Inside our Geneva Flat

Greetings from Geneva!

Unfortunately the flight over didn’t go too well due to over 3 hours of turbulence. Needless to say I may need more than one cup of coffee if I’m going to stay awake all day after only 4 hours of sleep.


As soon as I checked into the hotel and finished a quick breakfast I went to visit our flat! We are thrilled to be moving into our top choice flat on July 12th! I can’t believe it’s less than a month away! The move will go in waves as our furniture won’t arrive for 8-10 weeks so we’ll be using temporary, rental furniture in the flat to begin.

But, since I had time to take measurements and more pictures today I thought it would be fun to share some with you all since so many people asked. This will also give a good base for some fun before and after posts which will hopefully come late this summer.IMG_9549 IMG_9553There are a few things we truly love about the flat but one of them is the parking spot. Parking in Geneva, like most  European cities, is not very easy especially if you live in the city center area. As we know we want to have a car here, this was something to consider when looking at flats.


The kitchen area

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The living room/dining room area (approx 22ft x 19ft)

IMG_9559  IMG_9576 View from the living room windowsIMG_9555 Bedroom (approx 12 feet x 15 feet)

IMG_9574 IMG_9575

Hope you enjoyed the quick tour of our Geneva flat! I’m here all week and am so thrilled that the weather is finally Summer like! Today the high is 88 degrees and we may even go for a dip in Lake Geneva this evening!

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

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Will Sweat for Big Gay Ice Cream

The fun isn’t over and it has already been a pretty incredible NYC Saturday.

Bo spent the day scuba diving with his friend Scott which meant I was able to plan a fun day with girlfriends! Luckily, we were blessed with amazing weather!


I ran four miles up Fifth Avenue and over to Pure Yoga East to meet Gia for a Level 2/3 Vinyasa class taught by Kay Kay Clivi. Gia raved about her ahead of our class saying that her classes were fun yet instructive and challenging. I can’t say enough wonderful things about her style. The class pushed me in ways I haven’t pushed lately in yoga and I loved every minute of it! I was able to get into an unassisted head stand and held crow for longer than usual. The class paired with Gia’s company was a perfect way to continue the day.


After departing Pure I headed home for a quick refresh before heading out to meet Laura for an afternoon adventure. All week we talked about what we’d do with our afternoon, depending on weather. We were both in the mood for an active Saturday and the weather just inspired us further. After reading Michelle’s review of Big Gay Ice Cream earlier this week our day’s activity was decided. Spending the afternoon biking around Manhattan until we ended at Big Gay Ice Cream in the West Village for a bucket list treat. While Bo and I don’t’ have many things on our list before we leave, using Citibikes and finally trying BGIC was definitely on mine!

I am not an expert on Citi Bikes but absolutely LOVED my experience today. Instead of giving you all the details, I’ll have you go to the Citi Bike website for more detail. However, I will share with you a few takeaways from our adventure.

  • Definitely download the app in advance to help you find the most convenient stations for your adventure.
  • The machines don’t accept American Express.
  • Yes, you do have to “check the bike back in” every 30 minutes even with a 24 hour pass. The program is intended primarily for commuters but is great for tourists and weekend jaunts as well. Just make plans to stay near a station. The app shows you where the over 200 stations are and it was pretty easy for us to find them today.
  • The bikes DO have gears though only 3. They are a bit hidden on the left hand side and operate from below not the top.
  • The busiest station (aka longest line for rental code) in the city on a daily basis is Central Park and 6th Avenue. Avoid this one at all costs as the other dudes trying to rent bikes will harass you while you wait in line – for 20 minutes.
  • Please rent or buy a helmet. While I felt very safe 95% of the time today, even riding down busy avenues, why be risky and stupid? Most bike shops in the city rent them for $5-$15 per day if you don’t want to pay the $25-$50 to buy one ahead of time.
  • In order to have the green light go on saying that your bike has been properly returned you will have to slam it into the slot.(TWSS) No you will not break the bike or the slot.
  • If you’re going to leave your bike somewhere while you’re enjoying ice cream or running an errand, bring a bike lock.

