4:30 Marathon Treadmill Workout

Happy Wednesday! This week is flying by both socially and work wise. As I mentioned, every single night is jam packed with another fun event as I try to savor every last minute with friends in the city! It’s a bit overwhelming to have plans every single night between now and July 11th but at the same time I feel very blessed!

Last night Jen and I sweat our way through a VERY tough Uplift Strength class with Liz Barnet before having dinner at the new to me Hu Kitchen.

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Per Jen’s recommendation I went with one of their bowls filled with a mix of quinoa, raw vegetable medley and the tasty roast vegetable mash. I topped it off with their incredible roasted wile mushroom medley, almonds, shallots, and a little dash of salt & pepper. It’s a good thing I don’t live or work closer to Hu Kitchen or I’d eat there ALL the time! If you are anywhere near Union Square I highly recommend you check it out for a healthy dinner or lunch option!

On top of that great workout that we enjoyed together, I was up at 4:15 this morning so I could meet Melissa Z for my favorite Barry’s Bootcamp class (arms and abs) with Josh Arden! As if the squats and lunge work didn’t leave my legs tired enough, this morning’s class reminded me why I love Barry’s so much. It is an efficient workout with great music and they have classes at just about every hour of the day. As a testament to that, I was in the 5am class while Bo took a 9pm class.

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Of all the workouts that I’ll miss while living abroad, this it the one that will be hardest to replicate on my own. Oh well, luckily I’m sure I’ll have new fun ways to break a sweat whether running up mountains or cycling along Lake Geneva!

But, what I really want to share with you guys today is an awesome treadmill workout my girl Laura prepared. After we spent an epic Saturday biking around Central Park and talking about workouts, she figured that having a handy treadmill workout would help ease my mind about training for a stretch marathon goal (4:30!!) and traveling. Less than a day later she shared this great workout with me which I was able to use last week in Geneva since I was bound to the hotel gym for each of my workouts. It is a workout that changes the speeds or incline constantly so getting bored isn’t an option. I must also say that at first glance it looks easy but by the end I was cursing it just like 400 repeats!

This is designed to help me hit my 4:30 marathon goal by prepping me for both hills and making the 10:18 pace feel easy. Maybe Laura is secretly getting me ready to run the Saleve again with Renaud when I arrive in Geneva next month! Either way, it’s only 20 minutes long and is a combo of hills and speed, based on the 4/3 rest principle. Note that no efforts last more than one minute, and if you don’t feel like you’re going to die in the final 30 second sprint, you should take the pace faster.

So far I’ve done this workout two times and love that it reminds me of Barry’s Bootcamp treadmill workouts that helped me run a half marathon PR back in April and literally changed the shape of my legs. If you really want a challenge or want to make sure you log at least 4 miles, try doubling the workout!

If you want to read more about this workout and the rational that went into creating it, head over to Laura’s blog!

This kitten has the right idea and I’m about to go do the same thing!

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Hartford Marathon Training: Week 1

So it’s finally that time of year again! Marathon training has officially begun! Right now it’s hard to describe my emotions because there are so many other things going on in our life. Um hello, we’re moving to Europe which means in just 17 short days these posts will be coming all the way from a little flat in Geneva, Switzerland!

But, while the move is starting to get very overwhelming, having something constant like marathon training is a bit of a relief. I know that each day between now and October 12th I’ll have a plan. That, my friends, is fabulous! I’m so excited to run 26.2 miles through Hartford with my friend Amy as she conquers her first marathon! I mean really – how cool is this year’s anniversary poster?


While last week was a bit of a warm-up since Gia knew my travel and work schedule was beyond crazy and running outside wasn’t an option due to the hotel location, it still felt good to have a prescribed plan each day and know I was accountable to Gia at the end of the week.

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Here are a few things from last week:

  • I got back into the habit of sharing and tracking my workouts on Daily Mile (let’s be friends!) each day.
  • I remembered just how important sleep is during both travel and training.
  • Compression are the best thing for tired legs!
  • I didn’t get in every mile but my workouts that did happen were quality.

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Monday: travel day

Tuesday: 15 minute hotel room workout + 3 mile run

Wednesday: 45 minute incline walk

Thursday: 3 mile treadmill run

Friday: 75 minute hot vinyasa yoga class at 216 Yoga

Saturday: 5.5 miles along the East River with Bo

Sunday: 3 mile run downtown to run errands

Total Running Miles: 15

Overall I’m proud of myself for staying active though I wish my workouts were a bit longer. I had an issue running further than 3 miles on a treadmill last week which was a new problem. Even when I switched up the speeds and inclines I just couldn’t stay motivated. Luckily, last week was my last week of crazy travel for a while! I’m excited for a summer filled with running outside while discovering Geneva and London!

Today was an unplanned rest day but I have a full week of tough workouts planned including a few fun ones with friends which will hopefully kick my butt back into training gear!

How about you? Do you look forward to training season or live for the off season?

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What I Wore: Summer Rooftop Farewell Party

Right now I am relaxing at home with a lovely glass of white wine and an epic cheese plate. This definitely has the making of an amazing Sunday evening complete with some DVR television shows while laughing about last night’s memories with Bo and Meg.

Last night Bo and I were so blessed to have our friends host a rooftop going away party for us complete with Southern barbecue, great music, delicious drinks, and luckily perfect weather.


But, before the festivities began, Bo and I spent the mid morning hours sharing our favorite parts of New York with our dear friends Brad and Margaret. Talented architects who enjoy dabbling in photography, they volunteered to capture our favorite areas of New York City in pictures with us one Saturday before we moved. We never took engagement photos and therefore only have a few photos hanging in our home- many of which are over 5 years old.

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Unfortunately I can only share one preview with you as we don’t have any images ourselves since Brad & Margaret insist on editing and organizing them before sharing. But, between sipping espressos in Eataly, sitting on a stoop in Gramercy, and kissing in a tree in Central Park it was a memorable day with two of our dearest friends.

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Based on the many Instagram questions from friends, I thought I’d share with you my complete outfit which also doubled as my party dress later in the evening.


Hair by Dream Dry – David Yurman Blue Topaz earrings from 18th birthday – Bauble Bar Dew Drop Bib necklaceRent the Runway Mark & James by Badgley Mischka Hang Ten MaxiMichael Koors watchBauble Bar bracelet pave links braceletDavid Yurman 7mm Bracelets in blue topaz and pearlJack Rogers Navajo Bronze sandals

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