Bless The Weekend Ritual

I love travel just as much as the next person. I feel blessed that my family, friends, and husband love it just as much as I do and even more thankful that my career and this job in particular allow me to travel globally.

But, there is something to be said for a weekend ritual.

God bless this weekend.

After putting in one too many late nights at the office this week I left at 4:45, allowing myself just enough time to get down to Laughing Lotus Yoga for their Lotus Hour class. The class, which is just 60 minutes, promises to leave you feeling stretched, nourished and revitalized in just 60 minutes. Chachi took the 6 class attendees through lots of deep flow poses that could easily be adapted based on level. My favorite aspect of the class was that it started with floor work before moving into sun salutations and lots of twists. These 60 minutes were exactly what I needed to transition from the work week to weekend mode. If you want to read more about my thoughts check out my Yelp review here.

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The rest of the evening was spent getting a shellac manicure in bright red and relaxing with Bo. We have fallen in love with a small Italian restaurant near our apartment, Bocca, that happens to deliver. It’s the perfect thing to enjoy every now and then when we just want to curl up on the couch with a movie, glass of wine, and dinner but want something quality delivered versus something that is more like fast food. I didn’t take a picture of dinner but it was delicious and included an arugula salad which we shared and their cod entrée.

This morning, I had a running date with Liz and Marcial! We met at 9am near the 59th and Fifth Entrance to Central Park. I’m so thankful for the winter running months as it allows me to stay up later and still get 8 hours of sleep before running whereas the summer heat has me out the door by 6am! Marcial and I haven’t been able to run much together since work has kept me from run club. I loved taking them through the park on a route I developed ahead of time, which included plenty of hills and allowed Liz to get to know the park more as she hasn’t spent much time running up here since she lives down in Tribeca.

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She brought out the animal for the hills on today’s run which included a full loop of the park, a second run up Cat Hill, a loop and a half of the Resevoir and then down Cat Hill to finish. We talked the entire time which helped me take my mind off the hills. The park was so alive this morning that there was no way to not be in a good mood, especially since I felt like we were waving to familiar faces every few minutes! Getting into the Park today was great for training as it confirmed that I can hold the 9:35-9:45 pace, even through the hills, but still gave me enough of a challenge to want to stay in the park next week and the following to get more practice before the half.

Since all I was craving during the run was a smoothie, I made one as soon as walked through the door. Today’s mix was banana, strawberries, protein powder, chia seeds, almond milk, and Chobani 0% plain. I topped it with a 1/8 c of Uncle Sam’s cereal for some extra crunch- delicious!

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After my smoothie I headed back to Laughing Lotus for another hour of yoga, this time with Lauren M, one of their more popular teachers. The class was packed but there was still room for all the movements. This class was definitely harder than yesterday’s but the flow and positive mood was the same. I walked out feeling lighter, limber, and in the best mood possible. It was the perfect compliment for my body after the long run, especially due to the toll the hills took on my hamstrings and hips today.

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Now it’s time to rest before my favorite event of the year, New York Junior League’s Winter Ball! I can’t wait to dance the night away with Bo, Theodora, and Laura!

Your Turn!When was the last time you found a yoga, fitness, or workout studio that you fell in love with immediately?

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March Intuitive Eating Challenge: Day 1 Food

March 1st is finally here! It’s time to kick off a new month where I’ll be able to spend the month focusing on my upcoming half marathon, spending time with friends and Bo in NYC since I’m not traveling and getting in touch with my eating. It’s hard to believe that we’re not traveling once during this five weekend month!

Over the past few months my eating has improved ten fold. I’ve learned to think before I begin stress eating and have pretty much stopped thinking about foods as not being allowed and instead having them in moderation. But, no one is perfect. This week I reached in the office candy jar more than one time and found myself having more processed foods than fruits and vegetables. But, today is March 1st and with Jamie’s coaching I look forward to focusing time on intuitive eating.

Our first challenge today was to give ourselves permission to eat what we want. While that can be scary, I was pleased with how I did and ended the day feeling great!

Breakfast was my take on bircher muesli which included 1 cup of Chobani 0% plain yogurt, 1/3 cup of museli, and a sliced banana. It’s definitely not as delicious as the version I ate in Geneva but I know having the greek yogurt provides me with less sugar and more protein than a creamier, less thick yogurt. On the side, I sipped a cappuccino. Choosing this instead of a coffee gives me far more pleasure and protein; its more of an experience.   It’s the little details that make me love a warm, frothy cup of cappuccino. Check out this morning’s pattern!

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Lunch was a salad from Toasties since I forgot my packed lunch in the refrigerator! Oops! This salad is one of my favorites, mixing many different textures and flavors. Baby spinach is topped with brussels sprouts, red onions, chopped tomatoes, celery, grapes, beets, grilled chicken, and a half serving of blue cheese. It was delicious and lasted over an hour!

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My craving for crunch forced my hand to grab a bag of Popchips Salt & Pepper on the side. Say what you want about these but I love there tiny size and the fact that they are portion controlled.

