Twelve Hours in Amsterdam

A cancelled flight meant that our 1.5 hour layover in Amsterdam turned into a 12 hour incredible adventure including 6 hours of walking around the city’s canals, historic churches and leaning buildings, down narrow alleys, meandering through the Red Light district, sipping a Grolsch on the city square, people watching, and enjoying a waffle at midnight! It was an incredible adventure but I am ready for a long nap on the flight back to New York City!

Amsterdam 1 Amsterdam 2 Amsterdam 3 Amsterdam 4 Amsterdam 5

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House Hunters International: Geneva

It has been 3 years since Bo and I hunted for an apartment together and I forgot how utterly exhausting it is, even when you have the help of a professional. Luckily, the city itself is pretty gorgeous and each evening we’ve relaxed with a few glasses of rose or beer along with a long walk along Lake Geneva. I’m also very thankful for my new North Face K Rain jacket which we picked up at REI when my parents were in NYC. It is fitted enough to be semi-fashionable and transition from rain storm to shopping but is still water proof and practical! I’ve lived in it since we arrived on Tuesday since the highs have only been in the 50s.

IMG_9038 IMG_9042 IMG_9043IMG_9070IMG_9031 In case you’re new to the blog or need some background, we made a huge decision last month and are moving to Europe in July! We will have flats in both Geneva and London since Bo will be based in London Monday through Thursday for his company and I will be in Geneva. Our weekends will be spent together in either of our cities or hopping around Europe. Yes it will be an adjustment but we’ve done distance before and we are excited for the amazing opportunity.

As part of my relocation, my company provides us with assistance for relocating and finding an apartment. Therefore we have spent the past 2 days looking at flats in Geneva, primarily in the Eaux-Vives and Plainpalais areas of the city.

  • Eaux-Vives: close to the lake, with a lot of shops and restaurants
  • Plainpalais: the very pleasant and lively student neighbourhood, close to the University of Geneva

IMG_3653 IMG_3654 IMG_9046We have seen the spectrum during our 14 flat adventure. Here are just a few of the photos from our tours including some that we loved and some that just left us laughing or wondering how people made the spaces work. We also realize just how differently people live. One home we visited was still occupied and the guy, though a corporate professional, is clearly a “gamer” and needed nothing other than lots of pizza, beer, an Ikea bed, and huge flat screen computer to sustain for two years.

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For those people who are curious, here are a few things we’ve learned about Geneva flats that are quite different than our experience in New York, Philadelphia, or Atlanta.

  • Dishwashers are not very common.
  • Some flats come with “unequipped kitchens” which means you have to buy all your appliances including dishwasher, oven or range, fridge, and washer/dryer.
  • Lifts, the European version of elevators, are very, very small and far different than US elevators. 
  • Everything in square meters which was a bit of an adjustment for us but definitely expected (10.8 square feet per square meter)
  • Apartments are listed by number of rooms rather than number of bedrooms. If a room, when closed off, has no window it is considered a half room regardless how large it is.
  • Most apartment leases seem to be 3 years and there are numerous, confusing real estate laws that we can’t even begin to understand.

So there you have it! We are meeting with our new bank today and seeing a few more flats. So far we have found three options that would work for us though we definitely have a favorite. We are leaning towards Swiss/European charm over some modern conveniences at this point but we’ll see what happens. While the real estate market is more in the renters favor than it was a few years ago it is still in the landlords hands at this point. They have the power to accept or decline our “file” and do not have to explain their rationale.

What is your non-negotiable when looking for an apartment or home? Is it the kitchen? Bath tub? Elevator?

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Forward Progress

The Under Armour What’s Beautiful 3.0 Challenge  really could not have come at a better time. Even though we’ve been traveling for the past week in Istanbul and are now on a house hunting adventure in Geneva, the challenge has helped keep both me and my husband on track with our health and weight loss goals. Normally, we have each gained weight on vacations because we allow ourselves to indulge and don’t always workout as much as normal. This vacation we’ve made working out a fun activity each day instead of a chore! We’ve enjoyed healthy breakfasts and lunches that are filled with protein and vegetables whether kebabs in Turkey or this beautiful Nicoise salad we enjoyed here in Geneva yesterday.

IMG_8986 IMG_8718This morning upon waking up I took a deep breath and out of curiosity chose to step on the hotel scale which luckily was already set to pounds instead of kilograms. My thoughts were correct based on the way my clothes are fitting and how I feel. I’ve lost 3 pounds on vacation thus far!

Gym Workout #iwill 

What forward progress have you made in achieving your goals?

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