Thank You: My Favorite Things Giveaway

As the holiday season is now upon us and the New Year is just a few days away, I want to take a moment to thank you all.

This year you guys have motivated and supported me in some incredible ways! Each day I am thankful to share my adventures in finding health and balance in New York City with readers near and far. This year especially, in light of the New York City Marathon and Hurricane Sandy, you all have been incredibly supportive. Therefore, it’s time for me to thank you guys with an end of the year giveaway.

One lucky winner will win a few of my favorite things:

1 pair of Pro Compression socks (Marathon pink is my personal favorite!)

1 Lululemon Scuba Hoodie of your choice (valued at $108)

1 Five Bamboo Item (I highly recommend the Holliday dress or the Fireside Cowl, my 2 favorite items)

How to enter?

1. Leave a comment below letting me know what accomplishment you are most proud of this year.

2. Earn an extra entry by tweeting or posting on Facebook: “I want to win @healthyhappier Favorite Things Giveaway including @procompression @lululemon and @fivebamboo!

You have until Sunday, December 23rd at 11:59PM to enter. The winner will be contacted via email on Monday, December 24th. The giveaway is open to US residents only and if an email response is not received within 1 week, another winner will be chosen.

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Vermont Skication

This year, my holidays are split into three parts:

  • Vermont Skication with my aunt and uncle
  • Family Christmas in Vermont with the Rudolph, Diamond and Myer families
  • St. Croix with friends

Since Tuesday evening, I’ve enjoyed lots of quality time with my Aunt Rusty and Uncle Randy both at home and on the slopes.

Yesterday, after a quick 4 mile run and weights session at their local gym, my uncle and I headed to the Bromley Mountain for a few hours of skiing. While Bromley is definitely smaller than Stratton, where we normally ski, it was a great place to get back in the groove after 9 months off skis. The weather was overcast and mild, reaching 35 degrees by mid afternoon.


I didn’t want to get too warm so I only wore the OUC Half Marathon technical t-shirt and Nike running tights, which were unlined, under my ski pants and ski jacket. I also discovered that Pro Compression socks make awesome ski socks!


We did a few runs together warming up before he headed for the black diamonds and I spent the day skiing solo on the green trails. Oddly enough, I really enjoy skiing on my own. I love taking in the sights, enjoying the cold, fresh air, and focusing on practicing the skills I’ve learned during the past two years of lessons.


Bromley randomly had really cute, wildlife cartoon signs along all the trails.


After a day of skiing I was pretty exhausted. Therefore, since I was in charge of dinner last night, I went with the simplest thing I know how to make that always delivers: roasted chicken. I followed my normal perfect roast chicken recipe and made a salad and reheated the previous night’s roasted root vegetables while the chicken cooked.


The chicken turned out wonderfully and both my aunt and uncle enjoyed it along with a glass of Chardonnay while watching Road to Perdition.



This morning, since the weather looked so nice when we woke up, Uncle Randy and I headed over to Stratton Mountain, which is about 15 minutes from the house, for a morning of skiing.


Stratton had four of their main lifts running, including the Gondola which goes all the way to the top. After doing 2 runs on the smaller, shorter greens I decided I was ready to conquer my fear and head up the gondola. Last year I did this run with Margaret a few times after 2 days of skiing. Today, I rode the gondola to the top on my own and was so excited when I stepped out. The top of the mountain was gorgeous, above the fog, and looked like a winter wonderland!


I spent the next 2 hours doing the long green and blue runs from the top, making friends along the way with a few other skiers of a similar skill level. We would follow each other down the mountain and then chat on our way back up the gondola. It felt good to realize just how far I’ve come in two years of skiing. The beautiful sights didn’t hurt either! Check out all the snow and blue sky!


After four great hours of skiing we headed back home for an afternoon of decorating. I hope I get to come back and see Frosty at least once more this trip. But, if the weather doesn’t allow, these 2 half days of skiing have been the perfect dose of winter to get me into the holiday spirit!


Your turn: Are you a skier? If so do you prefer the trails that are sharp and fast or do you prefer winding your way down the mountain?

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A College Student’s Perspective..

Good morning from chilly Vermont.


Unfortunately the weather is just above freezing so the snow is melting and last night we received a little rain instead of snow. While I’d love to enjoy a dreamy, White Christmas in Vermont this year who knows whether it’s in the cards. Instead, I’m just excited to enjoy cold temperatures and plenty of time in front of the fireplace.

This morning’s Marathons+Moderation guest post comes from Shannon, who is currently balancing college and training for endurance events such as triathlons and marathons! I think that seeing the way a college student balances long runs and the other aspects of training provides some great ideas for those runners who think they are “too busy” to train for a marathon (edited to say those runners who need some help finding time to train for a marathon! I hope you all enjoy!

Hi everyone! I’m Shannon and I blog at Mon Amour about my life as a college student training for endurance running and triathlon events.

Gen Smallwood

I started running in April 2011, run my first half marathon in October of that same year, and ran my first marathon this past November. Running is still really new for me and I am constantly trying to learn new things to improve my training. When I trained for my first two half marathons the longest run I did was only 7 miles. There were weeks when I only ran once or twice. I signed up to run the NYC Marathon in April and vowed to follow a strict training plan and really dedicate myself to training. I trained really hard over the summer but was overwhelmed when school started back up. I was suddenly spending all my time either at class or studying and doing homework at the library. Those first few weeks back at school my training really suffered. I realized that being a college student didn’t mean that I had to give up my dream of running a marathon but rather I needed to find a new way to train. Most training plans are not very flexible and are difficult to change.

I decided to change my entire approach to training and stop trying just do whatever else is doing. Instead of planning out the entire training plan months in advance I focused more on tackling each week as it came. I took a blank calendar and wrote weekly long runs but nothing else. I ran 4 days a week but didn’t pick which days until I had a better idea of what I had going on each week. As a college student things are constantly popping up and I may have one week with hardly any work due and others where I am completely swamped and hardly have time to eat. On a schedule like this I found that what works best is to look at the syllabus for each class at the beginning of the semester and make note of the extra busy weeks. Instead of trying to put in a hard week of training during midterms I plan for a cutback week so I can focus on school and not end up missing a lot of training.


Let’s be serious, a big part of college is going out and having a social life. It can be really difficult to wake up early for a weekend long run when you go out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. One option is to choose one night not to go out so you can get your long run in. Or you could take advantage of being able to choose your schedule and plan your classes so you can do your long run on a weekday. I personally have off Fridays so I do my long run on Friday morning. I have also done long runs on Mondays since I don’t have class until 2:30. They key to fitting marathon training into a college schedule is to be creative and take advantage of the one time in your life when you have so much flexibility. This is also a good thing to consider for people who work jobs with odd hours, such as nurses or stay at home moms.

This last tip is more specific to college students but it still relevant to anyone training for a marathon or just wanting to lead a healthy lifestyle. My first two years of college I purchased a meal plan so I wouldn’t have to worry about going to the grocery store every week and finding time to cook my own meals. This worked well while I was in Pittsburgh except that I ended up gaining 5-10 pounds thanks to the all you eat cafeterias. Once I transferred and moved off campus I found myself going to the grocery store about once a week anyway. This is the first year that I haven’t had any type of meal plan and I like it so much better. Not only am I saving money, but I am in complete control of what I am eating. I eat lunch on campus on Wednesday’s but every other meal I eat at my apartment. It takes a little more time to prepare all of my meals but it is worth it to have home cooked healthy meals instead of gross cafeteria food.


Your turn! Have you ever done your long run on a week day to fit it in your schedule? Do you tackle training on a weekly basis or as a whole plan?

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