Stephanie Nieman’s Revolve Body Ride

After a week of fighting a cold and feeling lethargic, I was ready to try a new tactic yesterday. It was finally Friday and that meant it was time to welcome the weekend! I spent the day at the office finishing lots of work and taking extra doses of Vitamin C and warm liquids in hopes that it would soothe my throat.

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Once 6pm arrived, instead of heading home and crawling in bed, which I’ve done every other night this week, I decided to try sweating out all the germs.

I was feeling better but definitely not 100% and therefore couldn’t imagine hanging my head upside down at yoga or going for a run in my beloved Central Park. But, I could see myself jamming out on a spin bike. I knew I wanted something that would boost my mood and get my body moving. I hoped to find a class at Equinox but unfortunately either the classes were at the wrong time or they were all booked. Fail!  This is just one of the reasons I’m finally parting ways with Equinox after almost four years as a member. Twenty three hours in advance all their Saturday spin classes were already booked solid! Really? I’m not sure what has happened lately but it’s getting harder and harder to find a spot in their classes. That’s not something I’m okay with when I’m trying to have an active weekend!

Luckily, I’ve been chatting with Stephanie Neiman on Twitter for the past few weeks and had a special code to try out her spin class at Revolve for free! (The code is SN2013 for your reference!)

I snagged the last bike available and headed down to Union Square ready to give Revolve another chance. As you read in my previous posts, I wasn’t in love with the studio. The front desk staff hasn’t been the friendliest, the rides are a bit shorter than I’m used to, and the studio itself is still growing and finding it’s niche.

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What a difference an instructor can make! As luck would have it, due to availability and class schedule, I took the Body Ride for the 3rd time (initial Revolve review) and expected to feel the same way about it as I did the first two times. Rushed, too short for a real workout, and an arm’s section that doesn’t necessarily challenge me. Oh Stephanie was going to have none of that at all! The Friday night happy hour dance party started at 6:30 on the dot and by 6:40 the entire class was dripping sweat! The ride itself was filled with hills which kept us pushing the resistance and then, when we’d hit the top of a hill instead of getting a break Stephanie would have us push the speed for 25-30 seconds hitting RPMs of 100-105! Her music selection last night was mostly 90s jams, perfectly on tempo with the workout, that had us all bobbing are heads and shaking to the music.

Stephanie’s class had us riding for 39 minutes before squeezing in about 6 minutes of arms. Thanks to the 5 pound sandbag weights I used versus the 3 pounds my arms definitely felt the section. It was a mix of tricep, bicep and shoulder work but I liked that she didn’t have us keep riding during this section. In previous classes when instructors ask us to keep pedaling, even slowly, I find I have a hard time focusing on my arm form.

This was the perfect way to get back into the swing of working out while still fighting the last bit of the cold. After 45 minutes I felt like a new woman who was ready for a girl’s night out with Melissa!

If you haven’t tried Revolve yet I recommend you hop on downtown if you’re in New York and give it a try. The instructors who have been recommended the most to me are Kira Stokes, Dyan Tsiumis and Stephanie Nieman! If you’re around Sunday afternoon at 3pm Dori and Melissa are hosting another class at Revolve! Find out more information here!

Do you give studios a second chance after one not so great experience?

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Vacation Favorite Things

Coming back from vacation is always an adjustment even if the vacation is a quick trip home to Savannah and only five days long! Unfortunately even though I was able to sleep and relax while home, my body isn’t happy and the cold I fended off the entire trip hit me full fledge this morning. I woke up at 4:15 in order to make my early morning flight and I could barely swallow at that point. After tons of water, green tea, salt water, and Airborne I spent the rest of the day at the office with a scratchy throat and a runny nose. I’m currently in bed with chicken noodle soup hoping to kick the cold with a good night’s rest!

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This trip home was a mix of pure relaxation and time with my immediate and extended family spread across five days. I was lucky enough to enjoy some time with my blog buddy Victoria, catch up with my in-laws, try a few new to me restaurants, bake epic chocolate chip cookies, do some Target shopping, take a long walk on the beach with my mom, and still have plenty of time to kick my feet up and relax with a good book.

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The only thing missing was Bo but unfortunately he and a good friend had plans to get a technical diving certification down in the Keys this weekend! How awesome is this picture of Bo from the wreck they explored? Notice he is carrying a 3rd tank! I can’t even imagine having to switch tanks!


I thought I’d share some links to the favorite things that I’m loving after this weekend.

A delicious lighter version of one of my favorite Summer side dishes – coleslaw!

A fun Ponte blazer that features a fun zipper detail and is affordable enough to buy in multiple colors!

Absolutely amazing salted chocolate chip cookies! Stop everything and make these immediately!

A great new mascara that thickens, curls and goes on clump free for under $6!?

If you haven’t read this book it’s time to hop on the band wagon. But, you must be warned, the first 50 pages are slow and the last half will make you want to not move until you finish!

How about you? Anything new that you’re loving and think I should check out?

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A Relaxing Saturday in Savannah

Since I last checked in on Thursday the weekend has been pretty amazing! We’ve spent time enjoying the gorgeous Savannah weather, tried a few new restaurants, found time to relax at the spa, and have laughed for hours!

I’m so blessed to be home at my parent’s house this weekend with everyone!

The Savannah sunshine finally decided to say hello yesterday so we were able to take advantage of the weather by going for a long walk along River Street.

We spent an hour walking through Savannah’s gorgeous squares. I can’t believe how busy the city was yesterday! One thing is for sure, Savannah loves the tourists who help fund the city!

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After a long New York City winter which has included more gray, cold days than most years I was definitely ready for some Vitamin D by way of Savannah sunshine. My aunt and mom thought I was crazy to only be in my Lululemon crop pants and Lululemon Power Y tank but it was perfect! Warmth and temperature is all relative!

After our walk we found a new to us, local Savannah coffee shop, Foxy Loxy, where we were able to get delicious cappuccinos with hearts! It’s the little things in life!


Our afternoon was pretty much perfect bliss! When this trip was organized a few months ago, my mom and I thought it would serve as the perfect excuse for a girls’ spa day. I haven’t enjoyed a full spa day in quite a while and it was exactly what we each needed. While Spa Bleu has been open for three years, neither my mom nor I had been there before. Located just off Broughton Street in Savannah’s historic district the spa is very reasonably priced while providing quite a full menu of services. Our choice, Spa Bleu Escape Day, included a manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, and lunch for $235. It is also a fully organic spa, registered as part of the Green Spa Network. The price was a great deal considering the prices that we each normally face in New York, Tuscon, Chapel Hill, and our other respective towns! We were able to have our services at the same time so the day of relaxation included an hour to two relaxing together during our manicures, pedicures and lunch.  We were impressed by each of our services, especially the facial and pedicure which while being all natural were very effective! The only disappointing part of the day was the lunch. Since the spa is right above a Panera, it seems like ordering lunch from there could be an easy option. Instead, we had mini quiche just like you would buy from Sams. Not exactly my idea of a spa lunch!

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What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon! While the ladies relaxed the men spent the day walking the beach, touring historic Fort Pulaski and enjoying seafood dockside!

Last but not least, we toasted a great weekend with dinner at our favorite Savannah restaurant, Elizabeth’s on 37th. (See previous review here.)

Today my goal is to be outside as much as possible, enjoying every bit of warm weather and blue sky! We are dining al fresco for breakfast on the back patio my parents have updated recently and then heading out on the boat this afternoon!

Happy Sunday!

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