Run, Unpack, Eat & Repeat

This was one of those weekends which left me feeling like I need a vacation. Lucky for me vacation begins Friday at 6pm! Saturday through Tuesday we will be in Burgundy with our friend Ryan and Amy who are heading over to Europe for their annual anniversary trip!

Saturday the weekend began with a 16 mile long run through Geneva. Emily requested a new route as we’ve been running along the lake for the past month. Little did she know that I’d come up with a route that would take us from running up trails to crossing bridges and through small areas of Geneva she had not seen previously!

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Overall the run was a partial success. We ended up having to stop for traffic lights and to check the map a bit more than I would have liked but none of the stops were very long. In addition, the hills at the beginning and end really challenged our legs but we still finished strong. I didn’t wear my Garmin and instead we just ran for fun which was a nice way to breakup marathon training. While I drank plenty of water during the run I only consumed 40 calories which is definitely not enough for a long Emily has enjoyed running so much that she signed up for the Lausanne Marathon! As of now we are scheduled to be in London that weekend unfortunately but I’m excited to have a training partner for the next 3 long runs before she heads to the states for a quick trip.

As soon as I returned home Bo and I spent the next three hours unpacking boxes and working in the flat. While the movers did the majority of the unpacking on Friday, there was still plenty of work to be done including putting together some furniture, reorganizing, finding places for things, and hanging some pictures.

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By 1pm we found ourselves at the Geneva Airport picking up Bo’s sister, Meg, who was here for a quick visit before heading to London with Bo. Her arrive coincided perfectly with the beginning of our 30 day rental car which is part of the relocation package.

IMG_0979  While she rested Saturday afternoon we put the car to good use and made an Ikea trip where we were able to get in and out in 20 minutes! This record time was only possible due to the fact that Ikea closed 20 minutes after we arrived so we were forced to be efficient! The rest of the afternoon was spent doing heavier work like drilling and hanging mirrors as our friend PJ came over and lent us his tools for the weekend!

IMG_0982Luckily there was a great reward for all our hard work on Saturday – a night out with friends!  We went to dinner with Renaud, Sarah and Hugo at a beautiful Swiss restaurant on Lake Geneva, La Belotte. While the inclement weather didn’t allow us to sit out on the patio, but we barely noticed the storm passing outside as we were laughing too hard the entire time. The service was subpar but the food was delicious! Luckily Sarah and Renaud helped us make choices based on their previous experience and local specialties. The clear winners were the perch and the warm goat cheese salad!

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After dinner we sipped beers until 2am with new Geneva friends at Yvette de Marseille, a bar in Eaux Vive with indoor and outdoor space, perfect for a Summer evening. We discovered that they serve bottles of wine in bags instead of buckets and employ a guy to walk around saying “shhh” to louder groups versus a bouncer at the door. Oh Geneva, you’ll never cease to amaze me.

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Wine in a bag? Have you ever seen this before or am I just behind the times?

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Wordless Weekend

2013-08-25 13.10.442013-08-23 10.59.492013-08-23 13.54.302013-08-23 16.21.502013-08-24 07.28.492013-08-24 07.28.552013-08-24 07.40.132013-08-24 12.55.28-12013-08-24 16.03.302013-08-24 16.03.342013-08-24 16.25.252013-08-24 16.58.58-12013-08-24 20.23.412013-08-24 21.17.302013-08-24 22.09.382013-08-25 00.18.54-12013-08-25 00.47.252013-08-25 01.27.282013-08-25 11.11.452013-08-25 12.19.12

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Tips for Growing Long Hair

Lately, anytime I post a picture on Facebook or Instagram the comments revolve around my hair.

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The comments and emails that follow a post with my picture often request tips for growing hair long and favorite products.  Until these comments, I hadn’t thought much about my hair or its evolution over the past few years.I’m not sure why I never realized this. Maybe it is because I’m guilty of wearing my hair in a bun or ponytail too often. But, looking back at pictures from the past few years and talking to my mom, I realize that this is my hair at it’s absolute longest – ever!  Until this year my hair stayed right below my shoulders as this is the way every single stylist wants to cut my hair.  

My Hair Lengths

So, how did I grow my hair out and keep it healthy? I don’t really have any tips other than just say no when it comes to over eager stylists who want to chop your locks and get trims at least every 8 weeks. Here are my favorite beauty products that I have used during this process. Keep in mind, I am blessed with very thick hair naturally and have also never dyed or chemically treated my hair. By default this means that my hair is very strong and therefore doesn’t tend to break. Some of these products may seem expensive but in my opinion, healthy hair is worth it! Also, I am not in any way pregnant but these VitaFusion prenatal vitamins are more effective than any other vitamin and who can resist the gummy flavor and texture?

Favorite Hair Products

Conair Shower CombFekkai Defense Pre-Style Thermal/UV ProtectantVitaFusion PreNatal Gummy VitaminsPhyto Hair and Nails SupplementSebastian Trilliance ShampooFekkai Silky Straight Ironless ConditionerNeutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Mask

What is your favorite hair tip or product?

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