So now back to the fun and picture sharing from our 17.5 mile adventure around Central Park and the West Side Highway.


I really enjoyed biking with Laura as we were able to catch up while riding in the quieter, less traffic filled areas of Central Park and the West Side Highway and were both on the adventure for leisure not fitness. The whole time we kept saying how fun it was and how great the bikes will be this summer. I guess since I don’t get to enjoy them all summer I can just look forward to renting one in Paris this summer.


After about 2 hours of biking and chatting we ended our excursion at Big Gay Ice Cream in the West Village at Seventh and Grove Street. What began as a summer ice cream truck experiment back in the Summer of 2009 has now turned into a popular spot in the city for decadent ice cream treats featuring witty names and unique combinations. Their toppings include wasabi dust, sea salt, olive oil, dark chocolate, pretzels, Nilla Wafers, and more! The soft serve comes in 2 flavors (chocolate and vanilla) daily but the also have 2 weekly specials.


While everything sounded delicious including the ever popular Bea Arthur (vanilla soft serve, dulce de leche, crushed Nilla Wafers) I went with the American Globs. How could I resist vanilla soft serve, pretzels, sea salt, and chocolate dip? This is like the Dairy Queen of my childhood on steroids after a year of culinary school!


Laura went all the way with the Monday Sundae which was incredible! Hers included a Nutella lined waffle cone, whipped cream, dulce de leche, sea salt, and soft serve ice cream! Holy goodness! Needless to say this was an incredible end to an active morning and afternoon. (source)

What’s your favorite ice cream topping?

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A Little Extra Nutrient Support

It’s FRIDAY!!! Can you tell I’m a bit excited? It’s been quite the action packed week filled with my first Organic Avenue juice cleanse, a great yoga class and dinner date with my girl Liz, Spirit of the Marathon 2 movie with local running friends, lots of work, and an Uplift Friday class that is always a great way to kick off the weekend! The best part is that there is blue sky and sunshine in Manhattan right now which is such a treat after all this rain!

Week of 6.14

Since I have so much to share with you guys, there will be more than a few posts going up this weekend. I’m going to be super cool tonight and spend the evening blogging while Bo is running errands for his scuba adventure tomorrow.

While I was on the Organic Avenue 3 day juice cleanse, I thought a lot about the way I eat each day on a regular basis. I’m not perfect by any means but I definitely have done well sticking to the 80/20 rule over the past year which is one of the things I attribute to the way I feel right now. But, as my sister-in-law, who also did the juice cleanse, and I talked further about the things that make us feel good on a daily basis we both couldn’t go without mentioning vitamins. It sounds so silly. Really how much can a few little pills do for someone?

While I know the debate is still out and everyone has differing opinions, I see a big difference when I take vitamins on a regular basis. The top drawer of my office desk is a bit of a health and wellness cabinet filled with teas, snacks, medicine, lotions, and vitamins. What can I say? When you spend at least 10-12 hours a day at the office, it’s nice to be prepared! Yes I believe that it’s best to get nutrients and vitamins from whole food but vitamins just feel like a little extra nutrient support.

For the past year I have taken the following vitamins on a regular basis:

  • Multi-vitamin
  • Calcium
  • Hair & Nail

Therefore, when my friends at Fitfluential offered me a chance to sample VitaFusion Multivites the answer was easy! Heck yes! When it comes to vitamins, I’m 29 going on 6. I can’t handle horse pills or anything that leaves a bad aftertaste.


Since receiving these last week I’ve started to not only look forward to taking my vitamins but even thinking of them as a fun after lunch treat. I am often tempted to take two servings since they taste like candy!

If you find yourself forgetting to take your vitamins or dread the huge pills, give gummies a try. They are like Flintstone vitamins of 2013!

Do you take vitamins & supplements or do you get all your nutrients from whole food?

This post is sponsored by VitaFusion through FitFluential.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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