the start being a cluster due to having a big half and relay, I would recommend it. (The new course is NOT downhill in the end though – I think the people are confused!) They also had nice finisher tech shirts from New Balance, a fun post party and L and I got hats for being in the top 100 women! I do think that this is a cool way to stay motivated during a marathon. I recommend giving it a try! (For my full recap with 26.2 inspiring stories, you can read my full post HERE) Some photos:

Top 100 finisher "Doublemint" twins at the finish- purely an accident but we worked it!

What do you think about this idea? Have you ever done something similar?

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Coconut Peach Smoothie

Oh hello friends! Did you think I’d forgotten about you? Not quite! Let me tell you, getting SCUBA certified from 7pm-11:30pm for 3 nights in a row puts a real cramp in one’s style. (source)

I learned a few things last night during our first night of instruction, that’s for sure.

  • If I’m going to stay awake for a classroom and pool session that lasts that late I need a Starbucks date around 6pm.
  • I really, really love my 1 piece swimsuit and am so glad I had it last night. The girls in bikinis were miserable while we treaded water for 10 minutes or tried to get in and out of wetsuits.
  • I’m proud of myself for finally getting certified after 5 resort dives over the past few years of vacations.

Before I embarked on my scuba adventure, I enjoyed my 2nd smoothie in two days. I made it at work right before I left and was immediately transported to the Cozumel or Bermuda beaches where I enjoyed pina coladas on a daily basis last year. This smoothie doesn’t have nearly the amount of sugar or alcohol that those cocktails do but it is refreshing, protein filled and perfect treat!

Coconut Peach Smoothie


Serving: 2


1 cup Silk Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla

1 cup frozen peaches

1 tsp coconut extract

2 servings Pure Matters Vanilla Pea Protein

2 tsp granola, preferably a less processed one with nuts

1 tsp coconut


Combine first 4 ingredients in blender, blend well.

Pour smoothie mixture into 2 glasses.

Top each smoothie with a sprinkling of coconut and granola, preferably one with nuts.



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