Running Gear Prices in UK

Good morning! Did you all have a good Friday night?

Bo and I made a last minute decision to curl up on the couch together enjoying a relaxing evening with sushi, Grey’s Anatomy and a glass of wine. Since we live in cities that are still very new to us, I find that we are scheduling every moment wanting to see and taste everything. Sometimes it’s important to slow down and just relax. Our first sushi delivery experiment went very well! The quality of the sushi and the rice to fish ratio was perfect while still being less expensive than our favorite sushi delivery place in NYC. IMG_2982Before curling up on the couch with Bo, I had an active evening which included buying new running shoes, running 10 miles and yoga with Charlie!

I decided last week, after input from many people on Twitter, that I’d just wear my shoes one more time for the actual marathon as they were getting pretty worn out. But, after arriving in London on Thursday night, Bo and I realized that they most likely were thrown out by accident. Last weekend there were a number of bags being thrown out with all our organizing and cleaning. It was a total mistake but for a few brief minutes yesterday I went into panic mode. The three pair of shoes I rotate for my shorter runs are definitely not supportive enough for a marathon. But, luckily a local running store, Runners Need, solved my issues within minutes.  The associate looked at my pictures to identify the shoes I wore for my 20 milers and then within minutes had me on the treadmill, assessing my gait to ensure they were the appropriate shoes. She even looked at my calves and legs, feeling for tightness to see if this could be caused by the shoes! I also learned that while the large shoe companies such as Mizuno, Saucony, Brooks, and Nike have all the same models here as they do in the US, the color choices are totally different by country. Needless to say, I was forced into my first pair of black running shoes, even though I bought the same style I’ve worn for a year in the US – Mizuno Wave Rider 16.

Mizuno Women's Wave Rider 16

Within 15 minutes I had marathon shoes, socks, and NUUN which I’ll use to keep me hydrated this week and on the flight to New York City. Since so many people have asked why I am doing a lot of shopping in New York City versus Geneva and London, this is a perfect example. Here is a list of what I bought yesterday with a comparison in prices for you.

Mizuno Wave Rider 16            US SRP: $115       UK SRP: 99 Pounds = $160

Thorlo Experia Sock                US SRP: $15         UK SRP: 12.50 Pounds= $20

NUUN Grape                            US SRP: $6.50      UK SRP: 5.99 Pounds = $9.65

                             Total in US: $136    in UK conversion: $190                 

The above answers the question everyone has of why I would shop in New York City versus Europe. London is less expensive than Geneva and still I spent more then $50 more here than I would at Jack Rabbit or another running store in the US. While I will certainly buy some things here, the more I can buy when we are in the States the more beneficial it is for our wallet!

After the shopping trip I made a quick change at home and headed out for my last long run before the marathon, 10 miles around 3 of our nearby parks:  Hyde Park, Kensington Park, and Regents Park. IMG_2963None of the miles felt easy and it was 70 degrees, even at 6pm, but I pushed through and focused on the gorgeous surroundings and my podcast.  The parks were filled with couples enjoying evening picnics, groups of teenagers playing sports, other runners, and the staff setting up for this weekend’s large half marathon, Royal Parks Half Marathon.  I definitely want to do this half next year as the course is beautiful!

IMG_2976 IMG_2974My run ended in Fitzrovia at Good Vibes Fitness where I met Charlie for a yoga date. We are both training for marathons and rarely practice yoga alone. We knew that if we committed to doing yoga together instead of a run it would ensure we squeezed in some important stretching, especially since I am in taper mode now.  Good Vibes is a gym which features pilates, yoga, power plates, and spin classes all under one roof. Charlie nor I had been to the studio before but were excited to try one of their yoga classes. The studio was very clean and bright and the staff was super helpful especially for newcomers like us.

There are 4 separate bathroom stalls and then a changing area for men and women with showers. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to explore the entire studio space as we arrived right when the class started.  We quickly moved into the yoga studio which was heated and featured bright orange mats for everyone.  The class we took, Yang and Yin by Candlelight, was divine! The 75 minute class included 45 minutes of strong flow followed by 30 minutes of restorative poses in a dark room with candlelight. It was a great way to end the week and transition into the weekend. My hips and back definitely appreciated some of restorative opening poses.  The instructor, Natasha, was very sweet but I wish she adjusted students more. Maybe that it is an American thing but I love when teachers adjust during yoga as it helps me move deeper into the poses or insure I am aligned properly. However, she did say something during the class which really resonated.

Yoga is a practice, not a performance.

Sometimes I go into a yoga class putting so much pressure on myself to either get into poses deeper than last time or hold crow pose for longer than last time. Instead, when I can just release everything and forget about any expectations the class goes best.  After 75 minutes Charlie and I were both very relaxed and our limbs felt more limber than they have in ages! In fact, we both loved the class so much that we’ve already talked about planning a date for the next Friday I am in London!

How about you? How was your Friday? Any fun weekend plans? We are spending most of the weekend similar to last night, relaxing together. We do have plans to meet up with some friends for drinks early this evening.

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Day in the Life: October 3, 2013

Over the past month two of my friends, Theodora and Meghann, have featured Day In The Life posts on their blogs. I really enjoy reading posts like this as it helps me understand a blogger just a bit more if I know what their “normal” day is like versus mine. Therefore, I thought I would do the same.

I really have 3 types of days so this will be a glimpse into one of them – a commuting day. In the future I’ll do a Geneva day and then a working from London day as well.

5:15am – Alarm goes off but my body screams for more minutes. Since it’s taper time I’m really listening to my body’s request for sleep.

5:30am – Alarm #2 goes off and I relax in bed for 15 minutes catching up on news, blogs and emails before finally getting out of bed

5:45am – Change into running gear and wash my face before heading out the door. I wash my face as this is the quickest way to wake myself up in the morning when I’m drowsy.

