Thank You New York City

Four years and two months ago I drove into Long Island City, my black Chevrolet Impala filled to the brim with my Philadelphia apartment belongings, as Bo and I moved in together for the first time.

New York City was our first home together. Atlanta, Athens and Philadelphia were only temporary stops before as we knew our days in each were numbered due to graduations.

At that point in my life I was 25 years old, only 3 years out of college, and unsure of everything in my life other than my career and Bo. I was still insecure in my own skin for many reasons. I was shy and not sure how I would make friends in a city where I knew very few people. Most of my UGA acquaintances who moved to NYC after graduation had either decided their time up here was finished or already had established friend groups.

New York City makes you work for your friends. Everyone is busy and no one has time to stop so if you want to make life long friends you have to be willing to put yourself out there.

I found the courage and confidence to go to a blogger and reader brunch with strangers in May 2009, hosted by the lovely Melissa.  It was during this brunch that the ladies convinced me to start a blog. After that one successful moment I continued putting myself out in the world in order to meet new friends. Suddenly I was the person who was willing to get out of my shell and go on “blind workout dates” or ask a co-worker to get a drink after work in hopes of developing the relationship.

The streets of New York City have helped me train for three marathons, proving that with hard work and great friends 26.2 miles is possible. Bo and I discovered this city via the sidewalks, park paths, alleys, and streets. I feel like every nook of the city, especially south of Central Park holds a memory from a long run or jaunt with friends. 

A city that moves at a pace like this one requires a certain level of assertion. Even the sweetest of people will find themselves in a back of a cab trying to hustle the driver because it’s Saturday night and you have somewhere to be. You’ll push through the tourists because while you welcome them to the city and appreciate the money they spend, you are on a different time schedule. Time is money here, proof in the fast paced lunch spots where more chopped salads are served in ten minutes than in two hours anywhere else in America.

I’ve had the absolute joy to work and encounter people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs. I’ve danced along side the Pride Parade as it winds through the Chelsea and Gramercy streets, celebrating the strides that have been made. I’ve had long conversations with cab drivers during treks to JFK or LaGuardia, wanting to know more about what brought them to this country and their experiences.

This city has truly become a home. It has toughened us, it’s taught us to take advantage of every opportunity, it’s exhausted us at times, it’s allowed us to meet and reconnect with some amazing friends, and most of all it’s made us stronger.

But now it’s time for us to take the next step. Hopefully a few years from now we’ll look back on our time in Europe as one that brought us together as a couple and allowed us to explore more than we ever thought possible. But for now, we’re taking one day at a time and can only pray that all 8 checked bags arrive with us in Geneva tomorrow morning.

New York, and all our amazing friends, thank you for everything and see you soon!

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The Mizuno Wave Sayonara

The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Mizuno.

Since mid November, I’ve been running in my beloved hot pink Mizuno Wave Rider 16s which I’ve absolutely loved. In fact, before discovering these shoes I had never found a lighter weight shoe that also provided me the support I needed. In fact, they even protected my feet as I scaled, hiked and ran up the Saleve in February during my Geneva visit.


When I had the opportunity, through my partnership with Fitfluential, to try the new Mizuno Wave Sayonara, I was ecstatic.


A new shoe in the Mizuno line up, the Sayonara replaces both the Mizuno Wave Precision and the Wave Elixir as it marries the best features of both into one super light weight shoe! Here are the stats for your reference:

  • 7.1 oz weight
  • Heal to toe drop of 10mm
  • Performance neautral
  • $119.99

I’ve worn these shoes for multiple different workouts over the past few weeks including a long run along the Hudson with friends, a few shorter runs in Central Park, Barry’s Bootcamp classes, an Uplift Strength class, and finally today along the Highline and Hudson River.


The verdict is that I am truly a fan of the Wave Sayonara. The love didn’t begin immediately though. My first run in them was a Central Park 6 mile loop and my legs were a bit sore afterwards. However, after a few runs today they felt wonderful! I think the key to these shoes is gradually increasing the mileage since they fit differently than my other running shoes and they have a bit more drop. But, give them a week and you’ll love how responsive they are and how light and stable you feel in both running and bootcamp class alike!

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If you’re looking to try a new pair of shoes I couldn’t recommend these enough! Head to your local running store or Mizuno Running Store to order a pair! Your running will thank you! How can you not feel speedy in such bright, light shoes?

So, since these Mizuno Wave Sayonaras are heading to Geneva with me and will quickly get used to running hills, I figured sharing a hill workout with you all is quite fitting! Hill training isn’t always fun but it definitely makes you strong and you notice results within just a few workouts! This one is short enough that you can do it even if you’re just starting out with hill training and since it is geared towards a treadmill, you can do it either at your gym or on the road at a hotel gym!

hill training workout

Hill workouts – love them or hate them?

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La Esquina NYC and A Giveaway

Good morning! Waking up this morning was quite difficult as last night we had a wonderful date night with Frank and Melissa. They made reservations at one of their favorite restaurants, La Esquina! Bo and I have talked about enjoying one last Mexican meal before we leave as we think finding delicious Mexican will be quite difficult in London and Geneva. La Esquina Brasserie definitely delivered! Even though the restaurant is 8 years old, based on their packed house on a Monday night they are clearly doing something right still.

La Esquina

I couldn’t resist ordering their classic margarita, El Macizo Margarita! It was the perfect mix of salty and sweet due to the orange juice!

La Esquina Margarita

We ordered a number of small plates to share during the course of the night including their street corn, ensalada mixta, ceviche, rice & beans,  and pescada taquitos! We avoided the more expensive main course items which worked perfectly.  We left the restaurant 2 hours later happily full and didn’t break the bank.

La Esquina Dinner

Now, in other fun, as promised with my Instagram followers, I want to share a fun giveaway with you all! I love workout DVD and know that I will start using them even more in Geneva, however when packing this weekend I found that I have a few duplicates! I wanted to share the collection with one lucky reader who will be able to use these and enjoy inside workouts this summer during the hottest of days or this winter during the snowy, icy days!

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One lucky randomly selected  reader will win all 8 DVDs including 4 Physique 57 and 1 Exhale Core Fusion DVD!


To enter, leave a comment on this post about your favorite workout DVD or online workout you have done previously.

For 3 additional optional entries you an do the following!

  • Like A Healthy, Happier Bear on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter and leave a comment here stating that you are now following.
  • Tweet about the giveaway making sure you use @healthyhappier in the Tweet and then leave a comment on here letting me know.

A winner will be chosen on Thursday July 11th at noon! Good luck! Also, this giveaway is open only to U.S. residents


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