Snapshots from Paradise

I can’t say enough wonderful things about taking a vacation during February.

Down here in San Juan it’s 85 degrees and sunny but there is a perfect breeze that keeps the beach from getting too warm.


Our time down here has consisted of one run, two days of laying by the infinity pool, one fun night of dancing and a delicious dinner at Dragonfly in Old San Juan.


Thanks to a Walgreens run yesterday, we’ve been able to make cocktails in our room to enjoy both while getting ready and by the pool.



It’s been a perfect mix of relaxing and fun so far and the trip isn’t over yet! Tonight’s plans are to enjoy another fun night out in Old San Juan after an afternoon nap.



Thanks for all the great restaurant and bar suggestions as well! Tomorrow I’ll share a full review of our resort, which we’ve loved!

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San Juan Weekend

Well, it’s another day and I’m on another flight. This time, though, the destination is for pleasure, not business!

Back in December, a few of us started talking about how much fun it would be to surprise our dear friend Theodora with a birthday surprise trip somewhere to celebrate her 30th birthday. We brainstormed different destinations across the US, Mexico, and Caribbean before settling on San Juan, Puerto Rico.  Over the years Theodora and I have traveled quite a few times together and  hopefully this will be no different. Just like in Las Vegas and St. Croix there will be lots of sunshine, delicious cocktails, time relaxing, and at least a dance party or two.



San Juan may seem like a bit of a random location but in reality it will hopefully be perfect. Here are a few things that went into our decision:

  • How long does it take to reach from New York City? Are their direct flights? Are the flights reasonably priced? San Juan is a direct flight from New York’s airports and at just under 4 hours it is short enough for a long weekend. The flights tend to hover around $299-$400 depending on whether it is a holiday weekend and how far in advance you book. 
  • Will it be warm enough to relax pool or beachside in the middle of February? Yes, luckily when we called a few hotels and checked online everything pointed to 85 degrees and sunny even for this weekend. None of us wanted to pay money for overcast and temperatures in the 70s which is what we feared if we booked a trip to Florida or the Bahamas.
  • Is there more to do then just relax on the beach? While I love a great beach vacation as much as the next person, we knew that each person in our group would have different tastes. Therefore, finding an island or destination which features either a city to explore, a rain forest to hike, kayaking, or other activities would make the trip easier for a group. I have to admit though, after all my traveling this last week I’m actually looking forward to as much beach relaxation as possible.
  • Can we find a beach front hotel which will allow us to stay in one room? This trip is a small trip and therefore we thought it would be more fun if we could share a suite for the weekend. Many hotels don’t actually have rooms that can accommodate 5-6 people comfortably so this helped us easily narrow down the hotels.
  • How far is the beach and resorts from the airport? This sounds weird but many tropical locations require a good amount of travel time between the airport and the resort areas. Since we were only planning a 3 night trip the closer to the airport, without feeling like we were next to the tarmac, the better.


Once we figured out that San Juan would be the best destination we spent a days researching hotel options thanks to Expedia, Kayak, and taking advantage of our group’s multiple hotel loyalty programs. We looked for a resort versus a bed and breakfast since we’re going more for a fun, party type weekend than pure relaxation. We also wanted to ensure we felt safe and therefore trusted a resort which would allow for private beach and pool space. While we will most likely go out in Old San Juan multiple nights it’s nice to know that our resort has multiple restaurants and even a dance club if we choose to stay on site.

Our itinerary is very flexible for this trip which is nice but also a bit nerve wrecking for me, a very Type A personality. I’m hoping that even though it’s a holiday weekend we can squeeze in dinner reservations at least one night at Marmalade or Dragonfly, two restaurants which have been recommended to us by multiple people.

So now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go downstairs and toast the birthday girl with our first glass of champagne!

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Random Thoughts from the Geneva Airport

I’m sitting at the Geneva airport awaiting my flight from Geneva and thought I’d check in to say hello and share some thoughts from my trip.

Things have been a bit crazy around here lately and I promise that they are going to slow down a little bit, I think, after this week.

While my week revolved primarily around work, which I’ll share more about in a minute, here are a few pictures from workouts and meals this week.

0041) Never under estimate a salad. Last night’s nicoise salad was hands down one of the best salads I’ve had in a while. Maybe it was the salty sardines or the small potatoes but it satiated me after a long day of work while also delivering some much needed vegetables and protein to my body. We won’t even discuss how much this salad cost as I was being fiscally responsible by ordering the least expensive entree on the hotel’s room service menu. 


2) 30 minutes is enough time to squeeze in an intense workout! Yesterday and this morning I pushed the snooze button a few too many times on my phone. Instead of running 5-6 miles on the treadmill I was stuck with less than 30 minutes. Anytime I have less than 30 minutes to workout I turn to a speed and incline workout. I start by doing 1 minutes of pushups, hop on the treadmill to run a 5k as fast as possible, then end with a 1 minute plank. The speed gets my heart pumping as I jam to my favorite upbeat, high tempo playlist which is still very Beyonce heavy after last week’s Super Bowl show.

3) I’m exhausted. You would think that two evenings with no plans would mean that I could go to bed early after a day at the office. But, instead of sleeping, I fell into the time change trap. Each morning I arrived at the office around 7am and then left 12 or so hours later. But, when I was leaving my US counterparts were just finishing lunch. Instead of going to sleep I worked until midnight each night responding to emails, catching up on work, and preparing for the next day’s meetings. I have a high level of respect for my Geneva counterparts who have learned how to unplug and ignore our US emails that they receive each evening while they’re at home with their families.

4) Feeling inept. I only speak 1.5 languages. I say 1.5 because I am fluent in English and can still comprehend Spanish quite well both audibly and while reading documents. If immersed in a Spanish speaking country for a week or so most of my speaking ability would come back but I’m not there right now. Each time I’m in Geneva I’m surrounded by people who can easily speak 3-4 different languages. This is something I’ve never experienced in the United States and it will forever leave me in awe. I’m seriously considering swapping out French for a full pull-up in my list of New Year’s Resolutions. If I arrive in this summer able to even carry on a simple conversation, or greet everyone and place my own orders at restaurants and bars on my own, I’ll feel seriously accomplished. I wonder how long runs to Rosetta Stone would work?

Okay my flight is boarding! Au revoir!


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