Later in the afternoon I enjoyed my fifth grapefruit of the week along with a handful of almonds. I’ve been craving this tart citrus everyday and find that it gives me a little afternoon pep!2013-03-01 15.53.27

After a day of healthy eating, when the choice came to detoxing a long week over a happy hour or yoga it was an easy decision! I’ve heard Theodora rave about Laughing Lotus for the past month and finally tried it for myself tonight. We actually experienced Laughing Lotus for the first time this summer when we took a class in Times Square led by Dana Trixie Flynn, one of the founders!

I made it downtown in record time and was on my mat by 5pm ready to melt the stress away. Tonight’s class was brand new for March and therefore there were only 6 people in class. A small yoga class is my favorite as it means lots of adjustments! The Level 1 Lotus Hour allowed me to stretch and relax without pushing my body to the point of sweat, exhaustion, or soreness for tomorrow’s run. I could definitely tell that my hips and quads are tighter than normal which is to be expected since I haven’t practiced yoga lately and I’ve been pushing my body in different ways through Barry’s Bootcamp and speed work.

Lotus Class Deals

Their first time special, 30 days for $39 was too good to refuse so I’m hoping to join Theodora for at least one class a week during March!

Intuitive eating, yoga, and a half marathon PR could make this a pretty amazing month. Here’s to hoping everything works out!

How about you? What is your focus this March?

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The Marathon: What A True Beast

Hi Healthy Happier Bear readers! I’m Meghan from Little Girl in the Big World! When Ashley asked me to share my story her marathons + moderation series I was excited, because after running Disney on January 13th, I haven’t been able to stop thinking or talking about the marathon! What a true beast it is in the most beautiful way!

My journey to the marathon started indirectly in March 2011 when I started the Couch to 5k Program. I started it just to lost weight, but when I got some encouragement from a co-worker who had run a few marathons, I knew a half marathon was doable for me. If you had told me when I stepped out the door those first few weeks that in less than two years I’d be running a marathon I wouldn’t have believed you for even a second. I hated running for all of my life up to that point!DSC01299

But after running Disney’s Wine and Dine Half Marathon as my first half, I knew that running was something that was going to become a part of me. I could write an entire post (and I probably will at some point) on what running has done for me, and I without question wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. Two of the things that are the most important to me are my relatively new commitment to a healthy lifestyle and my ability to continue pursuing goals that I set for myself even after going to college and grad school and securing a job that I’m happy with.

I’m not sure what it was that made me decide to run the Walt Disney World Marathon, but I think it had something to do with the 20th Anniversary medal and the 20-mile spectacular. I wanted to be a part of an entire event, not just a race. So after getting married in July and then having pretty serious abdominal surgery in August, I decided that I was going to make it happen. The surgery went well enough that I knew I’d be able to train after my six-week recovery period was over (I talked to my doctor, who is a runner, and she said it was fine), so I was able to sign up when the race was at 98% capacity. I just made it, and I was so 1

But what came next was training, and this is where my moderation came in. Though I definitely had to moderate social time and other activities in my life, the thing that I had to moderate the most was my mind. It has been my biggest enemy and roadblock on my path to achieving goals. It’s not that I doubt myself or that I don’t think I’m able to do something from the get go, it’s just that while I’m in the process I am constantly questioning if I’m capable of finishing a certain run or a certain workout.

My mind is absolutely what I’ve had to moderate on long runs, tempo runs, and speed sessions, because if I let myself believe the occasional negative thought that would come through my head, I probably would have stopped before I had gotten to the starting line. Because I did most of my training alone, I had ample time to think. And while I sometimes thought about work, friends, things I needed to do, my mind would frequently throw in thoughts like, “your hip is hurting! You should cut this run a few miles short!” or, “you don’t need to run this fast to go the time you want. Just slow down a little bit.” Of course I would also doubt myself sometimes as well. There would be times that runs didn’t go as well as I had hoped or things were harder than they should have been, and the idea that maybe I wouldn’t be able to run 26.2 miles. And that was when my heart had to step in.

It was really heart over mind that got me to the starting line, and ultimately the finish line of the Disney Marathon. My heart wanted to do this to prove to myself that I could. I had set a goal with my heart, and I wasn’t about to physically allow anything to get in my way. Even during the race, it was the continued battle between what I knew was true and what my mind was trying to convince me at the time. Talk about mental games! They are sure to arise during training and especially during a first marathon.725248-1064-0017s

But in the end, I did it! I ran 26.2 miles (in reality I ran 26.61 miles because of all of the weaving), I got the medal I had signed up for, and I became a true running addict. I had pushed myself to a point I would have never thought possible earlier in my life, and I did it all by letting my heart continue to believe that it was all possible. It wasn’t pretty, and the race was pretty warm. I didn’t hit my goal times, but I later learned that I probably shouldn’t have set those anyways.725258-1008-0002s

The marathon is a distance to be respected. My advice to anyone that’s training or looking to run their first would be to believe in yourself and to believe in your training. Your mind will try to convince you that you’re weak or not capable at times, but you are! I wrote a recap of some more details of the actual miles along the way, and I kept all my training on my blog. I’m already planning my fall marathon, and I’m really excited to use everything that I learned in this training cycle and race to improve myself on marathon number 2!

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