IMG_28956:00am – Decide that this morning’s run will be 4 miles around the neighborhood as my deep tissue massage and speed session has left my legs tired and sore.

6:41am – Walk through the door feeling much better after the run. Amazed that it is still so warm in Geneva.

6:45-7:20am – Shower, dry hair, make bed, apply make-up, and head out the door.

7:20am – Realize, in panic, that I forgot to pack my bag for London.

7:20-7:30am- Thankful that I already have a few things in London, including workout gear and a few silk blouses, I only pack a yoga outfit and one change of clothes before dashing out the door.

7:42 – 8:07am – Faster than normal commute to work via the tram and bus. I have fallen in love with listening to Jillian Michael’s podcasts during the commute and especially enjoy today’s, Words of Comfort.

8:15am – Pick up bircher muesli and coffee from the cafe in the office.  IMG_2076

8:20-9am – Catch up on work emails before the day of meetings begins

9-11:45am- 3 different meetings with 3 different groups of people about 3 different topics, all relating to e-commerce growth

11:45-12:00pm – Grab a few bites of lox, grilled chicken and salad from the catered lunch bar we ordered for our presentation to the organization. It still amazes me how much the food in Geneva differs from New York, especially for catered events. 

12-1:30pm Lead a lunchtime Digital, E-Commerce and Social Fundamentals training with my 2 counterparts, Ema and Christa, for our organization. Attendance is so strong that there aren’t enough seats for the group and food runs out early. In awe that over 80 people attended!

1:30-2:15pm Catch up on morning emails

2:15-3:45pm My weekly 90 minute French lesson with Professor Dib is more fun than normal because the entire lesson revolves around travel vocabulary. He realizes that I’m very good at memorizing and we make our way through 60 words by the end of the lesson. He also warns me that I’ll have homework when I’m in the US and it will be conjugating, not vocabulary.

3:45pm Dash upstairs to close out a few emails, touch base with a colleague and refill my water bottle before packing up my computer.

4pm Realize once again that I can’t take advantage of our office airport shuttle since it only begins the afternoon service at 4:30. Instead wait for a taxi since a bus will take too long.

4:15pm Begin getting very anxious when a taxi still hasn’t arrived.

4:17pm Three Italian colleagues inform me that they ordered a taxi and I can ride with them for free.

4:32pm Run to security, thankful to find a shorter than normal line.


4:45pm Have a five minute conversation with the customs guard who wants to know how I’m enjoying living between two cities. I really enjoy taking the time to slow down and converse with him as it reminds me how lucky I am, even during the chaotic moments, to have this opportunity. He asks about New York City and I end up recommending three restaurants and a hotel to him before leaving for my gate.

4:58pm I have 10 minutes before my flight boards and know that I really do not want the complimentary dinner sandwich they give you on the flight. Instead go into the small cafe and buy a salad and sparking water, proud of myself for making the healthier food decision. Bo will appreciate me not being “hangry pants” when I land in London.

IMG_29205:10 – 6:30pm Flight from Geneva to London City Airport via Swiss Air. Swiss is actually cheaper than EasyJet these days and the experience is far better overall. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine while I spend the hour going through work emails.

6:41pm Make my way through customs at London City Airport in record time


6:44 – 7:20pm Commute to Marylebone via DLR to Canningtown then Jubilee Line to Baker Street

7:30 – 8pm Chat with Theodora via GChat and do some light cleaning around the flat before Bo gets home.

8-8:15pm It starts raining so instead of roaming around High Street in search of a dinner spot we dash into a pub for a pint.

 IMG_2949 IMG_2950

8:15 – 9:20pm The rain gets heavier so our pub choice turns into our dinner spot as well. Luckily the Yelp reviews are positive for the pubs alcohol selection and their food. While we’re both hungry we decide to share everything since the menu is very rich. We share a salad, appetizer and roasted chicken.


9:30-9:45pm Start downloading a movie on iTunes and catch up with friends back in US via GChat

9:45pm We are both exhausted so decide to call it an early night.

What does a day in your life look like?

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What I Want Wednesday: Brown Tall Boots

This week, I am on the hunt for brown boots. I know exactly what I want, which is making the hunt harder not easier. I want boots that are taller than mid calf, medium to light brown, leather, feature a wide enough calf so they can go over jeans while not being too slouchy.

Right now we’re having a bit of an Indian Summer in Geneva so I can’t quite transition fully into tall boots, sweaters and scarves. I can’t believe that this week it will reach 75 degrees even though just a few weeks ago it was in the 40s. 

fall in london

The biggest difference I notice in both London and Geneva versus New York City is how much it cools off at night. Most evenings it is in the low 50s and the breeze can make it feel as if it’s closer to 40. Last Saturday night when we ate outside in Marylebone we were all in layers including sweaters and jackets, wishing we’d added a scarf to the mix!

IMG_2649I’m currently evaluating my current closet and figuring out what needs to be added or replaced. The number one thing that I’ve noticed is that my brown boots are beyond exhausted. They have been resoled three times already over their 4 year lifespan and are no longer comfortable. It’s time to say goodbye to my beloved Madden boots and replace them with a fresh pair of tall boots. Here are a few of my favorites which I’ve pinned in preparation for my New York City shopping trip in two weeks!

I’ve included a range of boots across different price points, brands, retailers, and shade of brown.

Tall Brown Boots 

Sam Edelman ‘Penny’ BootClarks Plaza BeagleTory Burch Brita Riding BootJ.Crew Field BootsSteven by Steve Madden IntyceChinese Laundry FlashSam Edelman BootFrye Melissa Button BootCorso Como Stirrup Boot

Your Turn: Do you own any of these? Any favorites?

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